Results for Detoxification

4 Reasons to Break a Sweat

4 Reasons to Break a Sweat

Your body has a natural, powerful, built-in system for detoxification that doesn't require trendy juice cleanses or expensive protocols. All you have to do is sweat!

Doctors, health experts, and fitness gurus tell us that we should break a sweat every day - and for good reason. While sweating has a host of benefits simply because it's a result of health-boosting exercise, the act of sweating itself heals the body as well. Whether you're sitting in a sauna, walking on a warm day, or working out, sweating is a necessary bodily function with powerful healing effects.

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

Holistic Medicine: A Life Without Fear

Holistic Medicine: A Life Without Fear
Originally published on

There is a radically different way to think about health. You may have heard about it, but are you clear on what it truly means, and the transformations it can yield in your mind, body and spirit?

You can fight or you can trust.

Is DETOX a Myth?

Is DETOX a Myth?

How detoxification works, and how it is approached from a GAPS™ (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) perspective.

Recently my husband brought an article from the Guardian to my attention that was titled:


The article byline went on to say:

Mainstream Medical Myths / Alternative Healing Pitfalls

Mainstream Medical Myths / Alternative Healing Pitfalls

Staying healthy is hard enough without intentional disinformation.  Basic science and logic can reveal the life-saving truths forbidden by our medical industrial complex and corporate media.

Niacin for Detoxification: A Little-known Therapeutic Use

Niacin for Detoxification: A Little-known Therapeutic Use

Niacin augments detoxification by lowering the body burden of lipid-stored xenobiotics.

Republished with permission from the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 26, Number 2, 2011

Preventing Disease Before It Starts

Preventing Disease Before It Starts

Preventing Disease Before It Starts

The human body has over 60 trillion cells, and every one of them is vulnerable to the development of multiple diseases. One of the biggest problems facing medicine is how to diagnose these diseases earlier, in order to improve the chances of stopping and reversing them.

Here are a few classic examples of the challenges of early detection. 1

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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