Twitter Deletes GreenMedInfo's 13-Year-Old Account After Calling Out CCDH's Digital Hit List

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Only hours after responding to a digital hit list published by the "Center for Countering Digital Hate," which included GreenMedInfo founder Sayer, Twitter deleted the GreenMedInfo account, which enjoyed 13 years of good standing. 

As we reported on the same day Twitter deleted our account, in an article titled "Center for Countering Digital Hate' Publishes Digital Hit list Including GreenMedInfo Founder," the CCDH and their collaborators are knowingly targeting, silencing and vilifying those individuals and organizations who reference open source, evidence-based data that call into question the presumed safety and effectiveness of the experimental mRNA COVID vaccines and/or advocate for natural and safer alternatives to pharmaceutical interventions, in general. 

Dr. Mercola, who is also on CCDH's hit list, has written two excellent articles exposing their agenda, which you can read below: 

Dozens of supporters of GreenMedInfo expressed their concern on Twitter, with a few examples shown below:

We encourage those who oppose the actions of both Twitter and CCDH to comment on their original post and digital hit list by clicking here began experiencing aggressive censorship beginning in 2018, including Pinterest, Mailchimp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Google, yet we continue to thrive because we have a robust newsletter list (join here: and Telegram community (join here:
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