Spy Agencies Threaten to 'Take Out' Mercola

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Originally published on www.mercola.com


  • British and American intelligence agencies are collaborating to eliminate "anti-vaccine propaganda" from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools
  • According to Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, anti-vaxxers are "an extremist group that pose a national security risk," because "once someone has been exposed to one type of conspiracy it's easy to lead them down a path where they embrace more radical world views that can lead to violent extremism"
  • In September, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) seized 92 online domains suspected of belonging to Iraqi government-backed militia. Seizures were done in collaboration with the FBI, Google, Facebook and Twitter
  • In November, the DOJ seized 27 online domains -- including the American Herald Tribune -- suspected of being founded by Iranian interests
  • Among the websites cited by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate as promoting extremism that poses a national security risk to the U.K. are Mercola.com, Children's Health Defense, the Informed Consent Action Network, the Organic Consumers Association and the National Vaccine Information Center

I've been warning you about the seeming inevitability of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for several months now, and have discussed the ever-tightening grip of media and online censorship even longer. As an independent source of health news, Mercola.com has been in the crosshairs of globalist interests for years, and the attacks are intensifying with each passing day.

While, on the surface, health recommendations and geopolitics may appear to have nothing in common, they are in fact intertwined.

As more and more information about the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution is starting to surface, we can clearly see that eliminating medical freedom is a central part of the plot, and mandatory vaccination will be used as a tool to usher in biometrical surveillance and enslavement through a centrally-controlled all-digital finance and identification system.

Intelligence Collective Unleashes Cyberwarfare on Public

While censorship has reached new heights this year, that's likely only the tip of the iceberg. According to recent media reports,1,2,3 intelligence agencies are now collaborating to eliminate "anti-vaccine propaganda" from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools.

As reported by independent investigative journalist Whitney Webb in an article for Unlimited Hangout:4

"British and American state intelligence agencies are 'weaponizing truth' to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced 'cyber war' to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives …

Cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 'war on terror' are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting 'vaccine hesitancy' and information related to COVID-19 that runs counter to their state narratives …

The UK's GCHQ [Government Communications Headquarters5] 'has begun an offensive cyber-operation to disrupt anti-vaccine propaganda being spread by hostile states' and 'is using a toolkit developed to tackle disinformation and recruitment material peddled by Islamic State' to do so.6

In addition, the UK government has ordered the British military's 77th Brigade, which specializes in 'information warfare,' to launch an online campaign to counter 'deceptive narratives' about COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

The newly announced GCHQ 'cyber war' will not only take down 'anti-vaccine propaganda' but will also seek to 'disrupt the operations of the cyberactors responsible for it, including encrypting their data so they cannot access it and blocking their communications with each other.'

The effort will also involve GCHQ reaching out to other countries in the 'Five Eyes' alliance (U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Canada) to alert their partner agencies in those countries to target such 'propaganda' sites hosted within their borders."

Vaccine Discussion -- A National Security Risk?

According to a November 9, 2020, report in The Times,7 the British "government regards tackling false information about inoculation as a rising priority as the prospect of a reliable vaccine against the coronavirus draws closer."

In July 2020, chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, Imran Ahmed, told The Independent8 he considers anti-vaxxers "an extremist group that pose a national security risk," because "once someone has been exposed to one type of conspiracy it's easy to lead them down a path where they embrace more radical world views that can lead to violent extremism."

In other words, Ahmed implies that people who question the safety and necessity of a COVID-19 vaccine might be prone to violent extremism. His statement is no small matter, considering Ahmed is also a member of the Steering Committee on Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force under the British government's Commission for Countering Extremism.

"It seems that, from the perspective of the UK national-security state, those who question corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and its possible impact on the leading experimental COVID-19 vaccine candidates (all of which use experimental vaccine technologies that have never before been approved for human use) should be targeted with tools originally designed to combat terrorist propaganda," Webb writes.9

Government With Help of Big Tech Is Seizing Online Domains

U.S. intelligence is also part of this campaign. According to Webb, the U.S. government will help the GCHQ determine whether a website is part of a foreign disinformation operation or not. While the GCHQ claims that only foreign state actors will be targeted, and not "ordinary citizens," there's little evidence to suggest citizens won't be swept up in this information blackout operation.

For example, November 4, 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it had seized 27 online domains -- including that of the American Herald Tribune -- suspected of being founded by Iranian interests.10,11 The domain seizures are said to be part of the U.S. enforcement of sanctions against Iran.

In early September 2020, 92 online domains suspected of belonging to Iraqi government-backed militia were similarly seized.12 All of these DOJ seizures were done in collaboration with the FBI, Google, Facebook and Twitter.13 As reported by Webb:14

"The U.S. government made this claim about the American Herald Tribune after the cybersecurity firm FireEye, a U.S. government contractor, stated that it had 'moderate confidence' that the site had been 'founded in Iran' …

It is certainly plausible that GCHQ could take the word of either an allied government, a government contractor, or perhaps even an allied media organization such as Bellingcat or the Atlantic Council's DFRLab that a given site is 'foreign propaganda' in order to launch a cyber offensive against it.

Such concerns are only amplified when one of the main government sources … bluntly stated that 'GCHQ has been told to take out antivaxers [sic] online and on social media. There are ways they have used to monitor and disrupt terrorist propaganda,' which suggests that the targets of GCHQ's new cyber war will, in fact, be determined by the content itself rather than their suspected 'foreign' origin.

The 'foreign' aspect instead appears to be a means of evading the prohibition in GCHQ's operational mandate on targeting the speech or websites of ordinary citizens."

Clues that U.S. intelligence supports this cyberwar against the public can also be found in a white paper15 published in the InfraGard Journal in June 2019. InfraGard, founded in 1996, is a nonprofit national security group affiliated with the FBI.16 They collaborate on a variety of educational and information-sharing initiatives "that help mitigate threats."17

The InfraGard paper18 claims the American anti-vaccine movement is being orchestrated by Russian government-aligned organizations seeking to "sow discontent and distrust in topics and initiatives that serve U.S. interests,"19 and that "The biggest threat in controlling an outbreak comes from those who categorically reject vaccination."20

Does InfraGard speak for the FBI? Not directly, but considering it serves as "a public-private partnership among U.S. businesses, individuals, and the FBI," according to an FBI spokesperson,21 it's bound to have some degree of influence.

According to The Guardian, the unnamed FBI spokesperson noted that "It is important to distinguish among the statements, views and comments made by official FBI representatives and InfraGard Members." He or she declined to comment on or clarify the FBI's stance on whether vaccine safety advocates might be classified as a national security threat.

This Site Identified as a Cyberwar Target

Five sites specifically targeted by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate as promoting extremism that poses a national security risk to the U.K. are:

  • Mercola.com
  • Children's Health Defense (run by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
  • The Informed Consent Action Network
  • The Organic Consumers Association
  • The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

In fact, the organization specifically named yours truly as being one of just two people responsible for funding the "anti-vaxx nonprofits" that have the greatest reach. Financier Bernard Selz is the other. Selz allegedly finances The HighWire and Physicians for Informed Consent, as well as "some of the tech giants that make the modern anti-vaxx movement possible."22

It was really entertaining to read what the Centre for Countering Digital Hate wrote about me in their report, as I consider their disparagement a badge of honor. I encourage you to read it.23 For example, they commented that we have a decreasing Facebook following. Well that isn't surprising at all as we haven't posted for 18 months as a part of our "Forget Facebook" campaign. As noted by Webb in her article:24

"It is worth pointing out that many so-called 'anti-vaxxers' are actually critics of the pharmaceutical industry and are not necessarily opposed to vaccines in and of themselves, making the labels 'anti-vaxxer' and 'anti-vaccine' misleading.

Given that many pharmaceutical giants involved in making COVID-19 vaccines donate heavily to politicians in both countries and have been involved in numerous safety scandals, using state intelligence agencies to wage cyber war against sites that investigate such concerns is not only troubling for the future of journalism but it suggests that the UK is taking a dangerous leap toward becoming a country that uses its state powers to treat the enemies of corporations as enemies of the state."

Intelligence Apparatus Weaponizes 'Truth'

Indeed, it certainly appears as though the U.K. and U.S. are now lumping enemies of the state and enemies of private companies into the same category. If you criticize one you criticize the other. In short, if you impede or endanger the profitability of private companies, you are now viewed as a national security threat.

Importantly, the right and freedom to critique one's government is a hallmark of democracy, so this state-sponsored war against truthful information is in turn evidence of a radical detour from democratic rule. Technocratic totalitarianism is quite literally banging at our front door. As reported by Webb:25

"Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the U.S. military recently funding a CIA-backed firm -- stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State -- to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting 'suspected' disinformation related to the COVID-19 crisis and the U.S. military-led COVID-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed …

In early October, the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Special Operations Command announced that they had awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to the U.S.-based 'machine intelligence' company Primer. Per the press release,26 'Primer will develop the first-ever machine learning platform to automatically identify and assess suspected disinformation …

Primer's ultimate goal is to use their AI to entirely automate the shaping of public perceptions and become the arbiter of 'truth,' as defined by the state …

According to Primer's director of science, John Bohannon, 'Primer will be integrating bot detection, synthetic text detection and unstructured textual claims analysis capabilities into our existing artificial intelligence platform currently in use with DOD … This will create the first unified mission-ready platform to effectively counter COVID-19-related disinformation in near-real time …

Given that the Covid-19 vaccine candidate produced by Pfizer is expected to be approved by the end of November, it appears that the U.S. national-security state, which is essentially running Operation Warp Speed, along with 'trusted messengers' in mass media, is preparing to enter the second phase of its communications strategy, one in which news organizations and journalists who raise legitimate concerns about Warp Speed will be de-platformed to make way for the 'required' saturation of pro-vaccine messaging across the English-speaking media landscape."

Protect Your Human Rights

As mentioned at the beginning, health and geopolitics are far from separate issues. One is feeding into the other, as mass vaccination is being used as a way to implement a whole host of "new world order" directives, including the introduction of an all-digital centralized currency model tied to digital IDs and a social credit system.

Together, all of these bits and pieces will allow an unelected technocratic elite to dictate every facet of your life, from where you live to what you own (which according to the World Economic Forum will be nothing). For an introduction to this globalist takeover, which is now being rolled out at a rapid clip, see James Corbett's report featured in "What You Need to Know About the Great Reset."

As for the sharing of information, it seems inevitable that the attacks on Mercola.com will intensify. Already, Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have either throttled down or banned our online presence, making it very difficult to find and share our content.

So, if you find value in these articles, be sure to subscribe, encourage your friends and family to subscribe, and share articles via email. At the bottom of each page, you'll find an "Email Article" button that makes it easy to share. Also consider eliminating Facebook and all Google-based services from your life to cut down on their data mining of your personal information.

Remember, your personal data is being used against you. It's fed into machine learning programs that train artificial intelligence, which is then used to manipulate you and shape your perception of the world. This technology is so sophisticated, most don't even realize it's happening in general, let alone that it's happening to them specifically.

To say that we're living in extraordinarily dangerous times would be an understatement, but if we keep our wits about us and continue to share the facts and coordinate our resistance, we still have a chance to turn away from the dystopian future that has been planned for us. For some encouragement, listen to Kennedy Jr.'s speech in "Hope Despite Censorship."


1, 6, 7 The Times November 9, 2020

2 UK Defense Journal November 10, 2020

3 The National News November 9, 2020

4, 9, 14, 24, 25 Unlimited Hangout November 11, 2020

5 GCHQ.gov.UK

8 The Independent July 7, 2020

10, 13 Justice.gov November 4, 2020

11 Antiwar.com November 4, 2020

12 Antiwar.com September 3, 2020

15, 18 The Infragard Journal June 2019; 2(1) (PDF)

16 InfraGard

17 InfraGard About Us

19 The Infragard Journal June 2019; 2(1) (PDF), page 27

20 The Infragard Journal June 2019; 2(1) (PDF), page 25

21 The Guardian April 27, 2020

22, 23 CCDH, The Anti-Vaxx Industry (PDF), Page 9

26 PR Newswire October 1, 2020

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