Reduce Breast Cancer Stress through EFT

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Reduce Breast Cancer Stress through EFT

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "Tapping" is an excellent way to combat stress and help heal breast cancer naturally.         

          Your breast cancer diagnosis marks the beginning of a major life transition. Suddenly your normal to-do list gets put on hold as you go from one doctor's appointment to another. Decisions have to be made about short and long-term treatment, including alternative options. Family members react with support at times and at other times with visible fear, confusion and even anger. Throughout it all, you must also deal with the myriad of feelings that rise to the surface within yourself in the face of this new health crisis. You may even ask: Why is this happening to me now?

           Real-time stress is an inevitable part of your cancer journey and stress could have also played a part in the development of your Breast Cancer in the first place.  A study by the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden looked at the stress levels of 1,500 women over a 24-year period. The findings were startling: women who consistently experienced stress over the years had double the risk of developing breast cancer later in life than those who did not.

           "This study showed a statistically significant, positive relationship between stress and breast cancer," lead author Dr. Osten Helgesson said. He and other study authors also cited the fact that hormone production can increase under times of stress as one possible correlation to the disease.

            There is a light at the end of the emotional tunnel, however. Your cancer diagnosis can be a catalyst for positive change. Being aware of your own personal stressors now and being willing to face the traumatic events of the past that may be at the root cause of chronic stress can be part of the journey to heal your breast cancer.

            So what can you do to naturally reduce stress? Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping," is an amazingly simple healing modality that is based on the same meridians that acupuncturists have used for thousands of years (minus the needles).

EFT sometimes works when nothing else does because it changes brain activity by unblocking the energy meridians in the body. Tapping specific acupuncture points that are connected to various organs sends signals to parts of the brain, especially the limbic (or emotional) system. These signals "clear" disruptions or blockages in energy flow.

EFT creator Gary Craig says, "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." 

Tapping is often accompanied by statements, both positive and slightly negative, about the stressful event at hand. The combination of physical action and verbal communication act to unblock stuck energy, calm the mind and even reduce physical pain.

If you wish to heal breast cancer naturally, this can be a winning combination. The spleen and stomach meridians that run through the breast area are connected to nurturance and self-esteem. Negative emotions (i.e. sources of blocked energy) often associated with these meridians are guilt, anxiety, rejection, disapproval, worry, criticism, low self-esteem and hopelessness. By working with and clearing these emotions through EFT, your "7 Essentials" path towards breast cancer health can be enriched.

"EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior," says cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce Lipton, PhD.  If healing your cancer naturally has become part of your daily reality, EFT can become a very supportive therapy for you.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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