Lethal Viruses Contaminating the US Blood Supply?

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Lethal Viruses Contaminating the US Blood Supply?

Retroviruses hide out in the immune system, which means any immune activation could set off this ticking time-bomb and cause diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome among adults, and autism among children.  Are they lurking in the US blood supply?

PLAGUE – The Retrovirus-Gate Lies

As an attorney I learned (often the hard way), that if you wanted to know the truth about a person, you didn't just listen to their words, but you investigated their actions.  If a client said he wasn't a gambler, you should probably check out how many trips he's made to Las Vegas in the past year.  We all understand that, right?

So, why is it that with the XMRV retrovirus (more accurately referred to as the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, basically a mouse retrovirus that crossed-over into humans) that Dr. Mikovits and I wrote about in our book, PLAGUE: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases, officially declared by Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University and the medical research community not to be a threat, are people spending a lot of money to protect against something just like XMRV?

One of the most important questions Dr. Mikovits investigated was whether the XMRV retrovirus posed a threat to the blood supply, just as the HIV retrovirus posed a threat to the blood supply decades earlier.  The investigation was troubled from the start and Dr. Mikovits was aware of immense pressure that the scientists reach the conclusion that no threat existed.  

Shortly after the publication of her article in the journal Science in October of 2009, showing an association between the XMRV retrovirus and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Dr. Mikovits was contacted by representatives from the Cerus Corporation.   They had developed the Cerus Intercept System, which involved inserting a molecule into the donated blood material, this molecule then attaches to the DNA or RNA of any potential pathogen, and then when exposed to ultraviolet light the molecule binds to the pathogen and prevents it from replicating.  ("The INTERCEPT Blood System Rids Blood Donations of All Pathogens," Scientific American, June 16, 2015)  Dr. Mikovits worked on two studies with Cerus, including one which showed the Oakland blood supply was contaminated with XMRV, and found that the Cerus system could inactivate all human retroviruses in blood products.

Dr. Mikovits was impressed with this technology and supportive of its use, especially as she believed XMRV posed a significant threat to the blood supply.   She publicly shared this assessment during her talk at the New York Academy of Sciences on March 29, 2011, when she appeared right after Dr. Lipkin.  Well, those who have followed this issue know that the work of Dr. Mikovits was subjected to a vicious campaign of intimidation and outright deception, all because she asserted a few simple truths.  XMRV or something closely resembling it appeared to be present in anywhere from 3-8% of the healthy population.  Retroviruses hide out in the immune system, which means any immune activation, like an injury, surgery, fever, and yes, even a vaccination, could set off the ticking time-bomb of a retrovirus and cause diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) among adults, and autism among children.

It became necessary to destroy Dr. Mikovits and XMRV, but strangely enough, that Cerus INTERCEPT System suffered a markedly different fate.  The Cerus corporation has had an extremely good run of success in the past year because of its INTERCEPT system.  According to their press release of August 6, 2015, the Concord, California based company, in the second quarter of 2015 they,

"signed INTERCEPT platelet and plasma supply agreements with Unyts and Bonfils Blood Center; Suncoast Blood Bank produced the first INTERCEPT pathogen reduced platelet components distributed in the continental United States; and appointed Dr. Richard J. Benjamin (former chief medical officer of the American Red Cross) as the new Cerus chief medical officer." 

And how did all of this wonderful success affect the bottom line of Cerus?  Well, let me quote from their own press release. 

"At June 30, 2015, the Company had cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments of $122.9 million compared to $51.3 million at December 31, 2014." 

That's a gain of $71.6 million dollars in six months.

Are you getting the picture?  Dr. Mikovits and XMRV needed to be destroyed, and as a result Dr. Mikovits was driven into bankruptcy.  I assure you she does not have $122.9 million on hand in "cash, cash equivalents, or short term investments."  As she seeks to redeem her name by legal actions, she often worries about running out of money by the end of the month.  And yet, at the same time, it seems people are falling all over themselves to buy the Cerus INTERCEPT system that would get rid of something like XMRV in the blood supply, which according to the official story doesn't exist in the human population.  This demand is so high it adds $71.6 million to the bank account of Cerus, even after doing all those things like paying for rent, equipment, supplies, and the salaries of people who used to be the chief medical officer for the American Red Cross.

Am I being too cynical, or am I simply presenting the facts?

And then there's the recent publication on August 29, 2015 of an article in the journal Biologicals, entitled "Removal of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus by Nanocellulose Based Filter Paper" which looks at a method for removing mouse leukemia viruses from biological products.  As they reported in the abstract,

"The results of this validation study suggest that nanocellulose filter paper is useful for removal of endogenous rodent retroviruses and retrovirus-like particles during the production of recombinant proteins."

Can somebody please tell me what is going on here?  In one of the most dramatic moments of her investigation, Dr. Mikovits was shouted down by fellow scientists at a conference in Leuven, Belgium in the summer of 2011 that her team should stop "wasting money" on this research.  Why is Cerus fattening its bank account on the threat of unknown pathogens lurking in the blood supply when the official line is that no such threat exists?  Why are scientists "wasting money" figuring out how to get mouse retroviruses out of biological products if they couldn't possibly cause harm?

And if that's not enough, here are two more little gems for you to consider.  In her investigation of retroviruses, Dr. Mikovits had no more implacable opponent than Dr. John Coffin.  And yet, here are Dr. Coffin's own words from the NIH State of the Knowledge Workshop on ME/CFS from April, 2011. 

"That doesn't mean there isn't another gammaretrovirus to be found.  I think enough evidence has been presented that maybe another infectious retrovirus is there.  These studies will continue to go on, looking for MLV-related viruses."

Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley have recently reported in PLOS ONE, a link between the bovine leukemia virus and breast cancer, finding it in 59% of breast cancer tissue samples, and in only 29% of tissue samples from women who never had breast cancer.  A press release from UC Berkeley noted,

"Bovine leukemia virus infects dairy and beef cattle's blood cells and mammary tissue.  The retrovirus is easily transmitted among cattle primarily through infected blood and milk, but it only causes disease in fewer than 5 percent of infected animals." ("Virus in Cattle Linked to Human Breast Cancer", Sarah Yang, UC Berkeley News, September 15, 2015)

For those who may find this interesting, but have other concerns, such as the threat of recombinant technology in foods, environmental toxins like aluminum, mercury, and arsenic, or worries about GMOs, these may all be linked together.  Something is causing these previously suppressed retroviruses to emerge and driving the evolution of new strains.  Acknowledging the reality of these retroviruses is not the final step, but the first step in unraveling what is going wrong with the health of our population.

People say there's a lot of rage in this country, and that it's because those in charge are gaming the system for their own benefit.  Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  I hope the time for revolution has come, and those like Dr. Mikovits, who have been maligned as the creators of panic, will be seen as correct in their identification of a threat which has already harmed millions of people.

Want to learn more about these retroviruses? Listen to our founder Sayer Ji's interview of Judy Mikovits, PhD, for Fearless Parent Radio.

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