Homeopathy In A Brand New World of Species-Jumping Diseases

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Homeopathy In A Brand New World of Species Jumping Diseases


Phlebovirus Gene Expression Showing Glycoprotein, Polymerase, Genomic RNA

In our world, we can pick up a newspaper any day of the week and find reports of new scientific and medical findings, such as:

It has come to my attention that a brand new world has been evolving here on earth and makes me wonder: Can genes, viruses and bacteria jump species?

The New England Journal Of Medicine publication concerning a new Phlebovirus associated with severe febrile illness hints at the possibilities that viruses jumping species may happen; perhaps at this very moment. I don't know whether this type of activity has always been happening, or if our meddling in the genetic pool with synthesized GMO's has triggered this ability.

Healers must examine the list of symptoms both in the individuals and in the group of people affected. In this Phlebovirus case, fever, fatigue, diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia were reported after tick bites in two men. The onset of illness began after 5-7 days. Everyone knows that Rocky Mountain Fever and Lyme disease spread through an infected tick. Scientists suspect Ehrlichia chaffeensis as the causal agent, but was not found on serologic analysis, polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay, or cell culture.

These puzzling febrile illnesses seem contrary to our understanding of these species in nature

Our knowledge about infectious disease, vector dissemination and gene expression through scientific research has broadened. "Phlebovirus is one of five genera of the family Bunyaviridae. The Phlebovirus genus currently comprises over 70 antigenically distinct serotypes, only a few of which have been studied. The 68 known serotypes are divided into two groups: the Phlebotomus fever viruses (the sandfly group, transmitted by Phlebotominae sandflies) comprises 55 members and the Uukuniemi group (transmitted by ticks) comprises the remaining 13 members.  ~ Source

With the spread of infectious diseases, such as malaria, encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, Hantavirus and ebola, scientists attempt to stop these diseases in their tracks. But, if rapid mutation precludes laboratory discoveries to effectively find drug and vaccine solutions and cures, then we must look at other approaches. 

Care in drug use must be applied when the body may be able to heal itself with vitamins, nutrition, rest, sunshine and supplemental therapies. 

Researchers investigate the phylogenetic relationships among members of the genus Phlebovirus (Bunyaviridae) based on partial M segment sequence analysis.  These viruses cause clinical syndromes ranging from a short, self-limiting febrile illness to fatal haemorrhagic fever. We learned from the Cambodian mystery Coxsackie viral illness, that use of steroids will kill the patient when used to reduce fever. 

  • Typically the sandfly harbors the Phlebovirus, how did it jump to the tick? This virus has previously been found in mammals both wild and and domestic, as well as birds. We don't know if it can jump between humans. The genus currently consists of 68 antigenically distinct virus serotypes, most of which have not been genetically characterized. RT-PCR with four 'cocktail' primers was performed to amplify a region of the M segment of the genome of 24 phleboviruses included in the sandfly fever Naples, sandfly fever Sicilian and Punta Toro serocomplexes.
  • Genetic Testing Breaks Down The Proteins | Partial M segment sequences were successfully obtained and phylogenetic analysis was performed. The three resultant genotypic lineages were consistent with serological data. The sequence divergences were 27·6 % (nucleotide) and 25·7 % (amino acid) within the Sicilian serocomplex, 33·7 % (nucleotide) and 34·4 % (amino acid) within the Naples serocomplex and 35·6 % (nucleotide) and 37·5 % (amino acid) within the Punta Toro serocomplex.
  • Immunization Appears To Lead To A Dead End | Overall, the diversities among viruses of Sicilian, Naples and Punta Toro serocomplexes were 48·2 % and 57·6 % at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively. This high genetic divergence may explain the difficulties in designing a consensus primer pair for the amplification of all the phleboviruses using RT-PCR. It also suggests that infection with one genotype may not completely immunize against infection with all other genotypes in a given serocomplex. These findings have implications for potential vaccine development and may help explain clinical reports of multiple episodes of sandfly fever in the same individual.

With global climate change, natural disasters, limited clean water supplies and increasing population in mobile societies, these viruses will proliferate. Reasonable concern over the Phlebovirus for public health officials and the World Health Organization calls for further study. The virus can cause brief, self-limiting febrile illness to retinitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis and fatal haemorragic fever. And, sandflies can be found in southern Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the Americas. 

Ticks also spread Lyme Diseasethe most common vector-borne disease reported in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) considers it to be the fastest growing vector-borne disease in the U.S.7, with an overall incidence of 7.9 per 100,000 population.

Tick Bite Prevention Measures:

  • Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and head protection.
  • Use a natural repellent.
  • Bath or shower immediately after walking outdoors in wooded areas, high grasses or piles of leaves
  • Check for bites or ticks. Conduct a full-body tick check using a hand-held or full-length mirror to view all parts of your body upon return from tick-infested areas. Parents should check their children for ticks under the arms, in and around the ears, inside the belly button, behind the knees, between the legs, around the waist, and especially in their hair.
  • Examine gear and pets. Ticks can ride into the home on clothing and pets, then attach to a person later, so carefully examine pets, coats, and day packs.
  • Tumble clothes in a dryer on high heat for an hour to kill remaining ticks.
  • Avoid high risk areas when possible. Learn where ticks live
  • Adopt a Guinea Fowl hen. These birds are effective tick eaters.
  • Learn the proper way to remove ticks. Instructions


Our universe of information keeps growing. We can utilize this news in profound ways to improve our world. We can think egocentrically that humans have the right and power to dominate over others; or we can live in peace and harmony with our surroundings. Homeopathy teaches us that we are the soil that must be nourished in order to adapt to nature, be flexible to bend in the wind, and retain structure and form identity without destroying our world. We have within us the means to maintain health and must understand how the body heals itself using non-toxic energy medicines. 

In the preface to the "Organon of Medicine," Dr Samuel Hahnemann wrote, "For should our vital force have its integrity impaired by injurious influences from without, then this force strives instinctively and automatically to free itself from the adventitious derangement (disease) by revolutionary processes: but these very efforts are themselves disease; they are a second different malady substituted for the original one."

However, as scientists continue to tamper with our natural world, we will see the push-back by all living organisms to stand their ground and endeavor to survive these attacks on their presence. They have built in instincts and programming to overcome obstacles and survive the millennia of changes from earthquakes, volcanoes, fire, flood, comets, changes in climate and even radiation. Only now they must contend with chemical, biological and genetic assaults. They will overcome. Do you doubt it? It's their nature to survive. I question whether humans can survive the onslaught of the increasing numbers of biologically engineered substance in our environment. 


We can manage on earth with weeds, bugs, bacteria, viruses and disease only by recognizing that everything has a form, function and the ability to live in harmony. If we can turn the burr into velcro, we can learn from what nature has to offer. If we observe the cycles of epidemic disease, we can also see that certain plants, minerals and natural energies, such as sunlight, can provide protection. Nurturing our immune systems by improving life style provides the answer. But, these steps take individual intention, work, energy and time. Using our minds and intellect to build up our personal and group resources will enable us to survive. Finding our own artistic abilities and pursuing our passions will enliven us, motivate us and bring us closer together.


One approach to medical science dictates that to heal, we must tamper, reconstruct, fix and use our technological ability at genetic manipulation or chemistry to concoct new antibiotics or vaccines. These therapies hold promise, but extract a heavy financial burden on society, and take decades to see results.

The CAM approach, including homeopathy, takes the knowledge and wisdom of past medical sages and develops a deeper understanding and appreciation of our human nature interacting with our environment. We use the powers of observation, eye for detail, incorporation of mind, emotional expression, physical symptoms and community to better utilize the resources already available. Some people say, "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it."

Homeopathic professionals throughout two centuries have painstakingly detailed human expression and catalogued drug effects, 'provings' or clinical trials, accidental toxic poisonings and observation in the encyclopedic "Materia Medica" and the rubrics in the "Repertory." These resources continue to evolve as our knowledge base expands. The gentle acting homeopathic remedies have never been recalled for side effects.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann presented the world with a blue-print for how to practice the medical arts and sciences. Many have advised practitioners to read this book annually as a ritual to reap a more in-depth comprehension of the basic principles of homeopathy.


Homeopathic Philosophy
Homeopathic principles guide us to seek out the etiology of any illness. Thus, if we realize the vector, either a tainted water supply, an insect bite, a bacteria, then we can find the remedies that target this.

Fortunately, homeopaths have numerous remedies documented and the art of individualization now begins. Understanding the specialized response pattern for an individual will help narrow down the choices for remedy selection.

And, furthermore, homeopaths work in partnership with patients to determine day-by-day the progress toward cure. They have the ability to gain feedback from patient observation on all levels, physical, emotional and mental; plus, utilize clinical lab reports and the physicians skills to check pulse, blood pressure, countenance, gait, handshake, physical build, and facial expression.


Ledum palustra

Most Commonly Used Homeopathy Remedy After Tick Bite

  • Ledum palustra 30C potency has traditionally been given immediately after any type of puncture wound. The tick punctures the skin in the same way as a mosquito, then injects the toxin. 

    Peter Alex has written extensively about Lyme Tick Born Disease and has found that Aurum arsenicosum 200C potency following the Ledum provides excellent results to prevent the disease.
  • Allen's Keynotes on Ledum | Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; constitutions abused by alcohol (Colch.). Haemorrhage into anterior chamber after iridectomy. Contusions of eye and lids, especially if much extravasation of blood; ecchymosis of lids and conjunctiva. Rheumatism or gout; begins in lower limbs and ascends (descends, Kal.); especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse of Colchicum; joints become the seat of nodosities and "gout stones." which are painful; acute and chronic arthiritis. Affects left shoulder and right hip-joint (Agar., Ant. t., Stram.).

    Emaciation of affected parts (Graph.). Pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing; rheumatic pains are < by motion; < at night, by warmth of bed and bed-covering (Mer.); > only when holding feet in ice-water (Sec.). Complaints of people who are cold all the time; always feel cold and chilly; lack of animal or vital heat (Sep., Sil.); the wounded parts especially are cold to touch.

    Parts cold to touch, but not cold subjectively to patient. In some affections, warmth of bed intolerable on account of heat and burning of limbs. Swelling: of feet, up to knees; of ankle with unbearable pain when walking, as from a sprain or false step; ball of great toe swollen, painful; in heels as if bruised. Intense itching of feet and ankles; < from scratching and warmth of bed (Puls., Rhus). Easy spraining of ankles and feet (Carbo an.).

    Punctured wounds by sharp pointed instruments, as awls, nails (Hyper.); rat bites, stings of insects, especially mosquitoes. Red pimples or tubercules on forehead and cheeks, as in brandy drinkers, stinging when touched. Long-remaining discoloration after injuries: "black and blue" places become greenSource
  • Homeopaths have found a variety of remedy potencies work based upon intensity and expression of the person's disease and immune system. Experienced homeopaths will tally the presenting symptoms to narrow down remedy choices, such as the AIDS nosode, Apis, Arbuts, Argentum Nitricum, Arnica, Arsenicum Album, Bryonia, Candida Albicans, Carboneum Sulphuricum, Carcinocin, China, Cimex, Cimicifuga, Colchicine, Gelsemium, Glycyrrhiza, Hypericum, Ixodes, Kalmia, Lac Caninium, Ledum, Lyssinum, Mercury, Mezurium, Myristica, Natrum muriaticum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Rhus Toxicodendron, Ruta, Sepia, Silica, Spilanthes, Sulphur, Symphytum, Syphilinum, Tellurium, Thuja, Toxoplasm, Trombidium, Tuberculinum, Viscum and several different Lyme nosodes, etc.

I hope this presentation has provided food for thought. My mission as an educator to spread 'waves of awareness' about the powers within each of us to heal and utilize natural medicine makes me curious about our world and concerned for how we care for the earth.

* * * 
  • The information on this site is posted for educational purposes only, and not intended to constitute medical or legal advice. As with any important medical or legal matter, you are advised to consult an experienced health care provider and/or knowledgeable attorney concerning your specific health & vaccine exemption or waiver concerns.
  • No attorney-client relationship or doctor-patient relationship is intended, implied or created by the posting or viewing of information on this site; nor is a doctor-patient or an attorney-client relationship created by the submission or exchange of questions or information via email or otherwise with Debby Bruck
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  • Debby Bruck has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information on this blog site, but absolute accuracy is not guaranteed. 
  • Always check with your health care provider
  • Thought provoking questions may be asked to stimulate critical thinking and discussion. 


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