Originally published by www.standforhealthfreedom.com
Can you believe it's July already? In five short months, we'll be voting in what may be the most important national election in our lifetime.
Are you registered to vote? Have you been learning about your local and national candidates? Who can you trust to uphold health freedom for you and your family?
If you feel overwhelmed, never fear. We've been busily researching candidates at every level of government - from potential school board members to state representatives to U.S. senators - and, for the first time ever, we've created voter guides for 18 states. As of June 29, we've chosen 766 candidates we believe will stand for health freedom, awarding 423 of them our full endorsement. After the primaries held so far, 400 of the 766 have moved on to the general election, with 174 of our fully endorsed candidates winning spots on their ballots. Thank you to those who have campaigned and voted for these freedom fighters.
Don't stop now. We need to keep fighting because it's working.
Because of your voice, American lawmakers have begun to wake up and oppose the WHO's attempt to take over U.S. public health decisions.
- Since the launch of the SHF action to support HR 419, (No Taxpayer Funding for the WHO Act) there have been 45 new cosponsors!
- Two senators, as well as House members of the Freedom Caucus, sent letters to the White House insisting the U.S. reform their relationship with the WHO or pull out altogether.
- After witnessing two years of federal overreach, gubernatorial candidates are speaking out against the WHO's actions and promising to stand strong to protect the health of their constituents.
- In Missouri, health advocates stopped the confirmation of a public health director who had undisclosed ties to a company pushing vaccine passports.
- SCOTUS is holding the line when agencies with no ties to our local communities try to tell us how to make choices in our daily lives.
The White House desperately wants to reach its fingers directly into our schools, our homes, our jobs, and our health care. But people are saying no. Finally, the so-called misinformation that health advocates have been sharing is now becoming mainstream news. The narrative is changing because truth is standing up to tyranny.
The antidote to federal overreach into our neighborhoods is strong community. Finding health freedom allies and creating local connections are among the best ways to protect our families. This is why the federal government tried to create fear with masks and distancing and propaganda about asymptomatic spread -- to separate us from our neighbors and make us easier to control.
But the health freedom movement is turning the tide. Let's keep the momentum going.
It's a crucial time for the future of our country and our children. In this mid-term election year, make your voice heard! Register to vote. Share what you know with your neighbors. Vote in your primaries. Vote in the general election. Vote for health freedom and if you can, please donate to Stand for Health Freedom so we can see a wave of freedom take back our country.
In solidarity,
Stand for Health Freedom