Results for aluminum

Study Type : Animal Study
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Additional Keywords : aluminum, aluminum toxicity
Problem Substances : Aluminum : CK(1075) : AC(356)

Aluminum Found in Brains of MS, AD, Autism Patients

Diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism are sharply on the rise, leaving scientists scrambling to uncover a cure. Could these brain-ravishing conditions be caused by the slow build-up of neurotoxic aluminum in our brains?

Anatomy of a Science Study Censorship

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Elsevier's "withdrawal" of a small veterinary study breaks all the rules of scientific publishing. The biggest name in scientific literature has produced fake medical journals for Merck's advertisers before, so yanking a study that doesn't pass the vaccine industry's sniff test would be nothing. Celeste McGovern looks at a case study of how Pharma is killing science

Antiperspirants Exposed: The Hidden Chemistry of Breast Cancer Risk

What if the very product millions use daily to stay fresh is silently contributing to one of the most feared diseases among women? A growing body of evidence suggests the aluminum in antiperspirants may play an insidious role in breast cancer development - and it's time we took a closer look at research that was prematurely dismissed.

The Buried Warning: Early Studies Raise Alarms

Could Depression be an Unrecognized Side Effect of Vaccinations?

Could Depression be an Unrecognized Side Effect of Vaccinations?

Vaccines have been linked to hundreds of diseases including autism. Now, thanks to emerging science, we can add depression to the laundry list of issues vaccines can contribute to causing.

FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?

FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?

Article Originally Published On

Malfeasance is when a public official violates the public trust by performing an act that is wrongful, legally unjustified, or contrary to law. Nonfeasance is the failure to act where there is a duty to act. Misfeasance is conduct that is lawful but inappropriate. Perhaps, when it comes to the recent approval of Gardasil 9 all of these apply.

Hep B Vaccine Damages the Liver it is Supposed to Protect

Hep B Vaccine Damages The Liver It Is Supposed To Protect

"According to Hippocratic tradition, the safety level of a preventive medicine must be very high, as it is aimed at protecting people against diseases that they may not contract." ~ Marc Girard, Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine

Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction.

High Aluminum Levels Contaminate Brains of Autistic Children

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Washington, DC--June 4, 2019--High Concentrations of aluminum characterize the brains of autistic children, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology[1]

Money, Markets, and “Get Out of Our Way”

Money, Markets, and "Get Out of Our Way"

NHF President Scott Tips at Codex Food Additives meeting in Hong Kong, preparing to speak

The National Health Federation (NHF) returned again to Asia in mid-March 2014, to attend the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) Forty-Sixth Session in Hong Kong, China. [1] Last year's CCFA meeting, held amidst the death-smog of Beijing, yielded a great victory as NHF reduced neurotoxic aluminum by 50% in many food products and completely eliminated it in others.

Pincushion Pregnancy: New Data on the DTaP Vaccine

Pincushion Pregnancy: New Data on the DTaP Vaccine

Article Originally Published Here

Despite the evidence of inefficacy and risk, why is the DTaP vaccine still recommended to pregnant women as of 2012?

Professionals Worldwide Blame Aluminum Adjuvants for the Rise in Neurological Conditions in Children

Depression is on the rise around the world and, according to one author, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that approximately 300 million people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disorder

Scientists Researching the Effect of Aluminum Exposure Appeal to the Public

Scientists Researching the Effect of Human Exposure to Aluminum Appeal to the Public

Aluminum has been linked to diseases such as cancer, autism, and Alzheimer's.  This toxic material is entering the human body via everyday consumption of food, water, cosmetics and an increasing number of vaccinations.

Aluminum has been named as the second most used metal in the world after steel, largely because it is so versatile. It can be found in our food, drinking water, atmosphere, medication, vaccinations and cosmetics.

You Call Yourself a Feminist?

You Call Yourself a Feminist?

Article Originally Published Here

A friend of mine sent me a note in her 6th month of pregnancy the other day, telling me that a conversation about declining the Tdap vaccine ended with her obstetrician saying, "I'm going to fight you on that one." A female doctor said this to a female patient in total disregard for her rights as a patient and as a woman, and it suddenly hit me why this vaccine fight is such a fight:

If you don't support a woman's right to make healthcare decisions for her child, don't call yourself a feminist.

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