Results for calorie restriction

A Clinician's Experience of 15 Years of Intermittent Fasting

Originally published on by Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

Aging Is Officially A Disease

Aging Is Officially A Disease

The search for eternal life isn’t new, but how far we’ve come from the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth and the hidden valley of Shangri-La, is truly a sign of the times. Today, the crossroads meet between the natural tendency to find an easy way out, and the seductive promise of profits. The quest is on for how to put longevity in a pill. 

American Heart Association's Irresponsible News Release of the Intermittent Fasting Study

Originally published on by Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

New Proof The Less You Eat, The Longer You Live

Could the age old search for the 'fountain of youth' be as accessible and simple as cutting down on caloric intake?

Cutting just 25% of calories over 2 years slowed biological aging and improved health for healthy adults, reports a new study in Nature Aging.[1] The findings provide more evidence that mild long-term calorie restriction can partially reverse molecular damage accumulation underlying age-related disease.  

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