A Practical Alternative to Measles Hysteria

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A Practical Alternative to Measles Hysteria

With all the uproar over a recent outbreak of measles in the U.S. it is important to know that there is effective treatment for this illness.

What was once considered a routine childhood condition not that long ago has morphed into a deadly microbial specter in the minds of the general public. Regardless of the hype, there is treatment available to those willing to keep an open mind.

This overblown reaction to the threat of measles has been made possible by the convergence of three primary factors:

1. The Age of Terror that we now live in.

2. A morally bankrupt attention seeking media that fails to investigate and report the true facts.

3. Medical Big Brother, which has no compunction about taking advantage of factors 1 and 2 to further its corporate agenda.

The real facts are as follows (1): According to CDC records, there has not been a single death attributable to measles in the past ten years. However, according to records kept by the government created and funded Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), over the past ten years there have been one-hundred and eight (108) deaths related to measles vaccines. So when you hear the mantra that vaccines are safe, repeated ad nauseam by all forms of media, you are being lied to. And the proof is to be found in the government's own records.

The real reason we hear so much about the measles vaccine controversy is because conventional medicine has no actual treatment for measles other than symptomatic relief and supportive measures like rest and fluid intake. It focuses on prevention because it has nothing else to offer. Hence the irrational emphasis on a vaccine that the medical establishment admits is not living up to expectations. In typical fashion, the solution being debated—more doses of measles vaccine—is the same strategy that has led to our current impasse.

We only hear one side of the story because all dissenting voices—including those of some well-known politicians—are harassed into silence by ludicrous accusations that anyone who thinks otherwise is a "science denier." In similar fashion, if anyone dares to suggest that there is a viable alternative treatment, it is automatically rejected as "pseudoscience." Pseudoscience is nothing more than medical profanity aimed at those who disagree with mainstream medical beliefs.

I'd like to know how it came to be that we are no longer allowed to question the assertions of science. Even liberal leaning media outlets, which are usually the first to question abuses of power, tend to give medical science a pass, as if it is synonymous with truth, and immune to corporate influence and institutional corruption. I have a medical degree and I believe in most things that science teaches, but I am not willing to suspend my critical judgment just because the prevailing groupthink demands it. Never mind that there actually is an effective alternative measles therapy that has been around for more than a hundred years; medicine is too arrogant and dismissive to even entertain the possibility.

Medicine also has the temerity to orchestrate a witch-hunt against the unvaccinated, which it blames for the current outbreak. A recent study revealed numerous measles outbreaks in China where a full 99% of the population has been vaccinated for measles. Are we to believe that the unvaccinated have something to do with this? Or is it the more likely scenario, which is that measles vaccine does not confer the immunity that is supposed to provide?

It is common knowledge that those who have chosen not to vaccinate are often some of the most highly educated members of society. To blame those who have, within the guidelines of state law, legally opted not to receive the measles vaccine is both unscientific and unconscionable. Am I encouraging parents not to vaccinate their children against measles? No. I have always believed that it should come down to a matter of personal choice.

Let me see if I can follow the logic here. The supposed reason fully vaccinated individuals are getting measles is due to exposure to unvaccinated persons, and the solution is to vaccinate them with the same vaccine that has failed to provide protection to those who have already received the vaccine. And to top it all off, those who question this logic are dismissed as selfish people who don't really understand science. Is it me, or is this just a lot of crazy talk? Well, enough about what I really think. Let's talk about measles.

The Homeopathic Option

For those who may not already know, homeopathic medicine has a long track record of successful measles treatment. A survey of 19 Boards of Health across the U.S. during the measles epidemic of the late 1800's revealed that those treated by conventional medical doctors had a mortality rate of 4.0% while those given homeopathic treatment had a 0.8% rate. (2) That's a five-fold difference.

Homeopathic medicines are inexpensive, readily available over-the-counter, FDA approved, and commonly found in most natural health stores. There is a great deal of research that supports the effectiveness of homeopathy (3), although hardcore skeptics are known for their refusal to acknowledge this basic truth.

Briefly, homeopathy employs small doses of naturally occurring substances, which are prescribed in accordance with the principle of similars. A treatment is chosen on the basis of a homeopathic medicine's ability to closely mimic the symptom pattern of the sick individual. As per the principle of similars, the symptoms that a substance can cause is an indication of the symptoms that it can be used to treat. In this manner, the overall effect is to assist the self-healing capacity of the body. The names of homeopathic medicines look strange because they are the Latin words for the genus and/or species of the medicinal plant, mineral, and animal substances that they are made from.

Common symptoms of measles include fever, irritated eyes, runny nose, white spots inside the mouth, and dry cough, followed several days later by a red rash that starts at the head or neck and moves down the body. A homeopathic prescription is based upon the unique way in which these symptoms manifest in each individual case. If you suspect that you or your loved one has a case of the measles, it is best to consult an experienced homeopathic professional.

Let's review the symptom profiles of some of the most commonly indicated homeopathic medicines for measles.

Aconitum: This medicine is indicated in the early stages of measles, before the rash emerges. There is sudden onset of high fever, with red eyes, runny nose, sore throat, and dry cough. There is often a thirst for cold drinks, and an anxious, frightened state of mind that makes the person appear physically and mentally restless.

Apis mellifica: This medicine may be indicated when the measles rash is slow to erupt and there is puffiness and swelling, especially on the face around the eyes and lips. There is also irritability and itchiness, both of which are aggravated from warmth in general.

Belladonna: The hallmark of this medicine is the sudden onset of high fever, often around 3pm, that results in a pounding headache and a bright red face. There may be delirium, with a cloudy, confused, or drowsy state of mind.

Bryonia: This is a commonly indicated medicine in all types of viral illnesses. The telltale indication is that the person feels worse from any kind of motion, and is inclined to sit or lie quietly so as not to provoke symptoms. Headache and dry cough intensify with motion and lessen with stillness. There is often irritability and thirst for cold drinks.

Euphrasia: Useful when the symptoms look like conjunctivitis and center on the eyes, which are very runny, red, inflamed, and sensitive to light. Particularly indicated when the tears are burning and irritating but the nasal discharge is conversely mild and bland. Cough occurs during the daytime but is better at night in bed.

Gelsemium: Clues that indicate this medicine include chills, fatigue, great drowsiness, an overall lack of thirst, and headache in the back of the head. The person who needs this medicine will sleep long hours through night and day.

Pulsatilla: For cases of measles where the fever is not high and the symptoms are not too intense. The person is often warm, avoids too much clothing or heavy blankets, and is reluctant to drink fluids for lack of thirst. The state of mind is needy, sad, and desirous of company and comforting.

Rhus toxicodendron: The keynote indication here is the itchy skin that feels better from warm applications. There is also a restless state of mind and body that causes the person to toss and turn while trying to lie at rest, or sleep at night.

Stramonium: Here, we see high fever, red face, fear, and restlessness. The child is afraid of the dark and does not want to be left alone. There can be nightmares and neurologic symptoms such as twitching of muscles and grinding of the teeth.

Sulphur: The emphasis with this medicine is on itching, which is aggravated from the warmth of clothing and bedcovers. The skin can appear purplish, and the itching can be a function of a failure of the rash to fully emerge.

A few doses of the correct homeopathic medicine can reduce symptoms, encourage the measles rash to erupt without delay (like it should), prevent complications, and speed recovery.


(1) Zero U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported. vaccineimpact.com, http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/zero-u-s-measles-deaths-in-10-years-but-over-100-measles-vaccine-deaths-reported/

(2) David A. Strickler, MD. Comparative vital statistics. Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1898: 527-542.

(3) National Center for Homeopathy, Research Library. http://www.homeopathycenter.org/research

Larry Malerba, DO, DHt is a classical homeopath, osteopathic physician, and educator whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. He is the author of Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing and Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care. Dr. Malerba is board certified in Homeotherapeutics, is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York Medical College, and past president of the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York.

Website: SpiritScienceHealing.com

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