Sweet! Dieting Without Deprivation

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Sweet Dieting Without Depravation

So, you are looking to lose a few pounds, or keep them off. What better way to accomplish this feat than to eliminate both empty sugar calories and synthetic sweeteners, which studies show can generate excessive cravings for sweets and actually increase weight gain.

Worry not, because Nature has the solution. There are two proven ways to satisfy your sweet tooth without the adverse caloric consequences and without worrying about poisoning yourself (e.g. sucralose, aspartame, saccharin) in the process.


Birch Tree Xylitol

Sweet like sugar, but with 40% the calories, xylitol is fast becoming the preferred sweetener of a variety of health-conscious consumers.

Those on low-carb diets can appreciate the low effective carb rating of xylitol (it has 75% less carbohydrate than sugar), as well as the fact that xylitol, unlike most other sugar replacements, is 100% natural. Not only is it found throughout nature in fruits (raspberries), vegetables (corn),* and trees (birch), but each day our body produces between 5-15 grams of it as part of normal metabolic processes.

Those with blood sugar imbalances can revel in the fact that xylitol has a glycemic rating of 13. What this means is that sugar (glucose), which is rated at 100, is released over seven times faster into the blood than xylitol. Unlike sugar which provokes the release of insulin in order to handle the onslaught of glucose into the blood, xylitol is metabolized independently of insulin in the gut, supplying slow and steady fuel through long periods of time. Those with hypoglycemia and diabetes alike can benefit greatly from this sweet and stable fuel source.

Those prone to infections or the overgrowth of Candida albicans (yeast) have used xylitol successfully to regain their health. The Finns discovered decades ago that xylitol consumption could be correlated directly to a dramatic decrease in incidents of cavities and ear and throat infections. Because xylitol (unlike sugar and starch) is non-fermentable and has an alkaline reaction in the body it creates an inhospitable environment for Streptococcus mutans and other infectious organisms that tend to thrive in lower pH environments. Studies have shown that plaque build-up and dental caries and can be reduced 80% by the introduction of moderate amounts of xylitol, or approximately half an ounce a day. Research also indicates that xylitol may increase bone strength and bone density in those who consume it.

Not all the mechanisms for xylitol’s efficacy have been fully identified, but the proof is in the pudding (assuming its sweetened with xylitol). Enjoy!

*Important Note: xylitol is toxic to dogs, and may have a laxative effect, so start slowly. Also, it is best to obtain xylitol from a manufacturer who uses birch and not GMO-corn, as is most commonly the case.


Stevia Extract

300 times sweeter than sugar, without caloric content, the plant has been used for over 1500 years by Paraguayans, without adverse effects. New research indicates that this plant provides a safe, affordable and tasty option to expensive and potentially dangerous sweeteners. It also has a number of proven "side benefits" which include: reduces blood sugar, reduces blood pressure, combats infections and more. One study even found that stevia was as effective as a popular oral antidiabetic drug, but with less side effects.

Isn’t that great?! Things that taste sweet don’t have to cause cavities, promote weight gain, or lead to blood sugar imbalances. On the contrary, Nature provides sweet things which actually sweeten our health, as well as our palates.

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