No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

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No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study
Sad Little Girl, by Espen Faugstad (negative and grayscale)

The evidence continues to mount. That vaccines are doing a great deal of harm is well beyond denying. Worse, though, the evidence that vaccines have had little or no effect on infectious diseases is clear, as documented in graphs. The precautionary principle, which is enshrined in a UN directive, should have been implemented before vaccines were ever routinely injected

The article, Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland, documents the revealing information brought out by Polish scientists' review of the scientific literature on vaccination's adverse effects and immune system effects. Today, the rest of the study covering neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit is reviewed.

Post-Vaccine Neurological Complications

The authors focused primarily on the preservative thimerosal's active ingredient, mercury, in their discussion of vaccine-induced neurological damages. They noted that the percentage of people who have allergic reactions to thimerosal has been calculated at a low of 13% in the Netherlands to a high of 21% in Austria. Allergic responses to mercury are often initially triggered by vaccine injections. It's noted for toxicity to the heart, liver, kidneys, and nervous system, along with being a carcinogen.

Readers of Gaia Health are probably aware that much current research on vaccine adjuvants indicates that aluminum may be the greatest concern. The reduced mercury load in the United States' vaccines did reduce the autism burden for a short time in the US. However, a great number of vaccines was added to the schedule shortly after, and many of them included aluminum as an adjuvant, thus increasing the autism burden.

Over the last 20 years, neurological conditions such as autism, ADHD, mental retardation, epilepsy have increased many times over across the world. The authors wrote:

[F]rom the 1990s new vaccines for infants containing thimerosal began to be used in America. In the DTP, Hib and Hep B vaccines, children received a dose of 62.5 ug of mercury, which is 125-fold more than the dose considered safe (0.1ug/kg/day). These reports were the reason that Scandinavian countries already prohibited the use of mercury in 1990

The deaths of 19 infants of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) shortly after vaccination with two hexavalent vaccines were described in a paper. Those authors suggested that, though it hadn't been proven that vaccines had caused their deaths, "it is a signal that brings to attention the need to monitor the course of vaccination and its complications."

Epidemiological research has shown a direct relationship between increasing doses of thimerosal and the rate of autism in the US from the late '80s through the mid '90s. They found a correlation between the number of measles-containing vaccines and autism prevalence during the '80s. The same researchers also found odds ratios that were statistically significant, indicating that increasing doses of mercury from vaccines with thimerosal correlate to increasing rates of autism.

Several of Poland's childhood vaccines contain mercury, including

  • Euvax: Hepatitis B, made by LG Life Sciences in Korea - 50μg/dose
  • DT: Diphtheria & Tetanus, made by Bio-med in Krakow, Poland - 50μg/dose
  • Td: made by Biomed, Krakow, Poland - 50μg/dose
  • DTP: Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis; made by Biomed, Krakow, Poland - 50μg/dose
  • D,d: Diphtheria, made by Biomed, Krakow, Poland - 50μg/dose
  • TT: Typhus, made by Biomed, Krakow, Poland - 50μg/dose

 Note: Not included in the review is the fact that Poland's vaccination schedule is mandatory. Notice that all but one of the vaccines listed above are made in Poland. It's one way to assure profits for the home-grown pharmaceutical industry!

The authors discuss particular concern over the DTwP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & whole cell Pertussis) vaccine. It is known to result in cytomegalovirus, which can result in severe neurological sequelae, including coma, hypotonia, seizures, and necrotizing encephalopathy. They state that replacing DTwP with DTaP (acellular) vaccine, and OPV (oral polio vaccine) with IPV (inactivated polio vaccine), can reduce the risk of fever after the first dose by 99%, the risk of inconsolable crying by 87%, and the risk of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes by 56%.

Other complications found with vaccines on the Polish schedule include;

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome after influenza, hepatitis, meningitis C, polio and HPV vaccines
  • Transverse myelitis after cholera, typhoid, and polio vaccines
  • Influenza, flaccid paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis, convulsions and facial palsy after oral polio vaccine
  • Rapid progression of retinopathy in premature infants after BCG vaccination

Vaccination History

In 1996, Poland introduced a monitoring system to record adverse effects of vaccinations. A study done by Zieliński of adverse effect reports from 1996-2000, stated:

[T[hey met astonishing examples of ignorance of the medical staff, including specialists, in their duty to report the AEFI [adverse effects following inoculation].

Unfortunately, there is no laboratory test to confirm a cause and effect association between an adverse effect and vaccination. While that makes it difficult, the authors of this review report:

[T]here are also no reports in the literature (except those listed above) of research work in immunology in the context of reactions following vaccination. It should also be noted that in more developed countries, there is little incentive for doing appropriate follow-up and laboratory tests on individuals who suffered serious adverse reactions following vaccinations.. The reason for such oversight is likely due to the fact that historically, vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic by the regulatory agencies.

So, the upshot is that there is precious little research into the adverse effects of vaccination. As the authors state:

The resulting lack of evidence of causality between vaccinations and serious adverse outcomes has thus been filled with an assumption that vaccines are safe.

However, even if adverse effects were minor or rare, it is still necessary to demonstrate that vaccinations are beneficial. If they are not, then no amount of risk in vaccination is acceptable.

This is where historical records of infectious disease cases and deaths come in handy. Take, for example, these two graphs on the number of cases of tuberculosis (TB) and number of deaths from it:

Graph - TB Mortality and Cases, Germany

They are reports from Germany showing, on the left, the number of TB mortalities from 1956-1988, and on the right, the number of reported cases from 1949-1987. The BCG vaccine against TB was introduced in 1970. (The area in the rectangles represents the total number of vaccinations given during the decade from 1970-1980.) It matters not whether you take a quick look or a long one, it's obvious that the TB vaccination had absolutely nothing to do with the reduction in either cases of TB or deaths from it.

Graph - Pertussis Mortality, Germany

The graph above of pertussis (whooping cough) mortality rate from 1946-1987 in Germany, with the times that the original pertussis vaccine was introduced and the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine took its place. As can be seen, the death rate from pertussis stayed on approximately the same downward trajectory it had been on at the time of vaccine implementation.

Graph - Pertussis Mortality, Switzerland

The graph above shows the pertussis mortality rate in Switzerland from 1910-1980. The shaded area (at the top right of the graph) shows the introductory date of the pertussis vaccine in 1944, and shows how that vaccine's coverage increased to nearly 100% by 1980. However, it is not possible to see any change in the trajectory of reduced pertussis deaths.


Graph - Diphtheria Cases, Germany

The next graph above, shown to the right, shows the number of diphtheria deaths in Germany from 1920-1987. Notice that the diphtheria vaccine was introduced in 1925, with an enormous increase in the rate of disease rate!

On looking at these graphs, how seriously can we take claims that vaccines have saved lives? We can't see any improvement in either mortality or number of cases before and after vaccinations were initiated—and in the case of diphtheria, it certainly looks like vaccinating aggravated the rate of disease!


The review refers to a report in the 2002 Lancet that states:

[T]he weight of evidence collectively suggests that personal and environmental hygiene reduces the spread of infection ...

... Thus results from this review demonstrate that there is a continued, measurable, positive effect of personal and community hygiene on infections.

Our review authors state that the same article in the Lancet also showed that mortality from infectious diseases in general had decreased to "nearly negligible levels long before introduction of universal vaccination practices."

They point out that the vaccine schedule has increased dramatically since the time of these studies, and antigens are being injected again and again. They then state:

Doctors and researchers point to the worsening state of health of the child population since the 1960s, which coincided with increasingly introduced vaccinations. Allergic diseases, including asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and many neurological dysfunctions - difficulty in learning, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), seizures, and autism - are chronic conditions, to which attention has been brought.

So, for no apparent benefit in reducing infectious diseases, vaccines are being mandated, in spite of the fact that evidence points strongly to the suggestion that vaccines are fueling the astronomically rising rates of chronic autoimmune and neurological disorders.

Of course, political realities do exist for these researchers. In spite of their powerful findings, they still don't suggest that vaccines should be eliminated. They do, however, offer several suggestions around the idea of reducing their application. They conclude with:

It seems that it would be worthwhile to apply the precautionary principle - the ethical principle (from 1988) according to which if there is a probable, although poorly known, risk of adverse effects of new technology, it is better not to implement it rather than risk uncertain but potentially very harmful consequences.

So, we're back to the precautionary principle, something that should have been applied decades ago. It's difficult to imagine the massive amount of harm that's been brought to generations of children, with each succeeding one suffering worse than the last. Will those in power ever listen to reason, or will they continue to be led around by their greed, leaving our children and future generations to suffer? Do they really believe that society can continue to function when most people are chronically ill?


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