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Speaking to a packed audience with tears of both outrage, sadness and inspiration, and ending with a standing ovation, Leila Centner's presentation reveals the way the CDC guidelines for COVID-19 in schools, including masking, social distancing, and Plexiglass separations are inhumane, and need to be reverted before they cause irreparable harm to our beloved children.
Leila Centner, co-founder of Centner Academy in Miami, FL -- a school which recently made international headlines for taking a stand against the experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines -- presents at the Advanced Medicine Conference on May 30th, 2021, launching Stand for Health Freedom's national campaign to remove consent from the CDC's inhumane and harmful COVID-19 policies and guidelines for children in schools.
I was in attendence, along with ~800 others, and we the room was moved to tears after only the first few minutes. You'll see why if you watch the powerful presentation above.
Feeling inspired and lionized to act and protect our children? You can ACT NOW HERE: Ask your Governor and Dept. of Education to lift COVID-19 restrictions in schools
Looking for more inspiration and resources to follow in Leila's footsteps and take this campaign to your local school board or superintendant? You can use our resource page here, where you can also get access to the entire powerpoint!
Please share this far and wide, as mainstream and social media censorship is rampant! Thank you!
If you would like to reach out to Leila, or are interested in applying to be a teacher or student at Centner Academy, you can email her here. You can also follow her and her school on Instagram.