There is a new children's book available that teaches children that they don't have to fear childhood illnesses. It is entitled "Melanie's Marvelous Measles" and can be purchased HERE
Mass hysteria has broken out among the provaccine with ideations of banning the book due to its perceived danger. See article HERE
So what are the arguments in favor of shedding the mass fear that has been ingrained since the 1960s when the vaccines became available, prior to which measles was an acceptable childhood illness? In the developed world, mortality was reduced over 98% before the vaccine came along and before antibiotics were available. In England and in the United States, the chance of dying from measles had dropped to 1-2% by the 1930s.[1]
Immunology textbooks[2] point out that children who can't make antibodies, usually get through measles as well as children who can, because it's the innate or cellular immune system that is the key for measles (or any first time disease for that matter) not the humoral or the antibody system.