Results for melatonin

7 Ways Melatonin Acts as a Breast Cancer Inhibitor

7 Ways Melatonin Acts as a Breast Cancer Inhibitor

7 Ways Melatonin Acts as a Breast Cancer Inhibitor

For those that seek natural relief from insomnia, melatonin often comes to mind. Melatonin has been shown to be very effective in improving sleep issues in some individuals, but it also has many other lesser known applications.

Antioxidants & Chemotherapy: the Cruelest Lie Ever Told

Cancer patients are suffering from devastating side effects of chemotherapy, when antioxidants may be the answer

Breast Cancer and Leptin – How to Become More Proactive in Prevention

Breast Cancer and Leptin – How to Become More Proactive in Prevention

Are you simply lucky if you don't get breast cancer? After all, 1 in 8 women will get it. While there is a lot we do not know about breast cancer, there is a lot we DO know about it. Irradiating our breasts with x-ray mammography each and every year is a failed screening method. This does nothing to prevent breast cancer.  In fact, it adds to the harmful exposure of sensitive breast tissue to ionizing radiation.

Do You Have NHF Nutritional Supplement Insurance?

Do You Have NHF Nutritional Supplement Insurance?

Do you go to a chiropractor? National Health Federation made that possible back in the 50s.

Is an acupuncturist part of your healthcare team? NHF fought for your right to use alternative practitioners ...

Do you drink water free of poisonous fluoridation? You have the NHF to thank for that.

Do you use supplements? We made that possible too ...

Do you have the insurance that only NHF can provide that this will continue?

If not you are exposed and vulnerable!

Ladies, Ditch the Bra

Originally published on Fearless Parent

Evidence of a relationship between bras and breast cancer may rethink the societal convention of wearing bras.

I realize it may feel some combination of uncomfortable, unprofessional, or unnecessarily provocative. Societal convention has most of us trussing up before going out.

If you are reading this at home, do me a favor and unhook. Then keep reading.

There's Some Evidence of a Relationship Between Bras and Breast Cancer.

Yes, seriously.

Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras

Study Type : Meta Analysis, Review

Melatonin: A Beacon of Hope for Migraine Sufferers

For countless individuals battling the debilitating effects of migraine, the search for effective and safe preventive treatments has been a long and arduous journey. However, a glimmer of hope has emerged in the form of melatonin, a hormone naturally produced by the body that may hold the key to reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Melatonin: A Beacon of Hope for Migraine Sufferers

Reason Behind Disturbed Sleep Found in 60% of Pineal Glands

Is your pineal gland, the "seat of the soul" that controls sleep rhythms, turning to stone? Over 60% of people unknowingly suffer from this condition.

A recent analysis found over 60% of people have calcification of the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin regulating sleep-wake cycles. Calcification associates with melatonin decline, health issues.

The Calcifying Effects of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland

Sleep Aid, Cancer Crusader? Mounting Data Suggests Melatonin Belongs in Oncology

An in-depth review of recent research suggests the pineal hormone melatonin, best known for regulating sleep, could improve outcomes for oral cancer patients at low cost and toxicity when added to standard treatments.

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