Measles Scare Tactics Hurt Us All

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By the time the measles vaccine was patented in 1963 in the US, the mortality rate from measles was about 1 in 500,000.¹ This is less than your risk of death from falling off furniture.² Let’s also consider that over 600,000 people annually die of heart disease in the US, over 500,000 people die from cancer in the US each year and over 250,000 annually die from medical errors alone.³

So why is the media reporting tiny measles outbreaks as if the sky itself is about to fall? Doesn’t it seem as if everywhere you turn, another outbreak is reported with dire warnings that the unvaccinated are about to bring us an epidemic, the likes of which we’ve never seen? Kind of reminds you of the media frenzy over the Disneyland outbreak in 2014–2015, doesn’t it? That’s when Big Pharma focused their efforts on California and pushed through SB277, a law which removed religious and personal belief exemptions from the mandatory vaccine schedule in order for a child to attend daycare or school - public or private. Perhaps they figured that if they could manage to remove parental health choice in California, it would be a domino effect in the rest of the country.


And just in time for the start of state legislature sessions all over the country, Big Pharma has gotten the media onboard the measles terror train again. Over 70 vaccine related bills have been introduced across the country, and they are pulling out all stops to ensure that as many of their sponsored bills make it through to law.

What’s the big deal, you might ask? Well, the CDC vaccine schedule has become quite a doozy since vaccine manufacturers were released of all liability for injuries or death with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986. Check out the current CDC schedule. 72 doses of vaccines by the time a child turns 18. Not quite the vaccine program of our youth. Children today are given more than 20x the doses of vaccines than my parents got. And it seems Pharma is pushing from all sides to make sure no one can avoid shooting their kids up with an insane number of doses of various cocktails of aluminum, formaldehyde, human DNA, polysorbate 80, and viruses and bacteria grown on diseased tissue.

Misinformation abounds all over mainstream media where Big Pharma owns 70% of the advertising and therefore the narrative. Take a look at this opinion piece in Newsweek, which by the way, uses a doctored stock image of a healthy baby to look as if it has what the photoshop artist thinks is measles. It looks more like hives, but whatever. These days, accuracy is not the paramount concern for any major news outlet doing Pharma’s bidding.

This Newsweek piece is one of the most egregious and absurd pieces of Big Pharma propaganda I’ve seen yet. It distorts and misrepresents the history and dangers of the disease, the motivations of parents who choose to avoid or delay the vaccine, and it makes blatant false statements about the risks of the MMR vaccine itself. So let’s dissect it a bit to illustrate my point:

The piece states that, "According to the World Health Organization, 110,000 people die every year, mostly children under the age of five. Prior to the vaccine, the U.S. also experienced the horror of measles. The CDC reports that in the 1910s, about 6,000 Americans died annually from the infection."

This is what we call truth wrapped in a distortion. First of all, the measles world-wide mortality stats are almost all the 3rd world and developing nations. The US did experience "the horror of measles" mortality rates, but the article’s use of "prior to the vaccine" is intended to give the false impression that the measles mortality rates "of about 6,000 Americans" were diminished by the vaccine, when in fact, the death rate had fallen to 364 deaths associated with measles the year the vaccine was introduced -- 50 years after "6,000 Americans were dying annually from the infection." To put this in perspective, twice as many people die annually from falling off furniture.¹⁰

As Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk have detailed in their data packed book, "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History," child labor laws, sanitation, hygiene and improved standard of living and overall nutrition diminished the mortal threat of measles in the developed world -- long before the vaccine even came on the scene.¹¹

Another excerpt from the Newsweek piece is, "Another fear, that there are ‘too many’ vaccines, is also false. When your child crawls around on the floor licking his hands, he is exposed to far more antigens than those found in all vaccines combined."

This is designed to misinform the public about parents’ concerns about vaccines and to present vaccines as no different than natural pathogens your child may be exposed to in his or her environment. This could not be further from the truth. Vaccines are injected into the body -- bypassing the normal routes of entry our immune systems are designed for -- and the vaccines contain such combinations of substances and toxins like aluminum adjuvants, formaldehyde, human DNA, mercury, Polysorbate 80, and the live or attenuated bacteria or viruses which have been grown on animal organs.

Some vaccines contain more aluminum than can be considered safe for an adult male,¹² and the aluminum adjuvant artificially stimulates the developing baby’s immune system to respond opposite the way nature intended. Dr. Suzanne Humphries explains this in detail on her website, but essentially, while an infant’s immune cells have full functional capacity, they are clamped down by design during the first two years of life––in order that they learn self from non-self and also become able to differentiate between healthy, beneficial micro-organisms and those which should later be attacked.¹³ Perhaps this derailing of the child’s developing immune system is contributing to our society’s huge increase in auto-immune disorders––in which a person’s body begins to attack itself––as the vaccine schedule has also increased. It may also be contributing to the alarming incidence of autism during the same time period.¹⁴

And these concerns are not just theoretical. Vaccine injury and death is more common than widely believed, and parents who have witnessed their child descend into autism¹⁵ or develop Type 1 diabetes,¹⁶ leukemia,¹⁷ bleeding disorders,¹⁸ asthma, and eczema¹⁹ following the MMR have become very cautious about the vaccine. It is estimated that only around 5% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System––as most people and many health care professionals are unaware of its existence–– but in 2016 alone, 59,117 vaccine adverse effects, 432 vaccine deaths, 1091 permanent disabilities, 4,132 vaccine hospitalizations and 10,234 vaccine emergency room visits were reported.²⁰

And a recent study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children raised more concerns that vaccination is linked to chronic illness:²¹

Neil Z. Miller has collected a remarkable number of studies in his thoroughly referenced "Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies." His book is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in looking into these concerns and examines most of the studies referenced below -- in addition to many others which suggest that natural measles infection actually protects against degenerative diseases, skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases, asthma, allergies and certain tumors. It also looks at studies which show that measles infection in childhood may protect against childhood leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, genital cancer, prostate cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, ear-nose-and throat cancers, ovarian cancer, heart attacks and strokes during adulthood.²²

This Newsweek piece accuses parents of spreading a "malicious lie" and "purposeful misinformation." Ascribing malice to concerned and well-researched parents is not only absurd, but deliberately inflammatory and is clearly intended to villainize parents who thoughtfully and understandably question or don’t participate in the conventional vaccine program.

The piece also writes with confidence that, "Vaccines do not cause autism. This theory, which was spawned by a fraudulent get-rich scheme in the 1990s, has been shown repeatedly to be without any merit."

This is simply untrue. And absurd. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, along with other scientists and doctors, conducted a study which found a link between children’s digestive and developmental issues soon after being administered the MMR vaccine. They concluded that a link with the MMR had not been proven, but that further study was warranted. That this could be described as a "get rich scheme" is laughable, and it has not "been shown repeatedly to be without any merit."²³

This attempt at marginalizing and diminishing perfectly reasonable concerns expressed by doctors, scientists and parents, as well as vilifying anyone who questions the wisdom of the current vaccine program is not only unwarranted and unjustified, it is also remarkably stupid and unscientific. The only people profiting from such an approach are those making money from a market projected to be worth $50.42 billion by 2023.

The idea that we know everything there is to know about the immune system and the consequences of an ever increasing vaccine schedule is one few would actually agree with. Let’s bear this in mind as we move forward on this issue, and let’s learn how to spot the propaganda when we see it. Only then will true scientific method prevail.

For additional information for natural, evidence-based interventions for measles, visit the GreenMedInfo database on the subject. 


1. Reported Cases and Deaths from Vaccine Preventable Diseases, United States, 1950–2013, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 13th Edition, April 2015, Appendix E-1

2. The most common causes of death due to injury in the United States

3. CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. Final data for 2016.

4. Welcome to the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP)

5. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act



8. Cause-specific mortality and morbidity, World Health Statistics, Table 2, 2009. World Health Organization.

9. Reported Cases and Deaths from Vaccine Preventable Diseases, United States, 1950–2013, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 13th Edition, April 2015, Appendix E-1

10. The most common causes of death due to injury in the United States

11. "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History." Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. 2013.

12. Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe? Curr Med Chem 2011;18(17): 2630–37.


14. Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Do aluminum adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?

15. Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. Singh VK1, Lin SX, Newell E, Nelson C.

Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979. Theresa A. Deisher,Ngoc V. Doan, Angelica Omaiye, Kumiko Koyama, Sarah Bwabye.

Epidemiologic and Molecular Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacture and Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence. Deisher TA, Doan NV, Koyama K, Bwabye S.

Prevalence of Autism is Positively Associated with the Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes, but Negatively Associated with the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes, Implication for the Etiology of the Autism Epidemic John B Classen* 

Peptide cross-reactivity: the original sin of vaccines. Kanduc D.

16. Clustering of cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus occurring 2–4 years after vaccination is consistent with clustering after infections and progression to type 1 diabetes mellitus in autoantibody positive individuals. Classen JB1, Classen DC.

Mumps, mumps vaccination, islet cell antibodies and the first manifestation of diabetes mellitus type I. Otten A, et al. Behring Inst Mitt. 1984.

17. Epidemiological characteristics of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia. Analysis by immunophenotype. The Childrens Cancer Group.Buckley JD, Buckley CM, Ruccione K, Sather HN, Waskerwitz MJ, Woods WG, Robison LL.

18. MMR vaccine and idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura. Corri Black, James A Kaye and Hershel Jick

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and MMR vaccine. E Miller, P Waight, C Farrington, N Andrews, J Stowe, and B Taylor.

19. Vaccination and Allergic Disease: A Birth Cohort StudyTricia M. McKeever, PhD, Sarah A. Lewis, PhD, Chris Smith, BA, and Richard Hubbard, DM, Msc.

Atopy in children of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. Alm JS1, Swartz J, Lilja G, Scheynius A, Pershagen G.

20. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Data on Vaccines ( VAERS ­2016­ all vaccines) 

21. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker.

22. "Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers." Neil Z. Miller. 2016.

23. The Real Story of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and MMR (by Mary Holland, JD)

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