Results for Insulin Resistance

Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable & Reversible Condition

The title of this article may sound like heresy to those who have been schooled to believe that when diabetes "happens" to you, it is with you for life. There is far more to the story than both drug and naturally-based palliative medicine normally touches upon. 

Magnesium Improves Metabolic Profile In Metabolically Obese, Normal-Weight Individuals

Oral Magnesium Improves Metabolic Profile In Metabolically Obese, Normal-Weight Individuals


Some normal weight individuals show obesity-related characteristics such as insulin resistance, elevated fasting blood sugar levels, high triglyceride levels, and high blood pressure. Although eating a high carbohydrate diet is linked to these findings, a new study shows that low magnesium status contributes to this disorder, and that magnesium supplementation can improve the metabolic profile in these subjects.

Many Faces of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a state where cells cannot take properly sugar from blood to use it as an energy source. Cells become resistant to the action of insulin. It therefore takes more insulin to keep blood sugar in balance. People with insulin resistance syndrome will consequently have normal blood sugar levels but elevated insulin level

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