Studies Prove Vaccinated Children Are at Greater Risk of Serious Illness and Neurological Disorders

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Studies Prove Vaccinated Children Are at Greater Risk of Serious Illness and Neurological Disorders

Four studies spanning 25 years prove vaccinated children are at greater risk of serious illness and neurological disorders than their non-vaccinated peers.

For many years, parents and professionals have been questioning whether or not any studies have been conducted comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. In fact, Congressman Posey put this very question to Ms. Coleen Doyle from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2012.

As expected, Ms. Doyle made several attempts to avoid Mr. Posey’s question before finally being forced to admit that the CDC had not carried out such a study.





This left many parents feeling let down by the one organization that they had always trusted and feeling frustrated by the lack of such a study. Researchers decided to examine whether or not such a study had ever been carried out.

What they discovered sent shock waves around the World.

Studies Prove Vaccinated Children are at Greater Risk of Chronic Health Problems

In 2014, Dr. Mayer Eistenstein reported that a study comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children had been carried out in the 1990s, which revealed that compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions.

Furthermore, the researchers had discovered a ten-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack of tonsillectomy operations among the children who were unvaccinated.

In 1992, the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS), which is now known as, conducted a survey to examine the vaccination status and health of New Zealand’s children. The results indicated that unvaccinated children were far healthier than vaccinated children.

Questionnaires were given out to IAS members, their friends and their associates, asking various health questions. A total of 245 families returned their questionnaires, giving the researchers a total of 495 children surveyed. Of these children, 226 were vaccinated and 269 were unvaccinated.

Healthy Children and Ethics

The ages of the children ranged between two weeks – 46 years (obviously some participants were older with older children). Of the children studied, 273 were males and 216 were females. (Six children were unclassified.)

Sue Claridge, who reported on the study, wrote:

“Respondents were asked to provide the year of birth, gender, vaccinations received, whether or not the child suffered from a range of chronic conditions (asthma, eczema, ear infections/glue ear, recurring tonsillitis, hyperactivity, diabetes or epilepsy) whether or not he or she needed grommets, had had a tonsillectomy, or were shown to develop motor skills (walking, crawling, sitting-up etc.). Parents also provided information on breastfeeding and bottle feeding and when a child was weaned if breastfed.”

During the study, another interesting fact emerged. Researchers discovered that 92 percent of the children requiring a tonsillectomy operation had received the measles vaccination, indicating that the vaccination for measles may have made some of the children more susceptible to tonsillitis.

The study also revealed that 81 of the families had both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Many of these families had vaccinated their older children but had grown more reluctant to vaccinate their younger children, due to their growing concerns regarding vaccine safety.

Researchers concluded that:

“While this was a very limited study, particularly in terms of the numbers of unvaccinated children that were involved and the range of chronic conditions investigated, it provides solid scientific evidence in support of considerable anecdotal evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier that their vaccinated peers.”

Although governments from around the world have continually stated that studying vaccinated versus unvaccinated children would be unethical, the New Zealand researchers are not the only group of researchers to study such comparaisons.

Vaccinated Children 5 Times More Likely to Suffer from A Range of Diseases

In September 2011, German researchers carried out a longitudinal study, surveying a total of 8000 unvaccinated children from the ages of 0 –19. As with the New Zealand study, researchers collected their data by conducting a survey using questionnaires.  

Results showed that vaccinated children were up to five times more likely to suffer from a variety of diseases and chronic health problems than unvaccinated children.

Their results were compared to another German study (KIGGS), which examined a larger sample group consisting of 17,461 participants between the ages of 0 –17.

Dr. Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner, responsible for collecting the results of the survey from the website, stated that:

“Asthma, hay fever and neurodermatitis are seen very frequently today. A recent German study with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age (KIGGS) showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children from hay fever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW).

The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is around 2.5%, hay fever, 3%, and neurodermatitis, 7%. According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic disease. Although we did not perform a blood test, around 10% stated that their children had an allergy.”

Although there were four cases of autism reported among unvaccinated children, Dr. Bachair reported that:

“Of these 4 children one tested very high for metals (mercury, aluminium, arsenic); in another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.” (own emphasis)

However, this number pales into insignificance when we compare it to the 1 in 68 children currently being reported as autistic by the CDC.

Other Conditions Found to be Almost Non-Existent in Unvaccinated Children

Dr. Andreas Bachmair continued his report by stating that their study found the prevalence of sinusitis, warts, skin problems and middle ear infections was also much lower in the unvaccinated children, as were the cases of diabetes and epilepsy.

He continued that the results demonstrated that the prevalence of many conditions in the unvaccinated children were also significantly lower. These were:

Other disorders and diseases

As we included open questions in our survey we evaluated the prevalence (of the first 10,070 participants) of some other disorders and illnesses. Unvaccinated children show very low prevalence of the following disorders:

  • Dyslexia: 0.21%

  • Speech delay/articulation problems: 0.38%

  • Sensory Processing disorder: 0.28%

  • Anxiety: 0.25%

  • Depression: 0.12%

  • Bedwetting: 0.12%

  • Celiac disease: 0.12%

  • Gluten sensitivity: 0.41%

  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease): 0.06%”

Dr. Bachair concluded his intuitive paper by adding a number of statements from parents, which I believe really added weight to her overall findings.

Further Studies Confirm that Vaccinated Children at Greater Risk of Chronic Illnesses

In 2017, a group of researchers from the US published a paper titled Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children. The paper, written by Anthony R. Mawson and his team, was one of two papers comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. It was funded by a variety of organizations including the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, a charitable organization that supports and funds research into the health and safety of children.

Using a range of online questionnaires, the researchers studied a cross section of homeschooled children between the ages of 6-12 years in the states of Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon.

Mothers were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on their 6 to 12-year-old biological children with respect to pregnancy-related factors, birth history, vaccinations, physician-diagnosed illnesses, medications used and health services.

In regards to informed consent, Mawson and his team requested that homeschool leaders sign a Memoranda of Agreement on behalf of their organization and provide the number of member families.

In a letter to participating mothers, they wrote:

“Dear Parent, this study concerns a major current health question: namely, whether vaccination is linked in any way to children's long-term health. Vaccination is one of the greatest discoveries in medicine, yet little is known about its long-term impact. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of vaccination by comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children in terms of a number of major health outcomes …”

Respondents were asked to indicate their consent to participate, provide their home state and zip code of residence, and confirm that they had biological children 6 to 12 years of age.

The researchers reported that vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated children to have been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and other allergies, eczema/atopic dermatitis, a learning disability, ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder), neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e., learning disability, ADHD or ASD) and any chronic illness. (For exact figures, please read the full study).

Mawson and his team stated that:

“With regard to acute and chronic conditions, vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have had chickenpox and pertussis but, contrary to expectation, were significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with otitis media,

pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and NDD. The vaccinated were also more likely to have used antibiotics, allergy and fever medications; to have been fitted with ventilation ear tubes; visited a doctor for a health issue in the previous year, and been hospitalized.

The reason for hospitalization and the age of the child at the time were not determined, but the latter finding appears consistent with a study of 38,801 reports to the VAERS of infants who were hospitalized or had died after receiving vaccinations. The study reported a linear relationship between the number of vaccine doses administered at one time and the rate of hospitalization and death; moreover, the younger the infant at the time of vaccination, the higher was the rate of hospitalization and death. The hospitalization rate increased from 11% for 2 vaccine doses to 23.5% for 8 doses (r2 = 0.91), while the case fatality rate increased significantly from 3.6% for those receiving from 1-4 doses to 5.4 % for those receiving from 5-8 doses.” (own emphasis added)

The results of this study are truly shocking, especially the fact that the younger the infant is at the time of vaccination, the higher the risk they face of injury and death.

Vaccinating Premature Infants Heightens Their Risk of Neurological Disorders

Could the results from their previous study be what prompted Mawson and his team to carry out a further study, titled Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children?

It is possible, because, for many years, parents have been questioning whether or not it is safe to vaccinate premature infants. This is because vaccinations are administered to a child based on the age of the child from the day that they are born. Due to the advances in medicine, babies are being saved at earlier stages in their development. This means that if a baby was born at 24 weeks’ gestation and vaccinated at age eight weeks, as per the schedule, they would effectively be minus eight weeks, as opposed to plus eight weeks, at time of vaccination.

From the onset, the team stated that:

“Preterm birth (defined as birth occurring before 37 completed weeks of gestation) is known as a major risk factor for neurodevelopmental deficits, including cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, cognitive and speech delays, motor deficits, and visual impairment associated with retinopathy of prematurity. In particular, preterm birth is the leading cause of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) and disability, including the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [1-3], but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood.”

Thus, the researchers made perfectly clear that they fully understood the complexities of preterm birth. This being said, the team was interested to discover whether or not vaccinating a premature infant with the same doses of the recommended vaccines, on the same schedule as full term infants, could in fact be detrimental to their health rather than beneficial.

They stated:

“However, the possible role of vaccination in the development of NDD in premature infants has not been assessed, partly because pre-licensure clinical trials of pediatric vaccines have routinely excluded ex-preterm infants, and because of the assumed overall safety of vaccinations.”

This study was carried out in the same way as their previous study, as the team believed that an additional study was necessary. They wrote that:

“This paper presents additional results of a survey designed to compare the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children educated at home, based on mothers’ anonymous reports on the birth histories and physician-diagnosed illnesses in their children. The analysis explores the possible role of vaccination in NDD among children born preterm.”

The team chose to research home-educated children because they believed that this growing population was suitable for their study because the vaccination rates among these children are generally lower.

From a sample of 666 children, the team discovered that 261 were unvaccinated, and of those, 51 were born pre-term. Fifty children had a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD). The team explained that the overall diagnostic category of NDD was created because of the relatively small number of children with an individual diagnosis. This they said was because the diagnoses of learning disability (LD), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were closely related and overlapping.

The team discovered that although the vaccinated children were significantly less likely to suffer from chickenpox and whooping cough, they were significantly more likely to suffer from chronic health diseases and a range of NDDs. The team stated that:

“The vaccinated were also more likely to use allergy medication, to have had myringotomies with tube placement, visited a doctor for a health problem in the previous year, and been hospitalized at some time in the past.”

They concluded that:

“This study compared the birth histories and health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children and sought to determine the association, if any, between vaccination, preterm birth and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Vaccination (i.e., receipt of one of more of the recommended vaccines) was significantly associated with NDD, while preterm birth without vaccination was not. Preterm birth coupled with vaccination, however, was associated with a synergistic increase in the odds of NDD, suggesting the possibility that vaccination could precipitate adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants. These results provide clues to the epidemiology and causation of NDD but question the safety of current vaccination programs for preterm infants.” (Own emphasis)

In other words, the team discovered that by vaccinating preterm infants with the recommended vaccination schedule, governments could be increasing their susceptibility to a wide range of learning disabilities, autism and chronic health disorders.

It is for these reasons that the team recommended that further research was required.


GreenMedInfo finds it amazing that, despite mainstream media and leading government agencies stressing repeatedly that studies comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children cannot take place for ethical reasons, researchers, scientists, small groups and organizations around the world are taking it upon themselves to do these studies anyway.

While surveys of this kind are often dismissed as being purely epidemiological and passed off as little more than stamp collecting, we believe that studies of this nature should not be dismissed out of hand. After all, many stamp collections contain just one stamp that is worth far more than its weight in gold.

These studies show without doubt that unvaccinated children are healthier than their vaccinated peers and, for this reason, these studies should be given careful consideration by all parents and professionals studying vaccination safety.

This is especially worrying because just days ago, the Italian government approved a law ordering parents to vaccinate children or face fines. According to a recent report, the new legislation makes vaccines mandatory for 12 preventable diseases, including measles, chicken pox, polio, hepatitis B, and tetanus. Only children who are fully vaccinated with these vaccinations will be eligible for nursery school and any parent who does not vaccinate their child will be fined.


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