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Learn the facts about vaccines that have been largely ignored or censored by the media...
The video was released on our Facebook page on August 22nd, and received over 250,000 views within the first 24 hours. Watch it on FB here.
URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Vote No on SB 276 – It’s a bad public health bill
- SB 276 is the third “vaccine” bill hard on the heels of California’s SB277 and AB2109 that were also pushed with rapidity, extremism, and complete voter and taxpayer disregard. The last time government and industry joined hand in hand to address “the vaccine issue” with comparable urgency and disdain of the democratic process, lawmakers granted pharmaceutical corporations extraordinary and unprecedented liability protections via the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.
- SB 276 is not California for All as it puts the disenfranchised in jeopardy. It claims to “further protect public health” by attacking “lying” parents and their physicians who unethically claim medical vaccine exemptions.
- State public health officials must not have the power to override the judgment of private physicians. SB 276 inappropriately places the granting or withholding of medical vaccine exemptions for patients in the hands of state employees, rather than in the hands of private physicians who personally care for patients.
- Doctors must be permitted to evaluate patient susceptibility to vaccine injuries, taking into consideration a variety of factors that cannot be legislated. SB 276 forces health care professionals to adhere to exceptionally narrow vaccine contraindications, which have been defined by government appointed officials working for the CDC, a public health agency. Doctors are so severely scrutinized and challenged for granting medical vaccine exemptions that, with precious few exceptions, most are concerned for their licenses and are no longer willing to grant them. Doctors must have the latitude to evaluate their patients and to grant medical exemptions when indicated.
- SB 276 is bad public health law. This bill compromises the doctor-patient relationship, creates fear and distrust of public health officials and legislators, violates parental and informed consent rights, violates privacy rights by forcing the recording of medical exemptions into the state vaccine tracking system, and endangers the lives of children more susceptible to vaccine reactions for genetic, biological and environmental reasons that have not been fully identified by the federal government. These vulnerable children should not be punished by the state and denied a school education.
URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Florida Senator Files Bill to Remove Religious and Limit Medical Exemptions
- Senator Lauren Book (D) filed a bill (SB64) on August 2, 2019 to eliminate religious exemptions and limit medical exemptions to mandatory vaccination in Florida.
- No-exceptions public health laws, which enforce liability-free and unavoidably unsafe pharmaceutical products in the name of the greater good, violate basic human rights to bodily sovereignty, informed consent, religious freedom, and conscientious decision making.
- All Americans are entitled to observe our religious tenets and to worship, and express devotion in the manner of our choosing, without government, industry, or medical interference or scrutiny. The removal of religious exemptions affects citizen rights to make decisions for ourselves and our families.
- SB64 will create unnecessary, intrusive, and costly State bureaucratic reviews of our private medical decisions and damage the integrity of the trusted, doctor-patient relationship.
- If SB64 passes, the entire current vaccine schedule (70+ doses of 16 vaccines) — and any future vaccines the state may choose to mandate — will be mandatory for virtually all children. In effect, the state will be practicing and enforcing one-size-fits-all medicine.
- Early and decisive citizen action in support of our rights, and against SB64, sends a strong message to elected and appointed officials that voters are vigilant and intend to hold politicians accountable for representing us.