A New Allergy, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

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Electromagnetic Radiation Sensitivity

Imagine if you lived inside your microwave and could see the ubiquitous frequencies bombarding you several times per minute 24/7. You might be horrified. Some people are now claiming that they are getting sick from it. A condition referred to as 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity,' is a new form of 'environmental allergy.' This sort of multi-frequency barrage of radiation to living beings, is unprecedented ...and rapidly increasing. Welcome, 'smart' grid.

The clever marketing word, 'smart' (meaning digital) may not be smart for health... although it's making companies very rich.  Cell towers, smart phones, smart appliances, smart cars, may soon be linked to the 'smart' grid. And, the smart grids, will be linked to mesh networks in neighborhoods.

Smart Grids sound 'green' promising to save energy, creating new power line corridors that run on wind and solar, etc.  But, before the glory of smart grids can be realized there are unintended health consequences. These complaints are just beginning to manifest world wide.

Dirty electricity is an industry term that describes multi-frequency exposures, such as higher frequencies like RF (radio frequency), ELF's (Electromagnetic Low Frequency), running along power lines, or EMF's (electromagnetic frequencies). Europe has already created 'safe' havens to get away from the 'grids' that silently intrude human cells.

The French national library banned Wi-Fi in libraries when librarians became ill. In Sweden, this allergy is classified as a functional disability and they have declared some public buildings to be free of RF (radio frequency). As of June 1, 2010, the California Public Utilities Commission reported 2,000 health-related complaints. Here we are in 2012.

Research by Magda Havas, Ph.D., of Trent University in Canada, and U.S. epidemiologist Samuel Milham, M.D., links "dirty electricity" with diabetes, malignant melanoma, and cancers. Studies report effects among people living 50-to-1500 feet from a cell tower -- including cancers, immune system effects, fertility problems, heart arrhythmias, miscarriages, sleeplessness, dizziness, concentration difficulties, memory loss, headaches, skin rashes, lowered libido, fatigue, and malaise.

When established, transmitters inside your home (i.e. appliances) will communicate with a smart meter attached to the outside of each building. That meter, in turn, will transmit at an even higher frequency to a central hub, and that one would transmit to yet another one creating many mesh networks. Therefore, exposure will not just be from your own smart meter, but accumulating from neighbors, and from other sources not touched upon in this writing.

If you ask me, that's a lot of invisible information bombarding our cells, and the biosphere. We need to think about creating safe places to reduce these unseen poisons. 

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GreenTech Grid: Smart Grid Concerns: A European View

Forbes: The Truth About Risks, Benefits of the Smart Grid

E&E Publishing, LLC: Smart Grid: Health concerns gain traction in Calif.

Burbank Action Group: Smart Meter Health Concerns Grow

Amazon.com: Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves

GreenMedInfo.com: Cell Phone Radiation

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