Natural Allopathic Medicine Protocol Components

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Natural Allopathic Medicine Protocol Components


The Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol is powerful and at the same time extraordinarily safe because nutritional medicines, not pharmaceuticals, are employed. They are water-based highly concentrated nutritional medicines, not chemical, and the supreme ones are magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), selenium, sulfur, iodine and glutathione.

Vitamin C can be added to that list but you unfortunately have to force doctors and hospitals with legal process to administer it intravenously when high dosages are needed. Court orders are effective in such cases and have been known to save lives because vitamin C is that useful in a medical pinch.

Every one of the above medicines can be used to great advantage not only for emergency situations but also for cancer, diabetes, the flu, neurological disorders, heart disease and stroke. Few doctors or patients know how these medicinals can be used at home safely to treat ourselves and our loved ones. When used in combination with each other they constitute a new form of medicine that is powerful yet easy to learn.

For doctors who deal with cancer and other difficult-to-treat diseases, some of the medicinals in my protocol can be administered through feeding tubes and intravenously. Naturopathic doctors as well as orthomolecular practitioners will find some fresh approaches that can be combined into a unified approach with what they are already doing.

Most of us, when not dealing with matters of life and death, need not use intravenous medicine and can switch to oral and transdermal methods of application. These methods are quite effective in helping us resolve most of our health and medical issues if we know what we are doing.

Treatment Essentials (due to be published February 1st) makes sure you understand how to treat yourself and your loved ones effectively with the essentials of the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol. The full 18 components of the protocol were designed for cancer treatments. This book covers the first 12 components but not all the details and science of the full cancer protocol. That will be presented in Natural Oncology and can be learned in our online learning and support center.

Anyone who sees and comprehends the potential medical horsepower of the full protocol will indeed realize what a powerful approach we have for giving everyone the best shot at not having to die from cancer. There are many ways to treat cancer, and combining the strongest and most necessary medicinals yields the best and most rational approach.

When a doctor says there’s no more hope or nothing more that can be done, there is still a chance, for where there is life there is hope. What you will find in Treatment Essentials starts with the most essential treatments for every medical situation offering medicinals and therapeutic processes that can be practiced in hospitals, clinics, and, most importantly, right at home where it is safer and more comfortable.

  1. Magnesium chloride (baths, massage, oral, IVs, nebulized)
  2. Bicarbonate/ carbon dioxide medicine (both sodium and potassium bicarbonates)
  3. Iodine (with possible inclusion of natural thyroid hormone)
  4. Selenium, vitamin E
  5. Vitamin C (extremely high ORAC antioxidant therapy)
  6. Cannabidiol (CBD) (legalized medical marijuana without THC)
  7. Breathing retraining, emotional management
  8. Sun exposure, vitamin D, microcurrent therapy, far-infrared sauna, color and light therapy
  9. Organic sulfur (MSM)
  10. Superfoods, enzyme therapy, spirulina, vitamins A & B, juice fasting, aloe vera
  11. Intestinal health, probiotics, enemas, colonics, clay, etc.
  12. Water (medicinal quality, plus the use of seawater), whole salt

At least seven of these protocol medicinals can be used in emergency rooms and intensive care wards, palliative care centers as well as for late stage cancer patients waiting to die at home after they have been discarded by the system. In reality they all should be used in hospitals and by anyone who wants to take full responsibility for their health and their own medical treatments.

The Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol is for every disease and for every income level. Most of the items in the protocol can be taken orally, and some can also be used transdermally or administered intravenously by a doctor or a nurse in more desperate medical situations. Transdermal applications include topical application directly on the skin, magnesium massages, medical baths, nebulization into the lungs, glutathione suppositories, and medicated enemas.

Medical Priorities


The most perfect medicines in the world are the ones you have to have—no matter what—to continue your life. There are certain substances, all nutritional in nature that provides essential lifelines for keeping cells fully functional. And it is these same substances that can, when concentrated, enable dysfunctional cells to recover, save lives in the emergency room, and rescue a person from the clutches of cancer.

Though contemporary medicine does not want to admit the truth and reality about diseases and their causes, it is clear that nutritional law holds the key to the resolution of disease—not pharmaceuticals that are toxic and damaging to cellular environments.

I always recommend magnesium no matter what the medical situation, thus it is number one in the protocol. Sometimes, like when coming down with a cold or flu, sodium bicarbonate is the first thing I grab for as well as iodine, and now I have added selenium to the list after I learned that it too is used in emergency situations as an anti-inflammatory. These are emergency-room-class medicinals and in the emergency room, medicines have to be safe while delivering an instant lifesaving burst of healing power.


A deeply erroneous notion has been established in medical literature that natural, nutritional substances and herbs are appropriate only for milder or chronic conditions and that serious medicine is accomplished with a scalpel, antibiotics, cortisone drugs, etc. This is foolish. All one has to do is watch magnesium chloride, selenium, vitamin C or sodium bicarbonate in action in the emergency room to see how concentrated nutritional substances like these can save a life in a heartbeat—when they are used in the correct way.

When it comes to treating the most difficult diseases, the idea is to employ the basic core of the protocol (these emergency-room nutritional medicines) and their lifesaving bursts of healing power around the clock while the patient is awake. This can be done before a trip to the hospital or doctor’s clinic, while there and upon returning home.

The cost of the basic protocol is approximately $15 a day but when adding in the nutritional components, it easily expands to double that or more.

All of the components of the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol treat a cause of disease. To incorporate the full protocol to treat late-stage cancer we can estimate that it would cost between $4,500 and $6,000 for a three-month treatment plan, which is necessary for late-stage cancers, though cancer can sometimes be cured in less time for less cost if a person has not been damaged by radiation, surgery and/or chemotherapy.

This would include all the medicinals (supplements selected from the best companies offering the best products) sustained at high dosage levels, super nutrition from diverse sources, full professional support through phone and text chat/ email, and some equipment.

At the higher end of the range patients can afford some very interesting pieces of medical equipment/ healing devices that facilitate quicker and easier return to health and are not employed by other protocols. I like to include far-infrared sauna equipment, nebulizers, electro-magnetic technology that is FDA-approved for treating brain cancer and wounds, intense light and color therapies, breathing retraining devices (an important treatment component ignored by just about everyone), all of which can be included at the $6,000 level.

An important component not covered in depth in the Treatment Essentials book is Tears of the Melting Heart, which deals extensively with issues of vulnerability, emotional and inner conflict problems. In the above list this component is thrown together with breathing retraining and listed as emotional management.

The more we can embrace our vulnerabilities the closer we will come to the inner furnaces of our own hearts, thus increasing our will and energy to live. Emotional management is a chapter in my HeartHealth book. In Treatment Essentials we will focus on breathing retraining, which has immediate medical and health effects. We will also touch down on this vulnerability and our hidden tears, which is all more accessible when we slow down our breathing.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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