Results for mental health

10 Cognitive Benefits of Astaxanthin and Lutein

Both astaxanthin and lutein, two powerful carotenoids found in a variety of fruits, vegetables and other foods, have proven brain-boosting and cognitive enhancing abilities. Research suggests lutein and astaxanthin may decrease the risk of various cognitive disorders and improve visual function in both young and aging adults

20 Million Schoolchildren Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Known to Cause Suicidal Thoughts

A news article published in 2017 reported that, according to the latest data, a staggering 12.7 percent of all US citizens over the age of 12 were taking antidepressants. Thrive Global, who reported these figures, stated that:

23 Natural Alternatives for Depression

23 Natural Alternatives for Depression

Many people have struggled with feelings of depression, feelings of general sadness, or intense sorrow and grief. Plant products have historically been consumed and utilized for their nutritive and holistic benefits. Many plant materials are being researched for their therapeutic value for our mental health. Here are 23 natural substances which can help to optimize our biochemistry, neurotransmitters and address nutrient deficiencies.

5 Foods That Can Cause Depression

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The food you eat directly affects your brain

6 Studies on Saffron Put Prozac to Shame for Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

What if a common, affordable spice worked as well or better than antidepressants for mood disorders and anxiety--minus the dangerous side effects? Emerging research on saffron challenges pharmaceutical dominance over psychiatry

Saffron Shines Over Antidepressants in Clinical Trials

8 Powerhouse Substances to Relieve Mental Fatigue

When mental fatigue hits you, choose from the most effective natural remedies.

Researchers have found that certain areas of the brain -- the nucleus accumbens, orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, insula and anterior cingulate cortex -- weigh the costs and benefits of performing a task. If the energy needed is higher than what one gets out of doing an activity (satisfaction, reward, praise), mental fatigue occurs.[i]

A Tribute to Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey: A Warrior Mom's Legacy of Love and Truth

The health freedom community mourns the loss of Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey, a tireless champion for children's health and medical freedom whose passion and dedication touched countless lives.

Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey was a remarkable woman whose passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to children's health and medical freedom left an indelible mark on the world. Her recent passing is a profound loss to the medical freedom movement and to all those whose lives she touched.

Antidepressant Effects of Ayahuasca

One study highlights the efficacy of Ayahuasca, a native Amazonian plant, as a powerful antidepressant in treatment-resistant depression

A study published in Psychological Medicine found a positive correlation between a single dose of ayahuasca and a significant and rapid reduction in depression severity amongst patients with moderate to severe depression.[i]

Are You Ready for Digital Pills?

What could possibly go wrong with swallowing tracking microchips with already highly toxic pharmaceuticals? 

Aromatherapy and Massage Relieve Depression, In Clinical Study

We all know that getting a massage is relaxing and that scents such as lavender and sweet orange smell great, but did you know that these simple, sensual modalities may be a pathway out of depression?

Best Essential Oils to Reduce Stress

When stress hits, what natural essential oils can relieve the pressure and help you to relax more?

Blueberry's Hidden Powers Revealed: 200+ Therapeutic Possibilities

As we age, maintaining cognitive function becomes an increasing concern. But what if a simple berry extract could help keep our minds sharp? New research suggests wild blueberry extract may offer cognitive benefits for healthy older adults.

Introduction to Cognitive Aging

Boost Brain Function and Blood Flow With This 'Fruit' Extract

Boost Your Memory With This Sweet and Refreshing Treat

Research confirms the power of a simple dietary change in improving memory problems in middle-aged and older adults

Cannabis Cuts OCD Symptoms in Half

In research from Washington State University, cannabis led to reductions in compulsions by 60% and anxiety by 52%, with higher doses and greater CBD concentrations associated with greater benefits for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, has been established as a safe and effective pain remedy, especially for patients suffering the painful consequences of cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other disorders. A study published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine found that it can significantly slash chronic pain without serious adverse effects in adults over 65 years.[i]

Canola Oil Increases Memory Loss

Think your cooking oil is safe and healthy? Canola oil producers claim that it's the healthiest oil you can use, but science begs to differ. Unless significant weight gain and diminished memory are your idea of good health!

Childhood Trauma May Lead to Adult Disease

U.S. health officials find a strong link between early instances of childhood trauma and adult chronic diseases ranging from heart disease and asthma to kidney disease and depression

Consumer Alert: Antidepressants During Pregnancy Could Harm Your Baby

New research finds SSRIs cross the placenta, exposing fetuses to risky chemicals without mothers' informed consent. Alternatives exist with no evidence of harm

Could the Flu Shot Make You Depressed?

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Did your doctor or friendly pharmacist tell you that the flu vaccine could put your mental health at risk?

Dawn and Dusk Wavelengths: Evolutionary Keys to Wellness in the Modern World

For thousands of years, the rising and setting sun governed human biology. Now, researchers are uncovering how recreating these natural light cycles can dramatically improve our health in the modern world.

The Evolutionary Basis of Light's Impact on Health

Deprescribing: Are You Better off Medication Free?

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I know that strategic medication tapering can be a ticket to an authentic experience of yourself. I get feedback like this, every week:

Depressed Cancer Survivors Have Increased Risk of Death, Opioid Use

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a trigger for feelings of depression and anxiety, and you also need to manage pain. But mental health conditions may not only increase opioid use but also risk of death. Learn how this common pain medication may become deadly when you're depressed

Depression: It's Not Your Serotonin

Depression: It's Not Your Serotonin

Millions believe depression is caused by 'serotonin deficiency,' but where is the science in support of this theory?

"Depression is a serious medical condition that may be due to a chemical imbalance, and Zoloft works to correct this imbalance."

Herein lies the serotonin myth.

Exercise 'Fundamental' for Healing of Mental Illness

Thinking about skipping your workout because of a flat mood? If you're upset, depressed or anxious, a recent study indicates that's when you need exercise the most. It's so effective for mental health, it may even speed healing for psychiatric patients

Groundbreaking Holistic Protocol Validated for Psych Med Withdrawal & Symptom Improvement

Holistic Approaches: A Proven Treatment for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

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How to OWN YOUR SELF - Kelly Brogan, MD

New York Times best-selling author presents a radical alternative to psychotropic meds: discerning the meaning in your symptoms and your struggle as a way to reclaim your health and your self

For years, we've been telling ourselves that our difficult feelings--sadness, rage, shame, intensity, worry--are somehow "not okay." And, all too often, we've relied on the promise of pharmaceuticals to tamp them down. The fact is, though, that these feelings are a vital part of our experience. They are real. And those of us who feel them most strongly are the canaries in the coalmine--sensitive to things that are seriously wrong in the world today.

Hypnosis Plus Meditation May Boost Relaxation Benefits

Too stressed to meditate? A new treatment combining hypnosis with mindfulness has delivered promising results and may be a faster, easier way to chill out than traditional meditation

Researchers from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, explored the feasibility of an intervention called "mindful hypnotherapy" as a calming technique for highly stressed people.

Is Your Diet Making You Moody?

Is Your Diet Making You Moody?

How many people do you know who are on a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet? How many people do you know who are on antidepressants? Could there be a link?

Julia Ross, a clinical psychologist and author of The Mood Cure, sees a connection between the skyrocketing rates of depression and the diet obsession in this country. Statistics show:

Lack of Sleep Makes it Harder to Stop Unpleasant Thoughts

Feeling more stressed than usual? If so, getting enough sleep is essential for keeping unwanted thoughts from hijacking your mind

Insufficient sleep can significantly reduce your ability to keep unwanted thoughts at bay, according to a study out of the U.K.

In a collaborative effort, researchers from the department of psychology at the University of York and the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at University of Cambridge, determined that individuals who are deprived of sleep are significantly less able to stop the intrusion of negative memories than those who are well-rested.

Landmark Trial: Food Syrup Matches Amphetamine for ADHD With Fewer Risks

For years, stimulants like Ritalin have been viewed as essential, front-line medications for ADHD treatment. But a new landmark study reveals a shockingly effective, safer alternative derived from food

Magic Mushroom Ingredient May Improve Mental Health

Are you looking to support positive mental health without using pharmaceuticals? Psilocybin may be gaining mainstream acceptance by providing a safe "trip" out of desolation and into a more open, positive state of mind

Modified Keto Diet May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

You've probably heard about the microbiome, but what about the myco-biome? You play host to trillions of bacteria, but it turns out the fungi in your gut may also play a role in cognitive decline

Moralization of COVID-19 Clouds Human Judgment

Preventing COVID-19 deaths has been elevated to a "sacred value" in society, such that those who question pandemic restrictions are morally condemned while deaths, abuses of power and public shaming that occur in the name of "preventing COVID" are deemed acceptable

More Psychiatry and More Psychiatric Medications Means More Mass Shootings

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Natural Solutions for The Double Burden of Depression & Anxiety

As if depression or anxiety is not enough to deal with, many people have to deal with both. Alarmingly, about 85% of people with depression also experience some anxiety; about 90% of people with anxiety suffer some depression (Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2016;266(8):725–736). When people suffer from depression and anxiety simultaneously, the condition is more disabling and harder to treat

Nature's Answer to ADHD: The Promise of Micronutrient Therapy

In a world where ADHD medications often come with a laundry list of side effects, could the answer to managing this complex disorder be as simple as a daily dose of vitamins and minerals?

The ADHD Dilemma: A Growing Concern

Nature's Answer to Autism: The Broccoli Compound Challenging Medical Dogma

What if the key to improving autism symptoms was hiding in your vegetable drawer all along?

Challenging the Conventional Wisdom: Evidence-Based Natural Approaches to Autism Treatment

New Study Reveals Alzheimer's Supplement Can Trigger a Lucid Dream

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A supplement that stops the breakdown of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter in the brain is a useful technique to trigger lucid dreams

Once Weekly Yoga Practice Clinically Shown to Reduce Anxiety

If current events are generating increased feelings of anxiety for you, research shows that yoga may be all you need to restore balance and calm to your life

Pharma Influences Diagnoses and Treatments in "Bible" of Psychiatric Disorders

Originally published on by Barbara Cáceres

Pinpointing Hope: Auricular Acupuncture's Promise in Depression Treatment

In a world where mental health challenges are on the rise, could the answer to depression be found in the unlikeliest of places - our ears?

The Silent Epidemic: Understanding Depression's Global Impact

Positive Effects of Blueberries on Mood in Children and Young Adults

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What if in the treatment of depression, food prescriptions replaced antidepressant drugs?

There are so many nutritional approaches and natural products with proven clinical benefit in boosting positive mood that it is only a matter of time. A new study with blueberries is quite interesting as it looked at the impact of blueberry consumption on higher brain function and mood in children and young adults.

Psychedelic Renaissance: LSD Re-emerges as Promising Anxiety Treatment

In a surprising turn of events, LSD - once a symbol of 1960s counterculture - is now poised to revolutionize the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Psychotherapy Matches Medication in Treating Depression in Heart Failure

For the over 6 million Americans suffering from heart failure, depression is an all too common burden - one doctors usually treat with medication notorious for their serious side effects. But what if there was an equally effective treatment that didn't involve more pills? A groundbreaking new study provides the most compelling evidence yet for a drug-free alternative.

Red Light Therapy Bests Drugs for Postnatal Blues

For 1 in 7 new mothers, what should be joy can turn to darkness. But a new dawn is breaking...

Seeds of Hope: Pomegranate Oil Shows Promise in Mild Cognitive Impairment

In a world where brain health is increasingly under siege, could the answer to cognitive decline be hiding in the humble pomegranate? A groundbreaking study suggests that a few drops of pomegranate seed oil might be all it takes to give our aging minds a fighting chance.

Seven Tips for Beating Holiday Stress

Running on empty this holiday season? Here are the top seven ways to de-stress, beat holiday stress and slide into the New Year feeling your best

During the holidays, it's tempting to go all-out for those you love. From cooking elaborate meals to shopping for the perfect gifts for friends and family, it's natural to want to give your best so you can show them they are appreciated at this special time of year.

But remember the oxygen mask theory -- you can't help those who depend on you if you're not breathing easy. This year, it's more important than ever to fill yourself up first before trying to uplift others.

Short Bursts of Exercise Slow Cognitive Decline

Want to keep your brain sharp as you age? Exercising for as little as 10 minutes a few times per week can help stop mental decline in its tracks

Engaging in regular exercise is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt, regardless of your age or current physical condition. Studies have shown that moderately intense aerobic exercise, like taking a brisk walk, is safe for most people and can strengthen bones and muscles, reduce your risks for disease and even improve brain health,[i] forestalling the cognitive decline associated with aging.

Single Dose of CBD Resets Schizophrenic Brains

Treatments for sufferers of schizophrenia have not advanced significantly in the last fifty years. But there is new cause for hope in the form of a plant-based treatment that can reset the brains of psychosis sufferers back to normal levels in a single dose

Individuals suffering with conditions like schizophrenia show distinct symptoms in functional brain scans. But what causes episodes like psychosis, and are existing treatments meeting the needs of the affected?

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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