Sayer Ji's blog

Breaking: International Governments Are Criminalizing Free Speech Through Global Coordination; New Files Expose Plot

In a chilling assault on free speech, governments and shadowy organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative.

Breaking: International Governments Are Criminalizing Free Speech Through Global Coordination; New Files Expose Plot


The Invisible Nuclear Threat Within Non-Organic Food

   Beyond GMO-Free: Why We Can't Afford Not To Eat Organic

Whether you know it or or not, nuclear waste (cobalt-60) has been used for decades to make your food "safer."

250+ Examples of Natural Remedies Beating Pharmaceuticals

You hear a lot about 'natural healing' these days, but did you know that a sizable body of scientific literature actually supports the idea that natural medicine is safer and more effective than conventional, drug-based medicine? 

One of the greatest if not the greatest triumph of biomedical science today is its role in validating ancient healing modalities that long before the advent of science, and even recorded history itself, were passed down "orally" from generation to generation in the vast body of folkloric medical knowledge that still forms the basis for the majority of the world's primary health care system.

Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers?

Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers?

Did you know that the multi-billion drug category known as "acid blockers," despite being used by millions around the world daily, may not work as well as the humble ginger plant in relieving symptoms of indigestion and heartburn? 

Ginger is a spice, a food, and has been used as a medicine safely for millennia by a wide range of world cultures. Research on the health benefits of ginger is simply staggering in its depth and breadth. In fact, the health benefits of ginger have been studied extensively for over 100 health conditions or symptoms, making it one of the world's most versatile, evidence-based remedies.

7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally

(ILEISH ANNA/Shutterstock)

We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world?

Top 5 Reasons Never to Use Splenda

Top 5 Reasons Never To Use Splenda

Splenda is marketed as a no-calorie, no-guilt sugar substitute. Blood sugar stable, it "passes right through" the body, so it's safe for diabetics AND you won't gain weight! Are these claims masking the ugly truth about this chemical imposter? As mounting research shows, when it comes to our diet, there is no free lunch

Splenda's Spurious Claims

CONSUMER ALERT: Splenda Releases Toxic Dioxin When Heated

CONSUMER ALERT: Splenda Releases Toxic Dioxin When Heated

A review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal Toxicology and Environmental Health, overturns widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener.

Turmeric Superior to Chemical Mouthwash In Improving Oral Health

Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn of Dangers of RNAi Crops

Originally published on by Sayer Ji

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