Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level
A Presentation by Charles Bens, PhD.
The 9th Annual Evidence-based Complementary And Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference
February 25-27, 2016 West Palm Beach, Florida
Charles Bens, PhD explores causes, risks, and prevention of cancer in this presentation from the Complimentary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference.
What causes cancer?
There are six main causes of nearly all chronic illnesses, including cancer, and they are as follows:
- Genes and genetic programming
- Nutrition
- Toxins/radiation
- Stress
- Lack of physical activity or a physical injury
- Hormone imbalance
One of the most prevalent misconceptions about cancer is that it is usually caused by genetic factors. Jeffrey Bland, in his book, Genetic Nutritioneering, dispels this myth by providing scientific evidence that only 20-30% of chronic disease is attributed to genes. In the case of breast cancer, for example, only 5-10% of cases can be traced to the presence of the BRCA gene; all of the remaining cases are caused by toxins, hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and stress, or a combination of these factors.
It should be remembered that “toxins” could be classified in many different subcategories, such as:
Prescription medications
Industrial chemicals
Tobacco products
Alcohol in excess
Agricultural chemicals
Radiation (x-rays, mammograms, computers, flying in planes, cell phones, power lines, etc.)
Automobile exhaust
Chemotherapy and radiation treatments
Cleaning products
Fluoride and chlorine
It is often difficult to establish one causal factor for cancer due to the likelihood that several factors probably contributed to the cancer. However, there are sometimes obvious primary factors that can be established.
Primary Factors
- Alcohol consumption
- Sun exposure
- Tobacco smoking
- Asbestos inhalation
- Nuclear fallout
Type of Cancer
- Liver cancer
- Skin cancer
- Lung cancer
- Lung cancer
- Leukemia or thyroid cancer
A good way to understand what causes cancer is to look at one type of cancer in detail to see what factors are most important. There are a number of factors that can disrupt the cell division process, cause mutations and eventually lead to breast cancer. Some of these factors are well established in scientific studies, and others are less well established, yet still very important to consider.
The Well-Established Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Gender – Women are 100 times more at risk than men.
Age – Cancer takes over ten years to develop, so older women account for most cancer cases.
Genetic Risk – About 5-10% of breast cancers are thought to be genetically related.
Family History – This may double a woman’s risk, but 70-80% of cases do not have a family
Race – Asian, Hispanic and Native American women are at lower risk than Caucasian women, while
African American women are at the highest risk.
Dense Breast Tissue – Denser breast tissue equals higher risk.
Lobular Carcinoma in Situ – Women with LCIS are 7 to 11 times at greater risk.
Menstrual Periods – More periods equals slightly higher risk. Therefore, starting periods younger
(before 12 years of age) and having them longer (after 55 years of age) equals higher risk.
Earlier Breast Radiation – Radiation of the breast area, in the teen years increases risk.
Treatment with DES – The drug DES is sometimes used to prevent miscarriages. This drug can
increase cancer risk.
The Emerging Risk Factors With Evidence
Being Overweight – Fat cells in the breast are programmed to convert other hormones to estrogen, which can overload and stress estrogen receptors on cells.
Use of Oral Contraceptives – These drugs disrupt the hormone process, which can cause stress on the estrogen receptors on breast cells.
Use of Alcohol – Cells are stressed by alcohol, which is mostly sugar. Liver cells are challenged to break alcohol down, which impedes the liver’s ability to detoxify carcinogens attacking breast tissues.
Consumption of Saturated Fat – Saturated fat hardens cell membranes, which inhibits the entry of nutrients and waste removal.
Not Breast Feeding – Pregnancy helps breast cells to mature, but breast feeding also helps in this process, so not breast feeding can increase risk.
Hormone replacement therapy – Long-term use (10 + years) disrupts hormone balance and increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Pollutant Exposure – Some toxins are more carcinogenic than others, but they stress our cells and can contribute to the development of cancer.
Environmental Estrogens – Some synthetic chemicals can mimic estrogen and disrupt the hormone balance, leading to improper cell function and division.
Electromagnetic Radiation – Cell phones, computers, x-rays, CT scans, mammograms, etc. all cause radiation exposure, which leads to cell mutation and cancer.
Low Vitamin D Levels – Vitamin D3 is key to cellular communication, which is an important component in cell division and genetic code protection.
Poor Diet – Beyond Vitamin D3, general diet can be crucial to proper cell development, protection from free radicals and hormone balance.
Lack of Exercise – Exercise is key to weight control, hormone balance, detoxification and other key body functions.
Other Risk Factors
In addition to this well-established list of factors that can contribute to the development of breast cancer, there are several other factors that are under study and have shown early signs of potential increase in risk. They are as follows:
- Antidepressants
- Household Cleaners
- Air Fresheners
- Bras
- Abortions
- Unbalanced pH
- Breast Implants
- Night Shift Work
- Tobacco
- Antihistamines
- Chronic Inflammation
- Chemotherapy
While many people associated with conventional medicine claim not to know what actually causes breast cancer, this is becoming more difficult to say every day. The overwhelming weight of evidence, which has accumulated over the past twenty or thirty years, clearly points to lifestyle and environmental factors as the leading risk factors for breast cancer and most other cancers. In other words, we have a lot of control and can avoid cancer in a vast majority of cases if we chose to.
The Five Stages of Cellular Deterioration
Most diseased cells go through five distinct stages of deterioration on their way to becoming cancerous. The stages are as follows:
Stressed – The first response to free radical damage and/or nutritional deficiency is for the cell to become stressed as it tries to compensate for the problem present.
Weakened – The hyperactive cell eventually becomes exhausted and weakened, which further inhibits its ability to function and protect itself.
Dysfunctional – Soon after the cell is weakened, it loses its ability to perform its assigned duties. This means the body begins to produce recognizable biometric signals, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar.
Mutated – As the degree of dysfunction advances, the cell is vulnerable to DNA mutation. The nucleus is not adequately protected, which leads to the production of inferior replacement cells.
Diseased – As the DNA becomes more damaged in more cells, the probability of disease increases. Organs may begin to shut down, or gradually fail, as is the case with stroke, heart attack, asthma attack, depression, Crohn’s disease, cancer or any one of the many chronic diseases.
The most important of these stages is the first stage, because this is where the development of breast cancer begins. There are many things that can cause cellular stress, and the following partial list includes most of the recognized cellular stressors for breast cancer:
Cellular Stressors
Many of the most significant cellular stressors were mentioned earlier in the section dealing with risk factors for breast cancer. They include the following:
- Breast cell formation
- Aging
- Genetic factors
- Tissue density
- Menstrual periods
- Early radiation
- DES Treatment
- Being overweight
- Lack of exercise
- Chronic inflammation
- Prescription meds
- Bras
- Abortions
- Household cleaners
- Chemotherapy
- Oral contraceptives
- Use of alcohol
- Saturated fat
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Environmental estrogens
- Electro Magnetic Radiation
- Low vitamin D3 levels
- Poor diet
- Unbalanced pH
- Tobacco
- Non-prescription meds
- Breast implants
- Night shift work
- Air fresheners
We can also add the following to this long list:
- Overcooking food, which destroys enzymes and nutrients.
- Overcooking meat actually produces carcinogens.
- Preservatives found in foods.
- Toxins found naturally in the soil.
- Stress brought on by many factors.
- Bad attitude, ours or others, which causes stress.
This list of cellular stressors appears overwhelming, which causes some people to throw up their hands “What’s the use? I can’t avoid all those things.” That may seem to be the case, but later on we will see that some things are more important than others, and doing the right thing in these categories can reduce risk by quite a lot. First, lets consider how toxins impact our bodies.
The Cellular Role of Nutrients
Our cells, all 60 trillion of them, are complex biochemical and bioelectrical structures responsible for hundreds of thousands of important functions. They make energy, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, cholesterol and hundreds of other vital nutritional substances. The four basic reasons we consume food are:
- Making energy
- Immune function
- Repairing and replacing cells
- Making biochemicals
In the process of making the hundreds of necessary biochemical for the above functions, there are essential raw materials needed by every cell. Various foods contain some of these raw materials, or nutrients, but no one food has all of them. That is why eating a broad spectrum of whole foods is essential for optimum health. The most crucial food groups include vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, omega 3 fish and some organic poultry.
All of these foods should be whole (unprocessed) organic and as fresh as possible. That means that foods should be consumed that are very high in nutritional quality. This means eating very little packaged snacks, fast foods, foods with added salt or sugar, grain fed beef, cows milk, processed grains, oils that are heated during processing and foods that are over cooked. The highest level of nutrients come from raw foods or foods that have been lightly steamed or baked. The following is a list of nutrients needed by our cells to function at optimal levels and protect us from chronic diseases, such as cancer.
Aerobic (oxygen) Enhancing Nutrients
- Chromium
- CoQ10
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Lipoic acid
- Niacin
Hormone Tumor Reducing Nutrients
- Fish oil
- Primrose oil
- Suforaphane (cruciferous veggies)
- Soy
- Calcium D-glucarate
- Melatonin
- Flavonoids
Cellular Communication Enhancers
- Vitamin A
- Beta-carotene
- Vitamin D
- Aloe Vera
- Essential fats
Antioxidant Protective Nutrients
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Beta-carotene
- Selenium
- Lysinic acid
- Grape seed extract
- Zinc
- Lycopene
- Glutathione
- Quercetin
- CoQ10
- Curcumin
- Green tea
Tumor Membrane Dissolving Nutrients
Vitamin B3 (niacin) as inositol
- Digestive enzymes
- Whey protein
New Blood Vessel Inhibiting Nutrients
- Vitamin A
- Berries
- Beta-carotene
- Vitamin D3
Promotes Cancer Cell Death
- Vitamin A
- Alliaceous vegetables (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.)
- Spices (rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, mint, etc.)
- Seaweed (kombu, wakare, etc.)
- Astragalus
- Resveratrol
- Green tea
- Hydrazine sulfate
Detoxification Nutrients
- Pomegranate
- Glutathione
- Super oxide dismutase
Cellular Integrity and Adhesion Nutrients
- Amino Acids
- B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid)
- Vitamin C
Mitochondrial Health Nutrients
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Coenzyme Q10
- Idebenone
- Succinates
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine
- Magnesium
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine
- Lipoic acid
- Ginkgo Biloba
- D-Ribose
- Creatine
- Taurine
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Dichloroacetate
The overall goal is to avoid foods with low nutrient value, while consuming foods high in antioxidants and other nutrients needed by the body. The key is to maintain an alkaline body by eating a sufficient quantity of vegetables, since they are the most alkaline foods available. Red meat, dairy products, sweets and other fatty foods are acidic, and an acidic body is vulnerable to disease. It is not
necessary to become obsessive about these eating guidelines, but most nutritionists agree that consuming these healthy foods 80 or 90% of the time is highly beneficial and recommended. The occasional sweet, or other indulgence, will likely not be harmful, as long as a healthy
diet is followed most of the time.
Nutrients for Cellular Health: How Various Nutrients Prevent and Fight Cancer
The Perfect Diet: Why Eating a Good Diet is Not Good Enough
For years we have been told, “Make small changes in your diet,” and, “It’s okay to cheat sometimes,” or, “Just shop in the outer isles of the food stores.” These eating behavior platitudes seem harmless, because anything that encourages people to eat better is a good idea, or is it? Emerging scientific evidence suggests that eating a little better may not be good enough to prevent chronic disease and premature aging.
A few years ago, the National Cancer Institute studied the eating habits of over 16,000 people between the ages of 2 and 80 and could not find one person with a really healthy diet. In fact, a vast majority were deficient in 11 out of 14 nutritional categories. This could explain why the Centers for Disease Control has estimated that over 60% of adults have a chronic illness, compared to only 10% 60 years ago. Nutrition is the number one factor in determining our health status, and residents of the U.S. are not eating very well. The Economist Magazine has estimated that the U.S. will spend 100% of its GNP on health care by the year 2060.
There are many reasons why people are not getting the nutrients they need to live a long and healthy life. Here are some of the significant and obvious reasons:
Over farming has depleted our soil.
Long shipping distances cause nutrients to decline.
Pesticides, irradiation and genetic modification deplete nutrients.
Foods are often over processed.
People overcook or microwave their food, causing lower nutrient value.
Early harvesting reduces nutrient levels.
People make poor choices.
People do not chew their food properly.
People are under stress, which depletes nutrients.
These nutrient depletion factors can reduce the actual assimilation of nutrients by 80%, or even more. We may think that we are consuming healthy foods, but the truth is most of us are not eating as well as we think we are. In fact, we are eating much worse than we think we are.
The Triage Theory of Nutritional Utilization
Not consuming or assimilating enough nutrients is just the first step towards a shorter and less healthy life. The second step involves how our body actually uses the nutrients it gets. Dr. Bruce Ames has identified a priority system in our bodies that uses available nutrients in the following priority process.
Priority #1 – Reproduction systems, injury repair and neutralizing outside invaders (germs, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
Priority #2 – Metabolic functions, energy, detoxification, cellular repair, biochemical production (making hormones and neurotransmitters).
Priority #3 – Preventing chronic disease and aging.
If most people are only getting a fraction of the nutrients they need, then it is obvious that the prevention of chronic disease and premature aging functions are not getting the necessary nutrients to keep us healthy.
Low standards leads to inadequate eating behavior
The Federal Government establishes nutritional guidelines with tools such as The Food Pyramid and the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA). The problem with these tools is that they are not based on good science, are overly influenced by food companies and have very little to do with the treatment of disease and are thus basically ignored. The nutrition and natural medicine movement has developed better food pyramids, such as the Asian Pyramid, the Mediterranean Pyramid and the Harvard Pyramid. They have also developed Optimal Daily Allowances (ODA), which are based on excellent science and can actually help to prevent most chronic disease and premature aging. The following chart is a comparison of the RDA and the ODA standards:
Everyone is a little different in terms of the nutrients they need due to their age, gender, level of activity, metabolic type, genetics and stress level. However, there are some overall guidelines everyone can follow.
Buy foods grown in healthy soil; organic and local, if possible.
Eat whole natural foods that are not processed.
Do not overcook or microwave food. Eat 50% raw.
Do not eat food that is too old. It loses nutrients each day.
Eat 8-9 helpings of vegetables and fruits daily.
Avoid red meat and dairy products.
Eat organic poultry, fish and protein powder.
Eggs are good for you (one a day, soft boiled is best.)
Eat every 3-4 hours in small portions.
Take nutritional supplements – use the ODA guidelines and add Vitamin D, CoQ10, fish oil and a multiple vitamin.
Get extra vegetables from a green powdered drink.
Stay hydrated with pure water throughout the day.
Avoid whole wheat, as it causes weight gain and allergies (eat brown rice, millet and quinoa in
small amounts.)
Avoid sugar; it is not a nutrient, and it contributes to all diseases.
These are very general recommendations. It is highly advisable to use tests to determine your specific nutritional needs. This includes blood tests, urine tests, symptoms analysis, nutritional analysis, thermography, electro dermal screening and other tests that can be ordered and interpreted by a Naturopathic Doctor or a Holistic Medical Doctor.
Every time we eat anything that is not very high in nutritional value, some of our cells are being cheated out of what they need to function properly, stay healthy, create healthy replacement cells, avoid disease and avoid premature aging. This is a choice, and if you decide to ignore the science behind this, or rationalize that a little cheating is okay, then do not be surprised when you face a health challenge in the future. Notice I said “when” and not “if.” Even if you have pretty good genes, this only accounts for 15- 25% of your health. The other 75-85% is the choices you make every day, with special emphasis on food choices because that is the number one factor determining our future health.
As a final suggestion, do not trust anyone else with your health; not your doctor, not your insurance company, not the food or pharmaceutical companies, not the farmers and especially not the government. Our healthcare system has become so distorted by money and weak science that you must take full responsibility to learn how to become healthy. This article can, and hopefully will, motivate you and point you in the right direction, but do not ever think you know enough about nutrition. Become a student for life, and you may just be able to live a long and healthy one.
Turning cancer on or off at the cellular level
Humans have approximately 60 trillion cells and about 35,000 genes. Every cell is programmed by one of the genes with a blueprint for how it should function to carry out all of the responsibilities that cells have. These programs are very specific and cover things like growth rate, replacement and the death of the cell as well as duties such as making enzymes, making insulin, keeping the heart beating, controlling thoughts and controlling the on and off switches for cancer. Each cell goes through four distinct phases within the cycle of grow and division.
G1 and G2 are known as Gap phases when the cell is actively metabolizing but not dividing.
S is the synthesis phase when the chromosomes duplicate as a result of DNA replication.
M is the mitosis phase when the chromosomes separate in the nucleus and the division of the cytoplasm occurs.
There are two checkpoints in this cycle at the end of G1 and G2 that prevent the cell from entering synthesis or mitosis before they are ready to do so. If this cycle is disrupted in any way the cell becomes vulnerable to faulty replication, which can become the beginning of the development of cancer. This disruption can occur to many factors that were previously mentioned including:
The lack of adequate nutrition including enzymes, hormones, vitamins, etc.
The lack of adequate removal of waste or toxins from the cell
The presence of emotional stress
The exposure to cell disruptors such as radiation or chemotherapy
Inherited genetic pre-dispositions More on the causes of cancer
Substances that cause cancer are called carcinogens and the development of a cancerous malignancy is a complex multistep process with many factors potentially involved. The specific causes of these malignancies are usually divided into two basic categories, initiating agents and tumor promoters.
Initiating agents- Initiating agents include radiation, chemicals and viruses for the most part. Radiation and chemical carcinogens cause cancer by damaging DNA and inducing mutations. Some initiating agents are recognized for causing specific cancer such as ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer or tobacco smoke and lung cancer. Other initiating agents are less attributable to specific cancer, but are very likely involved in some way such as aflatoxins and liver cancer. Aflatoxins are molds that can contaminate improperly stored peanuts or grains. This initiating agent can contribute to liver cancer along with other factors such as too much alcohol and a poor diet.
Tumor promoters- Tumor promoters are substances that interfere with cellular proliferation or division. They cause the cell cycle to be disrupted thus not allowing for the normal creation, growth and death of the cell. The increase in cell proliferation can be caused by the presence of viruses or the presence of excessive hormones such as estrogen. Both of these substances can interrupt the signaling process that ensures that cells continue their development in a timely and efficient manner. When this happens the cell can become excited and reproduce at an accelerated rate, which does not allow for the normal formation of new cells. Another key element in the formation of cancer relates to the presence of on and off switches that control which genes in our bodies are activated.
Examples of specific on and off switches
About 80% of all genetic material is actually made up of genetic switches that are responsible for genetic expression. They can either suppress cancer or promote it depending on the presence of the influencing factors mentioned above. Here are some of the negative influencing factors.
Histones- Histones are proteins that can hug the DNA so closely that cancer suppressor switches cannot be seen and thus cannot be properly activated when needed. Certain foods are histone inhibitors that prevent the histones from hugging the DNA. These foods include cauliflower, broccoli, onions and garlic.
BRCA gene variation- This gene is present in 5-10 % of women and can be activated by certain chemicals and radiation. Nutrients like curcumin and resveratrol have been shown to protect against the expression of this gene thus protecting these women from breast cancer.
Interlukin 1, 6 and 8- These cytokines can stimulate cancer stem cells to produce more cancer cells after treatment has killed many of the regular cancer cells. Many scientific studies have shown that curcumin can deactivate these interleukins and thus prevent the formation of new cancer cells.
Pathway signaling- There are pathways that regulate normal cell development including the WNT pathway, the Hedghog pathway and the FAX/AKT/FOX and O#A pathways. Cancer can be caused when any of these pathways are not working properly. Several scientific studies have shown that curcumin can prevent disruptions in these pathways thus preventing cancer from beginning.
MDA-MB231 gene- When this gene is deactivated it stops the multiplication and spread of breast cancer cells. Cannabinolic acid (CBDA) inhibits MDA-MB231 and allows the bodies immune system, as well as other treatment modalities to attack and eliminate the cancer cells. CBDA is derived from cannabis and does not contain the THC that causes the feelings of euphoria.
1D-1 gene- This is a genetic off switch for cancers such as leukemia, breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and brain cancer. Cannabinoids (CBD), in the form of cannabis oil extract, has been shown to turn off this cancer-enabling gene. CBD not only prevents the formation and spread of these cancers, it also has been shown to help these cancer cells to return to normal cellular function.
P53 gene- This gene is partially responsible for cell proliferation (division) as well as protecting against cancer tumor development. The p53 gene is a cancer suppressor gene that helps to ensure that normal cell development is not disrupted or that if cancer is formed it is discouraged from further development. Cholophyllin protects this gene from unhealthy expression and from cancer promotion.
Human ribonucleotide reductase (RR)- RR is an enzyme used by cancer cells for the synthesis of their own DNA as well as repair. Chlorophyllin inhibits this enzyme thus preventing cancer cells from being able to grow and repair themselves. This allows conventional and natural treatments to be more effective.
TGF beta signaling pathway- This pathway is responsible for transforming the growth factor in cells, such as cells in the stomach that turn over very rapidly and need large amount of growth factor. If this pathway is disrupted then the cell replacement process can be impeded allowing cancer to form. Chlorophyllin can control the TGF signaling pathway and prevent the growth and metastasis of the cancer allowing conventional and natural treatments to be more effective.
Some other cancer suppressor genes include the following.
Oncogenes- There are over 100 known oncogenes that can contribute to cellular mutations and disrupt various aspects of cell growth and replacement. These onocgenes can have important implications for diagnosis of cancer as well as the best type of therapy and the prognosis for recovery. They can be created through previously mentioned cellular stressors such as chemical disturbances or can be transferred from one generation to the next such as the BRCA breast gene. Some of the most common oncogenes are listed above and the specific cancers they contribute to.
Cancer stem cells- Cancer stem cells also need to be controlled and regulated the same as the previously mentioned on and off cancer switches do. Cancer stem cells represent only one out of every 10,000 cancer cells, however, they may be the most dangerous cancer cells of all. These cells divide slowly, which is the exact opposite of most cancer cells, which divide very rapidly. Chemotherapy targets fast dividing cells thus allowing the cancer stem cells to avoid detection and often survive the chemotherapy treatments. Cancer stem cells also have the ability to build up an immunity to the chemotherapy, which they then pass on to the new cancer cells they begin to create after the chemotherapy treatments are over. Chemotherapy usually weakens the patient’s immune system, which then creates the perfect opportunity for the cancer stem cells to begin to make new cancer cells that are resistant to the original chemotherapy that was used. This explains why oncologists usually need to try a different kind of chemotherapy, the second time around, in the hope that the new cancer cells will not have a resistance to it. While chemotherapy is not able to kill these cancer stem cells there are over fifty natural substances that have been shown to target and kill cancer stem cells. A recent article in the journal Anticancer Research titled “Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells” listed the following products that have this capability.
- Green Tea
- Ginger
- Turmeric/curcumin
- Blueberry
- Genistein
- Cruciferous vegetables
- Black pepper
- Selenium
- Leafy green vegetables
- Quercetin
- Ashwaganda
- Thyme
- Vitamin D3
- Resveratrol
- Lycopene
- Cannabis
- B-carotene
- Vitamin C
How do these natural products protect against cancer?
Green tea polyphenols- Green tea expresses antioxidant activity against free radicals that could lead to cancer. They also protect against histone interference with DNA transcription (division) and improve the methylation (formation) of tumor suppressor genes.
Resveratrol- Resveratrol protects against breast cancer by decreasing the activity of a cancer promotion gene known as DNMT 3b. It also makes normal cells healthier with antioxidant protection and the suppression of histone activity on the DNA of our cells.
Soy isoflavones- Soy is made up of genistein and daidzen, which behave like estrogen and can fill estrogen sites in the breast and inhibit the growth of estrogen negative breast cancer. However, it could have the opposite effect on estrogen positive breast cancer. Intake in childhood and adolescence is the most beneficial way to optimize benefit.
Selenium- Selenium promotes the production of glutathione, one of the body’s strongest antioxidants. It also decreases cancer promotion genes known as HDAC and DNMT as well as inhibiting histones that are known to target the DNA cell replacement process in the prostate.
Sulfuraphane- This product is found in broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions and Brussels sprouts. It has the ability to help regulate the correct expression of cell proliferation (division) and inhibits the histone production as well as the expression of the cancer promotion gene known as DNMT.
Turmeric/curcumin- This Indian spice is a polyphenol that suppresses multiple stages of carcinogenesis in the cell cycle including initiation, promotion and progression. It is also one of the most effective natural anti-inflammatory substances with the proven ability to encircle cancer cells to prevent their spread to other parts of the body. Specifically it inhibits histone expression on the DNA, inhibits the NF-KB mechanism and the HDAC 1,3 and 8 protein expression process, which promotes cancer.
Chlorophyllin- Chlorophyllin has two basic mechanisms of protection against cancer. First, it has the ability to detoxify deadly chemicals that can damage our DNA such as bisphenol, PBDE’s, PFOA, heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and aflatoxins. Secondly, it protects our DNA from free radical damage and as well as promoting the healthy expression of the p53 gene that protects our DNA.
Cannabis- Various forms of cannabis, without the THC, turns on some cancer suppressor genes, turns off some cancer promotion genes and inhibits some of the enzymes that allow cancer cells to protect themselves and grow.
Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D3 has several ways to prevent and combat cancer, including enhancing intercellular communication, reduction of new blood vessel growth, enhancing calcium absorption, increasing cancer cell death, reducing cancer metastasis and inducing cell differentiation. In recent studies, it has also been shown to lower C-reactive protein. This is a blood marker for inflammation, which is implicated in many diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
Enzyme Therapy – There are many types of enzymes, and they are involved in many important functions in our bodies, including the digestion of food, the production of hormones and neurotransmitters and the elimination of bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and other negative microbes. The cancer-controlling mechanisms occur because cancers coat themselves with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in order to avoid detection by our immune system. Pancreatic enzymes, such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, plus amylase, are able to break down this coating, thus allowing our immune system, or other killing agents, to destroy the cancer cells.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C is one of the most popular of all nutrients in the antioxidant category. It can help neutralize free radicals (missing an electron) by giving up its extra electron. It also helps strengthen our cells involved in making connective tissue as a stimulant in the production of collagen. However, perhaps its most important role is in its ability to combat cancer. When vitamin C goes into the lungs, it oxidizes and is carried in the blood to the mitochondria of our cells for the production of energy. Normal, healthy cells need only small amounts of vitamin C, which means larger amounts (10 grams or more) are taken up by cancer cells, preferentially where the oxygen produced causes them to die.
Toxins that promote cancer at the molecular level
Just as there are nutrients that can turn genetic switches on and off, there are also toxins that can influence these on and off switches. There are literally hundreds of these toxins,, however many of the most common and influential toxins fall into the following categories.
- Dioxin
- Altrazine
- Phthalates
- Perchlorate
- Lead
- Mercury
- Glycol ethers
- Acrilymide
- Bisphenol (BPA)
- Perfluoroalkyl chemicals
- Heterocyclic Amines
- Aflatoxins
- Perfluorinated chemicals (PFC’s)
- Organophosphate pesticides
- Volatile organic compounds
- Trans fats
- Saturated fats
- Sugar and alcohol
- Processed grains
- Radiation
- Sugar syrups
- Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE’s)
- Polycyclic aromatic hyrocarbons
- Dibenzo pyrene (DBP)
How do these toxins turn cancer switches on and off?
These toxins work in many different ways to cause cancer at the molecular or cellular level. Here are just some of the examples of the mechanism of action for these toxins.
Dioxin- Dioxins are produced through the burning of waste, coal, oil or cement, the bleaching of wood pulp and many other industrial activities. This toxin suppresses the immune system, disrupts DNA cell division and is a major free radical in the body contributing to many diseases in addition to cancer.
Bisphenol- This a compound used to make polycarbonate plastics and tin cans. It disrupts cell development and the cell cycle process. This disruption can be avoided with the use of methylation nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid and zinc.
Alcohol- Alcohol causes seven different kinds of cancer including mouth and upper throat, larynx, oesophagus, breast, liver and bowel. Alcohol is converted to a toxic chemical in our bodies called acetaldehyde, which damages our DNA and prevents the body from repairing that damage. Acetaldehyde also causes liver cells to grow faster than normal, which can cause disruption to the cell division process leading to cancer. Finally, acetaldehyde can increase the levels of some hormones, such as oestrogen, which can then prevent these hormones from doing their job or delivering messages to the cells. Without proper messaging cells cannot divide properly or protect themselves.
Acrilymide- Acrilymide is found in potato chips, French fries, bread, rice, cereals, plastic, dyes and other chemicals. It is a byproduct of cooking foods at high temperatures and can cause DNA mutations that increase the risk of cancer, especially ovarian and endometrial.
Volatile organic compounds- Benzene is just one of many chemicals known as volatile organic compounds that are found in cigarette smoke, paints and certain fuels. VOC’s can be found in water supplies and food, but are more commonly found in the air as they are released as gas from paints, glues and cigarette smoke. They are classified as free radicals (having an unpaired electron that steals an electron from one of our healthy cells). that threaten the cytochrome p450 pathway, which can cause damage to our genes. Cytochrome p450 is a large group of oxidase enzymes which process organic compounds and can become over activated in the presence of VOC’s leading to cellular mutations.
Radiation- Radiation sources include x-rays, mammograms, cell phones, televisions, computers, radio and television frequencies and the sun. Radiation damage is accumulative, which means each exposure builds on previous exposures, thus increasing the risk of cellular damage. Radiation, like many chemical exposures, can damage the DNA in our cells leading to mutations and then to cancer.
Trans fats and saturated fats- Trans fats are a man made fat that is able to extend the shelf life of many processed foods. These fats suppress the responsiveness of TGF-beta, a protein that controls the growth and differentiation in cells. Trans fats also interfere with enzymes the body uses to fight cancer as well as suppress the immune systems ability to respond to cancer. Saturated fats are somewhat less harmful than trans fats, but should still be consumed carefully and in small quantities. For example, the consumption of high fat foods such as meat, dairy products and fried foods causes a women’s body to make more estrogens, which encourage cancer cell growth in organs that sensitive to female sex hormones. Meat also contains animal protein, saturated fat and sometimes carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) formed during the processing or cooking of meat. These compounds can cause the mutation of cellular DNA leading to cancer.
Soft drinks- Soft drinks have no nutritional value, but do contain the equivalent of ten packets of sugar in each can or bottle. A study from the University of Minnesota found that people who drink as little as two soft drinks a week have almost double the risk of pancreatic cancer than someone who does not drink soft drinks. Dark colored sodas contain a chemical known as 4-methylimidazole (4-MI), which has been linked to cancer. In the first instance the sugar caused the pancreas to become exhausted and lose its ability to function properly. In the case of 4-MI the chemical causes the mutation of cellular DNA leading to cancer.
The science of positive thinking
For years we have used a phrase “the power of positive thinking’ without knowing very much about how or where this power actually came from. In fact, for hundreds of years the brain was thought to be totally separate from the rest of body having been declared so by the French philosopher Rene Decarte and the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton. These were Western perceptions, which ran very counter to thinking in India and China where the mind and body were thought to very closely related to each other. Influenced by Western thinkers we got stuck with the separation view and our medical community was unconvinced of any connection until the 1970’s.
This change in thinking began when scientists like Candace Pert conducted research on the structure and function of cells that started to show a connection between the mind and the body.
Cells have opiate receptors that receive chemicals that influence mood, perception of pain and our ability to heal.
These chemicals, ligands, fit into opiate receptor keyholes. About 98 % of these opiate chemicals are called neuropeptides.
These sites can be filled with external opiates such as heroin or morphine, as well as internally produced chemicals known as endorphins.
Endorphins can be produced by positive emotions induced by activities such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, music, praying or just positive thinking.
Viruses use these same receptors to gain access to our cells, however if the cells are filled with endorphins then it becomes more difficult for the virus to find a place to enter.
Dr. Bert summarized this unique phenomenon in the following way.
“If the cell is the engine of the body and the brain, then the opiate receptors are the buttons on the control panel and the endorphins are the fingers that push the buttons.”
Scientists are now using this process to explain the placebo effect. If a person truly believes that something is going to work then endorphins and other beneficial chemicals can be released to produce positive health results. In one study of antidepressant drugs it was found that up to 80% of the drug’s effectiveness was actually due to the placebo effect and not the drug. This begins to explain why several natural health tools such as biofeedback, medical hypnosis, guided imagery and meditation are often able to help prevent and even reverse many chronic diseases. This might also explain how some cancer patients are able to reverse stage 3 and 4 cancer without any explanation. In the book Radical Remission, Dr. Turner explains how hundreds of cancer patients achieved what doctors could only call spontaneous remission. Perhaps positive thoughts could even be responsible for activating cancer suppressor genes and anticancer immune processes.
We have known that disease can be caused by toxins, genes, stress, lack of exercise and poor nutrition, We now must add the mind as a powerful determining factor. In fact, the mind may be the conductor of this orchestra helping the body to heal itself by creating and activating all of the right chemicals, as well as the on and off switches, after all of the other elements are in place. Detoxify, manage stress, exercise, eat healthy and let positive thinking take it from there.
Early warning tests for cancer
When cells begin this deterioration process, usually at the initial stage of stress, many diagnostic tools can detect these initial changes. Each of these tests uses a different evaluation modality, such as the detection of increased heat, increased electrical production inside the cell, increased inflammation, low hormone levels, poor cellular reactions or sensitivity to various foods. Each of these tests is based on excellent science and are used by many functional medicine doctors around the world.
1. Thermography - This test uses infrared heat sensing to determine if cells are producing heat caused by inflammation, angiogenesis or hyperactivity. In terms of breast cancer thermography can see as few as 200 problematic cells 8 to 10 years before mammograms can see anything, with a 95% accuracy. Mammograms need four billion cells in one tumor to detect at 65% accuracy. Ultrasound needs about two billion cells before tumors can be detected. Thermography emits no radiation, is not painful and it a hot sport is found it allows the doctor to prescribe changes in diet, plant-based hormones, stress management, detoxification and exercise in order to encourage the cells to return to normal function.
Vitamin D3- This blood test measures the level of vitamin D3 in our blood, which is crucial for the prevention of many diseases. VitaminD3 has been shown to activate many cancer prevention genes, especially in the breast area. Women with high levels of vitamin D3 have a 77% lower risk for breast cancer. It is usually not possible to get enough vitamin D3 from sunshine exposure alone, which means most women will need to take a nutritional supplement in order to ensure that the blood serum levels of vitamin D3 remain in the desired range of 50-90 ng/ml.
Early CDT lung test- This blood test measures seven special proteins called autoantibodies, which the body produces at the beginning of the development of cancer in the lungs. This blood test can detect these early cellular changes in lung cells; about 5 years before a CT scan. It is 91% accurate, whereas the CT scan has an accuracy of 51%. If lung cancer is caught in this early stage 90% of patients survive five years or more.
Galectin 3- This molecule is found in our blood in small amounts. However, an elevation of this molecule can indicate the growing evidence of heart failure, inflammation and cancer. Galectin 3 is found to be over- expressed on the surface of cancer cells, and actually helps the cancer cells to stick to one another. It also circulates in the blood, indicating that cancers are attempting to spread or metastasize. Because it can indicate the possibility of multiple diseases, it should not be used alone to measure the presence or the spread of cancer.
Red Drop TK Test- Thymidine kinase (TK) is an emerging biomarker for the early detection of cancer. When cells are damaged due to smoking, radiation, pollution, stress or poor nutrition, they begin to experience abnormal cell division. TK1 is involved in the cell division and the cell repair process. If the cell’s DNA becomes damaged, and cannot be repaired, then TK1 levels will begin to increase. Therefore, the increase in the levels of TK1 is directly proportionate to the cumulative DNA damage that is occurring. The Red Drop TK Test is the first test sensitive enough to measure these initial changes in thymidine kinase levels. Changes in lifestyle and diet are often enough to reverse this upward trend in TK levels. This test is also a very good way to measure the improvement in various cancer treatment protocols.
Narvarro Cancer Test- This test measures the quantity of a specific hormone known as HCG in the urine. When the level of HCG in the blood reaches 10 times the normal level, this is a good indication of the presence of cancer. This increase also shows up in the urine, and is usually when the cancer is just beginning and there are no other symptoms. This test will not indicate where the cancer is, so other tests will need to be performed to find the location. However, since it is being found so early in the cancer development process, it is fairly certain that less aggressive treatments can be utilized to get rid of the cancer. This test can also be used to measure the effectiveness of treatment protocols. A reduction in HCG levels is a definite indication that the cancer is shrinking in response to the treatment being used.
AMAS Test- This test measures an antibody in the blood called anti-malignin. Antibodies are proteins made by our immune system to help fight disease. Some testing of AMAS has found it to be accurate 95% of the time. In comparisons to the CA 125 for ovarian cancer, and the PSA for prostate cancer, the AMAS was more sensitive and more accurate than both of these tests. The cancers most commonly detected by the AMAS test are all cancers of the breast, lungs and colon. Many other cancers may soon be added to this list. This test should be used in conjunction with other tests in order to identify the specific location of the cancer. It can also be used to measure the improvement being achieved by various treatment protocols.
Circulating Tumor Cells Test (CTC)- This is a blood test to determine if there are any cancer cells circulating in our bodies. This test can also be used to determine which treatments are the best to kill the specific cancer cells that may be found. It can also help to determine which nutrients would be most effective in slowing the cancer, and augmenting the killing capability of chemotherapeutic agents that have been selected.
Nagalase blood test- Nagalase is an enzyme that is only created by cancer and viruses. It has the ability to cripple our macrophages, which are part of our immune system designed to eat up any invaders. It does this by destroying the GcMAF protein that attaches to our immune cells to signal when to attack an invader of some kind. The presence of Nagalase is a warning that microscopic cancer cells or viruses are in the body and does so 8 to 10 years before these cancer cells will be seen by any conventional cancer tests. This test can also help to determine is treatments are actually causing cancer to retreat or continue to grow. This test is inexpensive and results come back within 6 weeks.
Lymphocyte Genome Sensitivity (LGS)- This test assesses white blood cells and measures the damage to their DNA when subjected to ultraviolet light. White blood cells are an important part of our immune system and they are often under stress when they are responding to a disease, including cancer. People with cancer have white blood cell DNA, which is more easily damaged than white blood cell DNA in people without cancer. This damage is measured as the ultraviolet light causes pieces of DNA to be pulled towards the light. The longer the tail of DNA pieces the more DNA damage there is and the more likely it is that cancer is forming in the body.
Telomere measurement- This is another test involving the DNA of our cells. Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes, which help to prevent DNA damage. These telomeres show more wear and tear in people who will eventually develop cancer. Scientists have estimated that this damage can often be seen up to 15 years before conventional cancer tests can find any markers. This could provide an excellent opportunity for someone to institute an aggressive anti cancer program in order to avoid getting cancer.
Developing a prevention program
It seems nearly impossible, and definitely not feasible, to do everything that has been recommended to prevent cancer. Very few women, or men, could adopt such a strict nutritional program, and stay committed to it for the remainder of their lives. Some things are more important to do than others, and some things are easier to do than others. So, if there were just ten things to do, what would they be, based on the scientific evidence in the prevention of cancer?
Thermography/tests – Without question, the number one way to avoid breast cancer is to have infra red digital analysis performed every year. Thermography has been proven to be 95% accurate in the identification of cells that are starting to show signs of moving towards cancer. If cells of this type are detected, then a more serious prevention program can be adopted than the one recommended here. Other good early warning tests include the Galectin 3 Test and the Red Drop TK Test.
Avoid Radiation and toxins – Avoiding electromagnetic radiation can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 83%, according to scientists at the University of California. Avoiding CT scans, mammography, dental x-rays, cell phones carried close to the body, excessive use of computers, excessive use of microwave ovens and other products that produce radiation, can reduce overall risk dramatically.
It is also important to reduce chemical toxins, which are in many foods, water and the air we breathe. Avoid as many toxins as possible by eating organic foods, purified water and using air purifiers. Also, periodically remove toxins from your body with sauna, steam baths, exercise and detoxification programs.
Vitamin D3 – Taking 4000 – 5000 iu of vitamin D3, with calcium, can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 77%, according to several scientific studies. Taking 2000 – 3000 iu in the morning, and the same dose at dinner, can ensure that blood levels of vitamin D3 are at consistently high levels. Having an annual blood test for vitamin D3 levels is also advisable, because some women have defective vitamin D3 receptors, and may need a higher dose, or a different form of vitamin D3. A genetic test is available to determine if someone has these defective receptors. (Men need at least 2000 iu/day).
Maintain pH Balance – Maintaining a urine pH level of 7.0 to 7.4 is very important because cancer has a difficult time growing in a body with a proper acid-alkaline balance. Inexpensive urine test strips can be purchased online, or in most compounding pharmacies. If you are too acidic in the morning, then it is recommended to eat more vegetables and much less meat, dairy, sugar, processed foods, simple carbohydrates, alcohol and fired foods. Taking mineral supplements will also help. These changes should be continued until pH levels reach the desired range, and you can keep them there.
Maintaining Hormone Balance – Many cancers are caused by hormone imbalance, specifically, estrogen for breast cancer. Beginning at least in your 40’s, hormone levels should be tested, at the minimum, every few years. After age 50, levels should be tested annually. If hormones are out of balance, it is recommended that bio-identical hormones be used. For most women, these plant-based hormones are far more effective and safe than the ones made from horse urine. In a small percentage of women, the plant-based hormones are not effective, and low dose animal hormones are recommended. Most holistic medical doctors can provide prescriptions for these hormones, which are then filled by compounding pharmacies. Men should have their hormones tested as well since prostate cancer is often caused by hormone imbalances.
Proper Diet – Good nutrition is as important as anything else on this list. Every cell in our bodies needs proper nutrition to repair and replace neurotransmitters.cells, maintain a strong immune system and produce hormones and
Foods to Include
- vegetables
- fruits
- whole grains (not whole wheat)
- deep water fish
- almonds, walnuts, pecans
- seeds
- eggs
- Omega 3 oils
Food to Avoid
- junk food
- processed foods
- saturated fat (dairy)
- sugar
- animal protein
- peanuts
- dried fruit
- corn
7. Weight Management – Body fat has many disadvantages, not the least of which is that it produces estrogen that can cause hormone imbalances in the breasts. Extra body fat is also associated with heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. If someone were to eat an anti-cancer diet, take some quality supplements, exercise and practice stress management, it is almost guaranteed that they will not be over weight. Some tips for weight management include:
Consume calories equal to 10 times your body weight or less.
Eat something healthy every 3 hours.
Walk, or exercise, 30-60 minutes every day.
Eat foods high in water and nutrients to fill up and ensure nutrient intake.
Eat 35-40 grams of fiber each day.
Eat at least 50% of your food raw.
Take digestive enzymes before each meal, especially if you are over 40 years of age.
Exercise – Every cell in our body works better if we exercise regularly. Insulin receptors are activated by exercise, which means glucose and insulin can get into the cell. This allows cells to make the energy to do their jobs. Exercise helps us to detoxify, build muscle, burn calories and strengthen our lungs and cardiovascular system. Exercise also helps to reduce stress, manage our moods and helps us to focus better. Exercise is as powerful as any nutritional supplement.
Over 40% of Americans will get cancer sometime during their lives, but only 14% of people who exercise on a regular basis will ever get cancer. The risk of breast cancer is reduced by 75% with regular exercise.
Stress Management – Stress is a factor in most chronic diseases, and is definitely a factor in the promotion of cancer. We are often unaware of how much stress we have, and only find out when it is too late. We should all practice some type of stress control or management every day. Some ways to do this include:
Deep breathing exercises
Consuming less caffeine
Listen to music or a stress reduction tape
Meditation or yoga
Consume extra vitamin B
10. Nutritional Supplements – Taking nutritional supplements is an absolute necessity in this day and age. It is impossible to get all of the nutrient we need from the food we eat. The following supplements are needed by most people as a minimum:
- Multiple vitamin
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B complex
- Vitamin D-3
- Omega 3
- Folic acid
- Calcium/magnesium
- Zinc
- Chlorophyllin
- Cannabinoid
- Resveratrol
- Digestive enzymes
- Green drink
- CoQ10
- Vitamin A (as beta carotene)
- Turmeric or Curcumin
- Pomegranate
- Green tea
- Science-based mushrooms
- Glutathione
The supplements listed above should be high quality, natural source, and pharmaceutical grade supplements in order to ensure optimal effectiveness. Also, the entire prevention program should always be approved by a qualified Holistic Medical Doctor who has considerable experience in working with cancer prevention and treatment. This is especially important when someone is integrating this program with a conventional treatment program.
This ten-step cancer prevention strategy is feasible, and will provide excellent protection for a vast majority of people. The earlier someone can adopt these strategies, the greater risk protection they will get. For example, there are many scientists who agree that if every women adopted these strategies, there would be virtually no breast cancer within thirty years. We already have the cure, and now we just need to convince women, and men, to take personal responsibility and adopt this strategy.
In addition to these physical strategies there are also some very valuable non-physical strategies that are worthy of consideration. These strategies have been identified by Dr. Kelly Turner while she was researching what people did to reverse late stage cancer, often after conventional treatments were not successful. The book title is Radical Remission and the nine strategies used by nearly all of these surprising survivors are as follows.
Having a strong reason for living
Following your intuition
Taking control of your health
Releasing suppressed emotions
Increasing positive emotions
Deepening your spiritual connections
Embracing social support
Radically changing your diet
Using herbs and supplements
This cancer prevention program may seem like a daunting task, and a significant intrusion into your existing lifestyle. However, I can assure you that compared to the pain, agony and discomfort caused by cancer, this anti-cancer lifestyle is a walk in the park. If you are diligent, these strategies are no more of an imposition than brushing your teeth. You will enjoy higher levels of energy, fewer sick days, clearer thinking and the virtual assurance that you will also not become ill with any other chronic disease as long as you live, which will be a long time. There are no guarantees in life, but this is as good as it gets in terms of insuring that your life will be disease free.
For more eveidence-based research on cancer, visit the Research Dashboard.
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Written by:
Charles K. Bens, Ph.D. Healthy at Work Sarasota, Florida
Copyright November, 2015