The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence

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The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence

The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence

Japan Has Become Ground Zero Where The HPV Vaccine Debacle Is Unfolding In Public View

In Japan, young women and girls suffering from severe chronic generalized pain following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil® or GSK’s Cervarix®, are speaking out and have organized. The issues are being debated at public hearings at which scientific presentations have been made by independent medical experts who validated the women’s suffering, with documented evidence of the severe nature of the pain related to the HPV vaccine. The opposing view, presented by scientists aligned with the vaccine establishment, disregarded the scientific plausibility of the evidence, and declared the pain was a “psychosomatic reaction.”[41]

Such public debates do not take place where vaccine stakeholders are in full control of vaccine safety information.

The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence

Following a public hearing (February 2014) at which scientific evidence was presented by independent scientists[42] the Japanese government, not only rescinded its recommendation that girls receive the HPV vaccine, Japan established guidelines and special clinics for evaluating and treating illnesses caused by the vaccine. It is a scenario that Merck, GSK, and vaccine stakeholders globally are extremely anxious to suppress.

The Merck-commissioned, CSIS report co-authored by Dr. Larson, paints a picture of an all-out war over media coverage – not over the high rate of serious adverse reactions. The authors resort to the usual tactic of discrediting vaccine-injured individuals; they dismissed the serious health effects suffered by girls and young women following vaccination, as trivial. The CSIS report presents the entire issue as an epidemic fueled by Internet rumors and “vaccine hesitators”.

“Over the last year, controversy within the Japanese medical and political arenas over the HPV vaccine has touched the public at large. Through social media and highly publicized events, anti-vaccine groups have gained control of the narrative surrounding the HPV vaccine.”

Global Collaborators in Action: Trash Honest Scientists to Suppress Inconvenient Evidence

The following case demonstrates how the global network of government/academic and industry stakeholders suppresses information about genuine scientific findings and when needed is engaged in corrupt practices to thwart the airing of information about vaccine safety issues. This case involves inconvenient scientific laboratory findings in post-mortem tissue samples, showing that the HPV vaccine was contaminated with foreign HPV DNA fragments. The case also involves evidence (contained in internal correspondence) of deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions.

In January 2016,  pathologist Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director of Milford Medical Laboratory sent an open letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, in which he challenges the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination (issued March 2014), and charges professional misconduct on the part of the following individuals (and suggests that others may have also been actively involved) in a scheme to deliberately mislead the Japanese Expert Inquiry on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety before, during and after the February 2014 public hearing in Tokyo”:

Dr. Lee challenged the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination written by Dr. Pless, accusing him of deliberately misrepresenting his scientific findings in order to mislead non-scientific readers and those who set vaccination policies. Dr. Pless is accused of deliberately conflating two unrelated articles, dealing with two different chemicals, written by different authors “apparently to create a target to attack.”  Furthermore, Dr. Lee notes that the GACVS Statement relied on an unpublished 12-year old “Technical Report” written by an unofficial, unnamed “group of participants” (according to CDC’s disclaimer).

These are the facts:

In 2011, Dr. Lee found that every one of the 13 Gardasil samples that he examined contained HPV L1 gene DNA fragments. He also found that the HPV DNA fragments were not only bound to Merck’s proprietary aluminum adjuvant but also adopted a non-B conformation, thereby creating a new chemical compound of unknown toxicity. This non-B conformation, Dr. Lee believes, is responsible for the array of autoimmune illnesses experienced by children and young women following vaccination with Gardasil.

In 2012, Dr. Lee testified at a coroner’s inquest of the death of a New Zealand teenager, 6 months after receiving 3 Gardasil vaccine injections. He then published his case report in the open access journal, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (2012).Dr. Lee was a presenter at the Tokyo hearing (2014) at which he disputed those who claimed the young women weren’t really suffering severe pain; they were having “psychosomatic reactions”. He stated:

“I do not believe psychosomatic reactions can cause sudden unexpected death in sleep, or inflammatory lesions in the brain as demonstrated by the MRI images and the brain biopsy histopathology with perivascular lymphocytes and macrophages and demyelination.”

Following the public hearing, GAVC issued a statement (March 12, 2014) aimed at discrediting Dr. Lee’s research by conflating his research with the research of other scientists who presented at the Tokyo hearing. This case should have been prominently reported in the medical journals and by the mass media, and the allegation should have been investigated. Mainstream publications have been silent; the case was reported only in alternative news outlets.[43]

HPV vaccine Controversy Erupts in the Streets of Columbia

In March 2015, hundreds of parents marched in streets of Bogota demanding treatment for their daughters who suffer from serious medical conditions following the second dose of Gardasil.

The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence
The marchers demanded that government health officials should:

  1. Provide adequate treatment for the 800 girls known who are affected to date;

  2. Suspend the use of HPV vaccines in Colombia until such time as the safety issues are resolved;

  3. Conduct adequate studies to determine the exact cause(s) of the serious adverse effects following the HPV vaccine;

  4. The parents challenged the Colombian National Institute of Health (INS) for its statement dismissing the connection between the vaccine and these diseases, which they, like the other collaborating institutions, attributed to psychosomatic hysteria.

The young girls and their parents, however, have the world’s foremost expert on autoimmune disorders on their side. Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeldshocked the audience of the III Colombian Symposium on Autoimmunity by stating he would not recommend HPV vaccines for his own daughter. When asked about the mass psychosomatic theory used to explain the newly emerged medical conditions shortly after HPV vaccinations, Dr. Shoenfeld replied:

Although it is known that there are sometimes panic reactions, especially among women, it is very unlikely that the symptoms presented after receiving the vaccine are due to psychological reasons, especially if one takes into account that it is happening in different parts of the world with the same signs and symptoms.

When we administered HPV vaccines to mice, they had the same symptoms as girls affected. I don’t believe the mice bewitched each other. As with any drug prescribed to a patient, we must consider whether certain vaccines are needed. If the negative effects outweigh the benefits, the vaccine should not be prescribed.”

Dr. Shoenfeld further stated that in Colombia hundreds of children are suffering from autoimmune disorders that emerged directly after HPV vaccination:

“If there is a case, or an avalanche of cases, this must be investigated in the proper way. To say it is something psychological or viral is not enough. You need scientists from different disciplines to analyze it.

We believe aluminum is a toxic substance for the brain. It accumulates, continues this for weeks and months. It’s like a Trojan Horse for the brain. Aluminum is a neurotoxin. Experimental research shows clearly that aluminum adjuvants have a potential for inducing serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum adjuvants carry a risk for autoimmunity, inflammation of the brain and neurological long-term complications and therefore can have profound and widespread consequences for health.”

In July 2016, a victims’ group filed a multi-plaintiff lawsuit in the district courts of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka against the Japanese government and the two pharmaceutical companies that had produced these vaccines. Furthermore, in December of the same year, additional victims joined the multi-plaintiff lawsuit, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to 119 (Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017).

Journal Editors With Financial Conflicts of Interest Have Enormous Power

Two studies confirm that: Most Editors of Top Medical Journals Receive Industry Payments (Retraction Watch, Nov. 2017)  The following case is an example of how tightly controlled publication channels have utterly corrupted science. The case demonstrates the great difficulty encountered by independent scientists who have not sold their integrity to the highest bidder.

The study, Behavioral Abnormalities In Young Female Mice Following Administration Of Aluminum Adjuvants And The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil,  was conducted in Israel. The senior author, Professor Yehuda Schoenfeld is an internationally recognized authority, who is considered to be the pillar in the field of autoimmunity. The focus of his research, however, threatens the vaccine industry by examining “the roles and mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to autoimmune/inflammatory response.” Indeed, Dr. Shoenfeld identified a new syndrome ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).

The HPV-mouse study was published in the journal Vaccine in January 2016. It was summarily withdrawn a month later following orders by the Editor-in-Chief, Gregory Poland.[44]

Dr. Poland’s direct conflicts of interest [45]  include those disclosed on the Mayo Clinic website: “Dr. Poland is the chairman of a safety evaluation committee for investigational vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Poland offers consultative advice on new vaccine development to Merck & Co., Inc.” [Dr. Robert Chen is an Associate Editor of Vaccine]

Before the publication withdrawal by the editor of Vaccine, the article had languished for 8 months at the Journal of Human Immunology and was then rejected by that journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Racke. According to the American Academy of Neurology:

“Dr. Racke has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serone, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Genentech, and Amarantus as a consultant.” [EMD Serono, Inc. is a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.]

How is it that this incestuous relationship did not raise loud cries of foul play?  Those rejections by editors who had deep vested financial interest in protecting vaccination rates, whose own financial interest was intertwined with vaccine manufacturers, elicited no protest from the scientific academic community.

Instead, these rejections were followed by vicious attacks against two of the scientists, by industry’s cyber hit-squads that are hired to attack independent scientists whose honest research contradicts vaccine orthodoxy/ That is viewed as a heresy inasmuch as it poses a financial threat.[46]  [Read Appendix 10]

The study was revised, again peer-reviewed, and published in the journal Immunological Research (Nature-Springer) (2017).[47]

The reported findings remained the same:

“Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes…

In light of these findings, this study highlights the necessity of proceeding with caution with respect to further mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention”.


The basis for those findings was deemed to be scientifically sound by three sets of peer-reviewers, at three different journals.

The debate about the safety of the HPV vaccine was the subject of a documentary on TV2 Denmark, aired in March 2015.  The Danish Health and Medicines Authorities requested the European Medicines Agency to assess the whether a causal link exists between HPV-vaccines and Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and/ or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

The EMA published its report absolving the vaccine and denigrating the clinical findings by Louise Brinth, MD, PhD, and colleagues at the Frederiksberg Hospital whose retrospective case series of 39 patients, was published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination (2015)

Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, Director of the Nordic Cochrane Center, and author of Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, took a leading role in the battle for truth about the HPV vaccine. In May 2016, Dr, Gøtzsche, and colleagues, sent a scathing letter of complaint to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), challenging that institution’s very legitimacy.

The letter cites EMA’s failure to comply with the EU Treaty and Charter mandating “openness [to] enable citizens to participate“; its failure to “live up to the professional and scientific standards…when evaluating the science and the data related to the safety of the HPV vaccines.”  And the letter cites the wide disparity between EMA’s secret, internal (256 p) HPV safety report and the official, misleading EMA report that disparages and misrepresents clinical evidence documenting serious health hazards  following the HPV vaccination:

“The official EMA report gives the impression of a unanimous rejection of the suspected harms. However, only seven months earlier, the EMA had resolved that “’ causal relationship between the dizziness and fatigue syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Gardasil [one of the HPV vaccines] can neither be confirmed nor denied’”. “The EMA’s official 40-page report is misleading, as it gives the citizens the impression that there is nothing to worry about in relation to vaccine safety and that the experts consulted by the EMA agreed on this. However, the EMA’s  internal report reveals that several experts had the opinion that the vaccine might not be safe and called for further research, but there was nothing about this in the official report.”

The letter cites EMA’s opaque, secretive modus operandi; the mandated, life-long confidentiality agreements signed by EMA panelists and scientific experts; the EMA’s failure to evaluate the safety of vaccines in accordance with scientifically legitimate procedures; failure to identify the experts selected by the EMA; EMA’s reliance on vaccine manufacturers’ safety assessment of their own products, disregarding their “huge financial interests“; and the letter cites undisclosed financial conflicts of interest of EMA administrators and the conflicts of interest of panelists upon whom the EMA relies for safety assessments.

  • Dr. Gøtzsche affirms that: “All available material about suspected harms of a public health intervention directed towards healthy children should be accessible to anyone“.

It should be of concern to Dr. Gøtzsche and others who uphold the right of the public to honest safety assessments of medical interventions that CDC internal documents reveal that CDC officials purposely concealed data about suspected serious harms following the administration of multi-virus vaccines to infants in accordance with CDC childhood vaccination schedules.

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