When Johnny Comes Marchin' Home... Covering Up the Toxic Truth of PTSD

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When Johnny Comes Marchin Home...Covering Up the Toxic Truth of PTSD

When pharmaceutical and talk therapies fail with those suffering from PTSD, consider the brain's environment...Detox!

The public has little idea of the depth of suffering our returning warriors and their families endure.  We saw a sanitized version of war in the Mid East, but rarely the depressing after-story, even when veterans retain their limbs and appear whole.  They have been psychologically traumatized, concussed by explosions, vaccinated and drugged while subsisting on bad food under constant stress.
The internal burden of battlefield chemistry they come home with is totally ignored in the psychiatric view of PTSD.  Think of the thick smoke in old war movies and consider its contents.  Every type of burnt micronized metal, plastic, paint, petroleum, explosive residue and even depleted uranium is included.  We scapegoat smoking, but ignore all the other common sources of metal contamination.  Depleted uranium weaponry is kept quiet so the subject of "dirty" bombs and war crimes doesn't come up.  Pity the civilians caught in war zones who have seen huge increases in cancers and horrendous birth defects where deformed babies are simply thrown in the trash.  Similar fates await our firemen, industrial workers and anyone with exposure to toxic technologies. All these metals generate powerfully oxidzing ROS that slowly and unnoticeably gnaw at brain cells.

Standard issue anti-psychotics and anti-depressants may temporarily help PTSD sufferers without ever addressing the underlying toxins that source inflammation.  Recreational, occupational and talk therapies are unquestionably valuable, still those tortured minds are confined within a polluted body.  Unless body burdens are suspected, etiological significance will remain fuzzy and detoxification protocols will never be instituted...and a very ugly aspect of both warfare and industry stays buried.

Unfortunately, no one on Earth is immune from contamination, even Inuit and American children can harbor disturbing levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, dioxin, glyphosate, BPA, and 80,000 other GRAS chemicals with accompanying mineral deficiencies.

  • Since conventional care totally dismisses the involvement of "safe" levels of contamination as well as the value of chelation; public awareness of the problem is logically the first therapeutic hurdle.
  • Follow with a hair analysis of mineral and metal levels that source chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. 
  • Next step is a molecular level detoxification protocol, hyperbaric oxygen and nerve system healing cannabinoids. 
  • A diet/lifestyle remake follows with emphasis on antioxidant polyphenols, green vegetables, healthy saturated and balanced omega fats, sunshine and exercise. 
  • Many times this approach will preclude the need for pharmaceutical intervention which "just doesn't go there."

Molecular level detoxification begins with mobilizing toxins secreted in brain, membrane, bone and fat via raising body charge.  This is accomplished through the use of Mega C/baking soda plus synergists like Vit. E, K2, RALA and niacin along with sulfur and magnesium sources.
Raising charge also speeds liver function and aids elimination of organic poisons as Mega C generates hydrogen peroxide for the oxidative destruction of organic debris.
To grab, chelate and excrete freed-up toxins; chlorella, clays and charcoal are taken with meals.

Metals have wide ranging deleterious effects on the nervous system and are well known factors in Alzheimer, autism and depression.  Cancers, artery disease and the rest are inflammations, too, and all share origins in poor nutrition, emotional balance and lifestyle habits. Basic chemistry supports the Forbidden approach of restoring a charged fluid environment, more oxygen and more cellular energy. It is simple, effective and beyond any objective scientific dispute; too simple in fact to be believed.

Oral Vit C Megadose and Mega C via IV remain the best last-ditch lifesaving actions known to reverse brain swelling and vicious infections, but are almost never used.

Hyperbaric oxygen and other O2 therapies, common around the world, are rarely employed in the U.S.. These are optimized with magnesium and bicarbonate. 

These are first choice safe therapies for concussions and ninety-seven other maladies. Isn't it negligent to "not use" Mega C and HBOT?

Another highly effective nervous system med is cannabis in its many forms. Medical authorities approve of CBD oil for epileptic children following a huge parental outcry, but a lid is kept on its universal value in other diseases, presumably to prevent many pharmaceuticals from becoming obsolete. The plant itself remains criminalized in most states.  In others states it is highly controlled by "authorized" monopolies and tax traps cleverly designed to feed off of sick people. The idea is not only immoral, it's absurd to regulate an herbal cure wanted by a clear majority of Americans... that will not be covered by insurance...that has been free for 50,000 years!

So if you know a veteran, fireman, welder, fisheater or any other conscious being on this planet; please sound the alarm so they are at least aware of the problem and inexpensive ways to deal with it.

Veterans' support groups fail to recognize detox protocols? Why?

The Supreme Court recently prolonged the existence of the coal industry by omitting the expense of public health in their cost/benefit considerations of emission standards. Industry gets yet another pass to legally poison the commons; our air, lands, fresh waters and oceans.

States demanding exorbitant payment, mandatory pharma-care insurance or that prohibit life saving practices and medications by force of law must google the word extortion and keep it real.

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