WHO's 'Take Over' of Youtube Portends Orwellian Medical Dystopia

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The World Health Organization and YouTube merge into a dystopian one-size-fits-all medical misinformation paradigm where "prevention" equals vaccination or mammography, but step away from your vitamin cabinet or using food as medicine because that's no longer acceptable according to their new policies.  

On August 15th, Youtube announced it is adopting WHO's medical misinformation policies, ushering in a 'one world, one narrative' digital governance structure which will render free speech, and by implication - informed medical choice - non-existent for users on its already heavily censorship prone platform.

From this point onward, any content that contradicts or diverges from the WHO's official health guidance may be deemed "harmful content" in violation of Youtube's "Community Guidelines" and will now be subject to censorship or removal. 

In a post titled, "A long term vision for YouTube's medical misinformation policies," Youtube shared its "thinking about the future of medical misinformation policies, including removing cancer misinformation."

Youtube stated: 

"Moving forward, YouTube will streamline dozens of our existing medical misinformation guidelines to fall under three categories - Prevention, Treatment, and Denial. These policies will apply to specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)."

Organized into a tripartite framework, it proposed the following guidelines:

Prevention misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on the prevention and transmission of specific health conditions, and on the safety and efficacy of approved vaccines. For example, this encompasses content that promotes a harmful substance for disease prevention.

Treatment misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on treatments for specific health conditions, including promoting specific harmful substances or practices. Examples include content that encourages unproven remedies in place of seeking medical attention for specific conditions, like promoting caesium chloride as a treatment for cancer.

Denial misinformation: We will remove content that disputes the existence of specific health conditions. This covers content that denies people have died from COVID-19.

Youtube's medical misinformation guidelines include not just topics relevant to vaccination, but explicitly disallow any "content that promotes information that contradicts health authority guidance on the prevention or transmission of specific health conditions." Unless a substance or therapeutic modality has been officially approved by either local health authorities or the WHO as "safe and effective, it will be forbidden to be discussed on Youtube from now on. 

Youtube specifically mentions the following examples of censorable content under subsection "harmful substances & practices as prevention methods":

Promotion of the following substances and treatments that present an inherent risk of severe bodily harm or death:

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

Black Salve


B17/amygdalin/peach or apricot seeds

High-grade hydrogen peroxide

Chelation therapy to treat autism

Colloidal silver

Ozone therapy

Gasoline, diesel and kerosene

Content that promotes use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19.

Their vaccine-specific guidance includes censorship of any of the following topics: 

Vaccine safety: Content alleging that vaccines cause chronic side effects, such as cancer or paralysis, outside of rare side effects that are recognized by health authorities.


Claims that the MMR vaccine causes autism.

Claims that any vaccine causes contraction of COVID-19.

Claims that vaccines are part of a depopulation agenda.

Claims that the flu vaccine causes chronic side effects such as infertility, or causes contraction of COVID-19.

Claims that the HPV vaccine causes chronic side effects such as paralysis.

Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will cause death, infertility, miscarriage, autism, or contraction of other infectious diseases.

Claims that achieving herd immunity through natural infection is safer than vaccinating the population.

Content that promotes the use of unapproved or homemade COVID-19 vaccines.

Vaccine efficacy: Content claiming that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease.


Claims that vaccines do not reduce risk of contracting illness.

Claims that vaccines do not reduce the severity of illness, including hospitalization or death.

Claims that any vaccine is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19.

Ingredients in vaccines: Content misrepresenting the ingredients contained in vaccines.


Claims that vaccines contain substances that are not on the vaccine ingredient list, such as biological matter from fetuses (e.g. fetal tissue, fetal cell lines) or animal byproducts.

Claims that vaccines contain substances or devices meant to track or identify those who've received them.

Claims that vaccines alter a person's genetic makeup.

Claims that vaccines will make people who receive them magnetic.

Another specific target of Youtube's new censorship policies include discussion of alternative cancer treatments. Youtube states: 

Starting today and ramping up in the coming weeks, we will begin removing content that promotes cancer treatments proven to be harmful or ineffective, or content that discourages viewers from seeking professional medical treatment. This includes content that promotes unproven treatments in place of approved care or as a guaranteed cure, and treatments that have been specifically deemed harmful by health authorities. For instance, a video that claims "garlic cures cancer," or "take vitamin C instead of radiation therapy" would be removed.


Youtube's new policies reflect the perils of scientism, namely, the policy that only peer-reviewed, published randomized clinical trials and government approved drugs are valid treatments for disease, despite uninterrupted millenia of safe, affordable, effective, accessible and cross-culturally validated approaches that rely on food-based, herbal and vitamin/nutrient-focused approaches and life-style modifiable factors, such as exercise, nutrition, and mind set to prevent and treat disease. Scientism begets Medical Monotheism, which is applying a one-size-fits-all approach where those who choose alternative approaches, or diverge or contradict the established 'standard of care' are treated as heretics, and are marginalized, vilified, and sometimes persecuted and treated as criminals. 

A quote attributed to Dr. Benjamin Rush, co-signer of the Declaration of Independence, conveys this presciently: 

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic."

Youtube's policies, especially over the past few years of the declared Covid-19 pandemic, have already resulted in the removal of hundreds of thousands of pieces of content, with many more experiencing algorithmic de-boosting, shadow banning, and what is arguably even more concerning: a growing culture of self-censorship, and the wholesale dismissal of exercising one's First Amendment rights, which incidentally even protect most forms of speech that are known to be factually inaccurate.

Depriving the world of an open exchange of ideas, dialogue, and the sharing of medical opinions and experiences has profound bearing on the basic human and medical right of informed medical choice. Without a free flow of information, especially around the real risks and benefits of the entire range of available treatments, from conventional to integrative to alternative, bodily sovereignty and the medical ethical principle of informed consent is not possible, despite being globally adopted as sacrosanct, following the Nuremberg trials. 

While this latest development is highly concerning, it speaks to the public's growing need to have access to and to utilize alternative media platforms, such as the one with created UNITE.live, where the freedom to speak truthfully about topics essential to the exercise of your civil liberties, and which secure your basic human rights, can not be taken away from you. 

We designed our platform with this in mind, and offer conscious, scalable technology that anyone can use to become a creator/influencer, while leveraging a broad range of tools to scale your impact and to self-monetize and make a living doing what you love. 

We are also a freemium platform, which offers enterprise level tools to anyone who would like to try out our full-featured, 22-day trial. You can sign up here now. 

Please share this article with others who share our values, and who might benefit from knowing a viable alternative to Youtube, with a wide range of unique additional benefits, is available to transition from the increasingly toxic Big Tech stack, immediately. We suggest people download their content and upload it to Unite.live, as a back up, or for those who are ready to take the plunge, transition completely. Join our growing values-centric, purpose-driven community today

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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