Results for leukemia

44 Reasons Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer

44 Reasons To Believe Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer
Originally Published On

Is there a connection between cell phones and cancer? Here are 44 reasons to believe that cell phones can cause cancer

Cell phones emit microwave radio-frequency radiation. Fact.

This radiation has the ability to penetrate our bodies. Fact.

Our governments do virtually nothing to protect us from these dangers. Fact.

Ancient Medical Miracle Rediscovered by Modern Science - Laurus Nobilis


Ancient Medical Miracle Rediscovered by Modern Science - Laurus Nobilis



Cleanse and Restore with Herbs

Though they have been used for centuries as medicine, medical science is finally beginning to look at the evidence proving that food and herbs are the most effective, powerful healers

Holistic healing systems share a core concept that is critical to success in almost all natural therapies. Practitioners are very concerned about making sure that the body eliminates all its metabolic wastes, and that new harmful substances do not enter the body and wreak havoc.

The Cannabis Solution For Cancer

Article Originally Published on

This quick overview of the science backs up the assertion that every cancer patient and every oncologist should put medical marijuana on their treatment maps

The Nuclear Industry's Ongoing Cancer Cover-Up

Vital cancer study canceled as nuclear industry moves in to offer end-run cover-up

Originally published on and titled

"Vital cancer study canceled: NRC will hide the truth about nuclear reactor risks"

The nuclear power plant-cancer link is clear, yet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continues to cancel important studies and hide vital information from the American public.

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yoplait Cherry Cheesecake Mousse Yogurt

Yoplait Thick & Creamy Cinnamon Roll Yogurt 

Yoplait Red Velvet Cupcake Yogurt

Great Value Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt

Dannon Toasted Coconut Vanilla Yogurt 

Don't kid yourself.

This is NOT healthy yogurt. This is artificially flavored dessert.

Many brands of yogurt in the grocery store are using highly processed ingredients:

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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