Results for Vitamin K

Cancer as a Curable Metabolic Disease

This article is copyrighted by Jeffrey Dach MD, 2013
Republished with permission from

Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Just because you consume a particular food or drink, doesn't mean all the nutrients make their way into the body, to the locations where they end up being used or stored. Sometimes they just pass right out of your gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed and other times they are broken-down immediately by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Nutrients have to make it through a variety of obstacles, starting from the moment they enter your mouth to the moment they are used or stored. The bioavailability of a particular nutrient refers to the ability of the nutrient to pass through some or all of these obstacles, so that they are absorbed into your body and become available for use or storage [1].

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Today, healthy fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders. What do you do if you're HFA deficient? 

[Note: Melanie Christner is leading an upcoming 12-week GAPS™ Protocol course which is still open for enrollment. Learn more here.]

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