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The mainstream medical industry has pulled the wool over the public's eyes for years, but their plans are unraveling as natural, safe medicines become more widely known and accepted.
With the recent controversy over the movie Vaxxed, we are becoming more conscious of the need for truth and transparency. While some clamor to learn more details of reported malfeasance in government agencies, others chant “la-la- la-la” in an effort to drown out any opposing view to the status quo. Is the public even conscious?
Consciousness: The state of being awake, aware of one’s surroundings, and able to think. (Oxford Dictionary)
Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other social media have exploded with information that is difficult to ignore. Maybe we shouldn’t try to ignore, but wake up to the realization that acts of corruption are clearly invading government, education, medicine, agriculture, finance, and our daily lives to a degree that can no longer be drowned out. But enough of pointing out the obvious problems. We must create a new paradigm of suggesting solutions. And we must be conscious enough to explore possibilities that are different from the thinking that created the issues in the first place, as Albert Einstein has suggested.
There IS a problem with the current vaccine campaign. If there weren’t, why would there be have so much discussion, polarization, name-calling, and character defamation? Why would William Thompson, PhD, a senior scientist at the CDC issue a statement through his attorney ( saying,
…I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal PEDIATRICS. The omitted date suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed… There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly covey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.” (Thompson, 2014)"
The Behemoths of Business
Pharmaceutical companies have become a global market with exponentially rapid growth and a changing status in the marketplace. The World Health Organization predicts its revenue to reach $100 billion by 2025. ( They are immune to public litigation regarding vaccines since 1986 as a result of congress creating the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. ( This program has paid out over $3 billion in compensation for acknowledged vaccine related injuries and deaths. ( With any degree of consciousness we can predict where this is headed. First mandatory vaccines for children, then childcare workers, then adults, then the elderly. The profit margins have no ceiling. But not everyone is focused on the escalating fiduciary implications.
Parents are rumbling about more immediate concerns. Why so many vaccines at such a young age? What about all these toxic additives and foreign animal proteins? How can they say “safe” when vaccine injuries do happen? What about our skewed relationship to bacteria and ever-mutating viruses? These real concerns are increasing along with the overly bloated schedule of recommended vaccines.
What’s the Solution?
In 1799 Samuel Hahnemann, a medical doctor, chemist, and linguist, discovered that the homeopathic medicine called belladonna was effective as a preventative for scarlet fever. Cristoph Hufeland (1762-1836), described as the greatest German clinician of the late 18th century (Habrich 1991) and who founded a respected and still extant medical journal in Göttingen, reported that:
I. The proper use of belladonna has, in most cases, prevented infection, even in those instances where, by the continual intercourse with patients labouring under scarlet fever, the predisposition towards it was greatly increased.
II. Numerous observations have shown that, by the general use of belladonna, epidemics of scarlet fever have actually been arrested.
III. In those few instances where the use of belladonna was insufficient to prevent infection, the disease has been invariably slight.
IV. There are exceptions to the above three points, but their number is extremely small. (The Lancet 1829)
Thus the first application of something called Homeoprophylaxis, frequently called “HP,” was utilized. Surely the physicians of the era were not pleased with this renegade amongst their ranks introducing something outside the accepted norm of the day. This must have bordered on blasphemy to the conventional medical profession.
What Do the Studies Show?
Today, over 200 years later, things are not much different. But now there is more evidence. HP has been effectively used to prevent Leptospirosis in a group of 3.2 million people (Bracho, G, Varela, E, Fernandez, R, et al. “Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control.” Homeopathy. 99 (2010): 156-166.), as well as Meningitis in 85,000 people (Mroninski, Adriano, Mattos. Homeopathic Links, Winter 2001, Vol 14(4)), Influenza (International Journal of High Dilution Research 2011; 10(36):174-176), and for the prevention of childhood illnesses in 3500 children (Golden, Isaac. “Homeoprophylaxis-A Fifteen Year Clinical Study: A Statistical Review of Efficacy and Safety of Long Term Homeoprophylaxis. Gisborne. Vic. 2004). These are not small samples. Effectiveness has been robust and in many cases exceeds the effectiveness of conventional vaccines.
Most notable is the fact that there has never been a reported death or injury as a result of using HP. Additionally, long term tracking has been conducted to assess results 10, 15, and 20 years later. Where are the long term studies with vaccines?
How does it work?
HP is produced from the actual disease, much like the original concept of vaccines. The difference lies in the degree of attenuation, or weakening of the original antigen. With HP the source material is diluted serially until no original molecules remain. This form of attenuation goes far beyond the preparation of conventional vaccines.
The substance is rendered harmless and has become ‘energetic’ as opposed to ‘material.’ This diluted solution is then anointed onto pellets and taken orally where secretory IgA immune response originates in the mucous membrane. The energetic frequency delivers information to the recipient, familiarizing him/her with the disease pattern. When later encountered in nature, the disease is either not contracted at all, or if contracted, addressed effectively with a natural immune response.
What’s the Difference?
In short, HP is clean, green, and side-effect free. It contains no additives, no adjuvents, no antibiotics, no preservatives, no human diploid cells and no animal proteins. Its point of contact is where natural immunity begins – the mucous membrane, and it’s administered one disease at a time, the same way that we bump up against disease in nature.
It does not create super bacteria or wildly mutating viruses that require more and more “boosters” to control. Remember, nine out of ten cells in and on our bodies are not human cells; they are bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi living symbiotically with us. (GreenMedInfo, 2015) Respecting the fact that we share our environment with these organisms and that eventually “life finds a way,” is it rational to assume that optimal health and robust immunity simply require more and more vaccines?
Can We Expand to Embrace such a Concept?
HP is not yet a mainstream consideration to most conventional scientists. Expanded consciousness may be required to explore something so natural, so logical, and so harmless. It doesn’t garner large profits. It doesn’t require needles or refrigerated vials to administer. It can be administered by parents to their own children.
Is the world ready for such a concept? Can consciousness expand to include an energetic form of disease prevention that works? Many parents have already embraced the use of HP as a viable choice in their quandary about how to protect children. Open-minded healthcare providers are recommending this option and seeking out more information to share with their patients. The world IS changing and homeoprophylaxis may be on the leading edge of safer and more conscious healthcare.
To learn more about homeopathy, visit the GreenMedInfo database on the subject.
Want to learn more? Take a look at the upcoming Homeoprophylaxis conference, Oct. 7-9th, 2016, St. Petersburg, FL: