Results for glyphosate

(Not a) Surprise: Glyphosate-based Herbicides are Bad for Your Mental Health

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ALERT: Certified Organic Food Grown in U.S. Found Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

ALERT: Certified Organic Food Grown in U.S. Found Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

Originally published on Health Impact News.

Think you can avoid glyphosate by buying organic? Think again. A new investigation by Tropical Traditions reveals that many products in the organic grain market in the U.S. contain glyphosate residue at levels almost the same as conventional grains.

Bayer Admit Defeat in Groundbreaking Roundup Cancer Case as Ongoing Liability Deal Challenged

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Bayer-Monsanto have announced that they will not be asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a $20.6 million verdict awarded to former school groundskeeper, Dewayne Lee Johnson, who proved that their glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup causes cancer.

Bayer Needs More Than an Aspirin to Cure its Monsanto-Sized Headache

Bayer Slashes 12000 Jobs as Monsanto Takeover Turns Sour

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Bayer’s Shady PR Firms: FleishmanHillard and Ketchum

In the latest PR scandal to engulf Bayer, journalists at Le Monde reported May 9 that they obtained a “Monsanto File” created by the public relations firm FleishmanHillard listing a “multitude of information” about 200 journalists, politicians, scientists and others deemed likely to influence the debate on glyphosate in France.

Can GMOs Help Feed the World?

Can GMOs Help Feed the World?

The claims about genetically engineered foods have been quite lofty. Monsanto and other proponents of biotechnology are fond of saying that genetic engineering is necessary if the world's food supply is to keep up with seven billion people and counting. They claim GE crops produce higher yields, solve pest and weed problems, are safe for humans and the environment, and are the cure for world hunger.

As John Robbins writes, if Monsanto's true goal is addressing hunger, then their seeds would be designed to fix the core problems that underlie the hunger issue, such as:[1]

Crashing Monsanto’s Pesticide Party In Beijing

Crashing Monsanto’s Pesticide Party In Beijing

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NHF Slams the Global Pesticide Empire.

“A business that makes nothing but business is a poor business.”
– Henry Ford

Does Glyphosate Substitute for Glycine in Proteins of Actively Dividing Mammalian Cells?

Expert US Groups Launch Legal Action in Attempt to Ban Glyphosate Herbicides

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A groundbreaking legal action launched Wednesday calls on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to immediately suspend and cancel the dangerous herbicide glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup.

Global GMO Free Coalition Set to Help Fund World’s Largest GMO Safety Study

Global GMO Free Coalition Set to Help Fund World's Largest GMO Safety Study

The Global GMO Free Coalition welcomes the launch of the largest ever study on GMO and pesticide safety – Factor GMO. This is the type of study that should have been carried out on all GM foods before they were released into our food and feed supplies.

Factor GMO will include three arms: carcinogenicity, toxicity and multi-generational. These arms will give clear information on the health impacts of the Roundup Ready GM maize variety being studied and the glyphosate herbicide with which it is grown.

Glyphosate Found in Human Hair as Unique Testing Project Releases First Results

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A new testing program organized by The Detox Project in coordination with Kudzu Science, has released the first ever results for glyphosate levels in human hair, in an extraordinary announcement on Wednesday.

GMOs and Health: The Scientific Basis for Serious Concern and Immediate Action

GMOs and Health: The Scientific Basis for Serious Concern and Immediate Action


You might ask, "why all the fuss about agricultural genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?" After all, regulatory agencies have approved these technologies for widespread application and consumption, so they must be safe, right?  Well, the truth is that there is no agency and no industry that  works to protect our health.  At best, the EPA, USDA, and FDA attempt to respond to our disease after the cause is widespread.  At that point only risk reduction, rather than risk avoidance, can be achieved.  This has been the case historically with radium paint, tobacco, particulate air pollution, water pollution, asbestos, lead, food-borne

Greens Warn: German Breast Milk Unsafe After Glyphosate Findings

Greens Warn: German Breast Milk Unsafe After Glyphosate Findings

Originally published on Feed the World.

Glyphosate, the toxic chemical found in Monsanto's herbicide Roundup, has now been found in the breast milk of German women.  Glyphosate is proven to cause a myriad of ills and is appearing at alarming levels in human beings.

Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

Growing Doubt: A Scientist's Experience of GMOs

Originally published on Independent Science News.

The commercial purpose of GMOs is not to feed the world or improve farming. They exist to gain patent rights over seeds and plant breeding and to drive agriculture in directions that benefit agribusiness at the expense of farmers, consumers and the natural world.

How Glyphosate Poisoning Explains the Peculiarities of the Autism Gut

Children with autism have a peculiar digestive system disorder, as was recently eloquently described by Dr. Arthur Krigsman at the AutismOne conference.  How might glyphosate (Roundup) cause this?

How Monsanto Wrote and Broke Laws to Enter India

How Monsanto Wrote and Broke Laws to Enter India

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Decades before there was a "debate" over GMOs and Monsanto's PR and law firms became the busiest of bees, India was introduced to this corrupting, corporate giant that had no respect for the laws of the land. When this massive company did speak of laws, these laws had been framed, essentially, by their own lawyers.

Hubris is Surging at the EPA

Hubris Surging at the EPA

Hubris is Surging at the EPA

The EPA is tossing aside safety data; Companies "testing" their own products have led to the EPA sweeping major environmental and social problems under the rug.  

Is Monsanto's Glyphosate Connected to Algal Blooms & Marine Life Losses?

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Is Monsanto's Herbicide Harming Male Fertility?

Is Monsanto's Herbicide Harming Male Fertility?

In a disturbing study published in the Journal of Toxicology in Vitro, researchers found that Monsanto's popular "weed killer" known as Roundup, which has already been linked to over 25 adverse health effects, is also capable of interfering with and/or harming the male reproductive system.

Is the World's Number #1 Herbicide in Your Body? Test Yourself!

Feed the world: Launch Press release

World First Validated Public Testing Set to Increase Pressure for Ban on Glyphosate. Is the World's Number #1 Herbicide in Your Body?

The Feed The World project launched Thursday with a World first, unique glyphosate test for the general public. The project with specific focus on women and children in the U.S. is offering the first ever validated public LC/MS/MS glyphosate testing for urine, water and soon breast milk. This could lead to a ban on the sale and use of glyphosate, the world's number one herbicide.

Is This Autism’s Perfect Storm?

Is This Autism's Perfect Storm?

In the pharmacy profession, vaccinations are becoming more and more prevalent, as many pharmacies have begun running their own vaccination clinics. As a pharmacist, I believe it is about personal choice, where the person or parent has access to all of the relevant facts in an unbiased fashion. Although, this is often not the case and often a patient or caregiver proceeds on blind faith instead.

JAMA Study Shows Massive Increase in Human Exposure to Glyphosate, Regulatory Agencies Refuse to Monitor

The public unfolding of the dangers of glyphosate, Monsanto's cancer-causing herbicide, appears to be reaching a crescendo, as mounting evidence is now threatening to bury this failed agricultural technology once and for all.

Monsanto's Worst Fear May Be Coming True

Monsanto's Worst Fear May Be Coming True

Originally published on Independent Science News.

The tide is turning against the globalization of GMO-based agriculture and forced feeding with consumers leading the charge from the bottom up demanding informed consent (e.g. labeling, independent science) and organic alternatives.

Roundup Herbicide: A Kidney-Killer?

Roundup Herbicide: A Kidney-Killer?

An observational study confirms the hypothesis that Roundup herbicide (glyphosate) is behind the mysterious global epidemic of chronic kidney disease that has taken thousands of lives 

Roundup Herbicide 

Ruthless Power and Deleterious Politics: From DDT to Roundup

Ruthless Power and Deleterious Politics: From DDT to Roundup

Originally published on Independent Science News.

The modern controversy over Roundup (glyphosate) and the documentation of its effects on humans, animals and soils, has much in common with that over DDT fifty years ago. In particular, it recapitulates attempts to sideline critics and the ongoing delusion of control of the natural world that informs modern agricultural practices.

Sri Lanka's New President Puts Immediate Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides

The Case of Glyphosate: Product Promoters Masquerading as Regulators?

The Case of Glyphosate: Product Promoters Masquerading as Regulators?

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Though research claims that glyphosate is a likely cause of cancer, Monsanto continues to argue that the findings are based on 'junk' science and cherry picking and are agenda driven.

The Poison Business: The Monsanto Papers Reveal Media, Science, and Regulatory Collusion

The Poison Papers Expose Decades of Collusion between Industry and Regulators over Hazardous Pesticides & Chemicals

The Poison Papers Expose Decades of Collusion between Industry and Regulators over Hazardous Pesticides and Other Chemicals
Watchdog Groups Digitize and Release 20,000 Documents for Public Review
The Bioscience Resource Project and the Center for Media and Democracy today are releasing a trove of rediscovered and newly digitized chemical industry and regulatory agency documents stretching back to the 1920s.  The documents are available at 

They're At It Again! Now They Want Immunity from Pesticide Harm!

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University of California System Halts Use of Glyphosate Herbicide


What We Can Learn from Mouse Models of Autism

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops [1, 2]. While correlation does not necessarily mean causation, there are multiple mechanisms by which glyphosate's disruption of human biology, and the biology of the gut microbiome, could cause many of the observed symptoms and biological metrics associated with autism [3, 4].

Why You Are Dead Wrong If You Think GMOs Are Safe

You are insane if you are drinking Biotech's GMO-infused Kool-Aid. Here's why...

World’s Largest Ever Study on GMO, Pesticide Safety Launched in London

World's Largest Ever Study on GMO, Pesticide Safety Launched in London

The world's largest study on GMO & Pesticide safety will answer whether GMO food and associated pesticide, like Glyphosate/Roundup, are safe for human health.

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