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It is becoming increasingly clear that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is failing to live up to its alleged preventative benefits. We've already seen small outbreaks of measles in the U.S. and now mumps appears to be making a comeback. And even though homeopathy is an effective alternative treatment for mumps, mainstream medicine doesn't really want you to know about it
The conventional medical answer to mumps outbreaks is a good example of the proverbial definition of insanity. In spite of the fact that the large majority of cases involve previously vaccinated individuals, medical authorities recommend more boosters of the same vaccine that didn't work in the first place.
Mumps is a communicable viral illness that localizes primarily in the parotid and salivary glands. It is easily spread by contact and affects mostly children and young adults. Also known as parotitis, mumps symptoms include inflammation and swelling of glands in the region of the cheeks, jaw, and in front of and beneath the ears. The swollen face of a person with mumps resembles the puffy cheeked appearance of a hamster. Other common symptoms include painful swallowing, fever, chills, body aches, headache, and malaise.
As is true with measles, the dangers regarding mumps have been deliberately overhyped. The vast majority of mumps cases are completely benign. The medical establishment whips up as much fear as possible regarding these illnesses, and the knee-jerk media runs with each new storyline because it's good for ratings. Although the intent is to promote vaccination in general, the MMR vaccine is clearly not producing the immunity that has been promised. (A serious discussion of the well-documented risks of the MMR vaccine is a separate topic that would require too much space here.)
It is true that mumps can occasionally spread or "metastasize," producing similar symptoms of inflammation and swelling in other glands, especially the breasts in women and the testicles in men. Although it is always a good idea to seek professional help, it is especially important to do so in cases of metastasis.
Because conventional medicine has no actual treatment for mumps, it focuses on prevention through vaccination. Once a person contracts mumps, medicine can only recommend common sense supportive measures. Adequate rest and hydration are certainly advisable, but symptomatic relief with drugs can be less than desirable given their suppressive nature, especially in light of that fact that homeopathy has so much more to offer. (For similar reasons regarding the lack of available conventional treatments, I've previously written about homeopathic care for both measles and whooping cough.)
The UK's National Health Service website states the following about mumps:
The good news is that homeopathy is a medical therapy par excellence for boosting the immune system. And although the medical establishment has its head buried deep in the sand when it comes to the power of this unique holistic therapy, believe it or not, there are a number of specific homeopathic medicines that can be effectively used to treat mumps.
Successful homeopathic treatment always depends upon identifying the unique features of each individual case of illness, and that same principle applies to the treatment of mumps. The key question is, what makes one particular case of mumps different from another? While one person may have a high fever, red face, and swollen right parotid gland, another may have swelling on the left side of the face, may complain of feeling cold, and may feel restless and unable to lie still. Although both have mumps, they have noticeably different symptom profiles. These are exactly the kinds of clues that can be useful in homeopathic prescribing.
Let's review the symptom profiles of some common mumps remedies:
Pulsatilla is a commonly indicated mumps remedy, especially when the child feels warm, throws the covers off, and lacks thirst, preferring to drink very little. The child may act weepy and clingy, prefers company, and wants comfort and attention from caregivers. This is also the main remedy for mumps that has metastasized to the breast or testicles.
Rhus toxicodendron is another commonly indicated mumps remedy. It suits cases with left-sided swelling, especially when there is restlessness that prevents the person from being able to sleep or rest comfortably. The child tosses and turns, feels chilly, and may complain of a stiff neck or general stiffness. Also indicated in cases that have metastasized to the testes.
Belladonna is more suitable for right-sided cases of mumps. Sudden onset of high fever, often around 3PM, with throbbing sensations, especially throbbing headache, are distinguishing clues. There is often a bright red flushed face with cool extremities.
Mercurius vivus is indicated when the characteristic clues of bad breath, metallic taste in the mouth, and excessive salivation are present. The person may drool on the pillow during sleep. There is fever with perspiration, and the person is sensitive to slight temperature changes, alternatingly feeling warm, then cold, then warm again.
Bryonia alba is a commonly indicated remedy for many acute illnesses. The distinguishing feature is any symptom that compels the person to remain quiet and motionless. Any movement can aggravate the symptom in question (headache, cough, body aches, or face/neck pain in the case of mumps). The person is usually irritable, chilly, and prefers large quantities of cold drinks at long intervals.
Bromium is particularly suited to left-sided cases of mumps where the involved gland is swollen and very hard. There may be hoarseness of the voice with a cough that becomes aggravated in a warm room.
Carbo vegetabilis fits cases that involve the stomach, often with bloating, indigestion, and a great deal of belching. The gland may be hard, and the person feels weak and chilly, but desires air, even preferring a fan blowing.
Lycopodium should be considered when mumps begins on the right and then spreads to the left side.
Lachesis may be the remedy of choice when mumps begins on the left and then spreads to the right side.
Hepar sulphuris is suited to cases that are very painful, where the person is quite irritable, very chilly, and dislikes any exposure to cold. Warmth may be the only thing that soothes the pain.
Additional remedies that may be useful for mumps:
Aconitum, Apis mellifica, Baryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Cistus canadensis, Silicea
A few doses of the correct remedy administered (preferably in a 30c or 30x potency) over a 24-48 hour period can catalyze a healing response that becomes apparent as symptoms diminish. If improvement is not forthcoming, it is reasonable to try another remedy that matches the symptom profile of the sick individual. Once the correct remedy is taken, recovery should not be far behind. Homeopathy should be the first line of treatment in all active cases of mumps.