Results for pesticides

"The Dose Makes the Poison": Rethinking Traditional Toxicity Testing

Originally published on Vaccine Reaction

Traditional toxicology relies on archaic methods that focus on the short term while ignoring the long term effects of repeated small doses over time

America’s Environmental Lipstick

America's Environmental Lipstick

Pesticides have been widely spayed over farms, forests, gardens, golf courses, and lawns all over America for several decades. Consequently, they have caused perpetual ecocides, destruction, and disease.

A Glimmer of Legal Hope

I worked for the US Environmental Protection Agency for 25 years, spanning the last two years of the administration of Jimmy Carter, the administration of Ronald Reagan, George Bush senior, Bill Clinton and the first four years of George W. Bush.


Crashing Monsanto’s Pesticide Party In Beijing

Crashing Monsanto’s Pesticide Party In Beijing

Originally published on

NHF Slams the Global Pesticide Empire.

“A business that makes nothing but business is a poor business.”
– Henry Ford

Essential Oils for Controlling Insect Pests

Essential Oils for Controlling Insect Pests

Once you start enjoying the fruits and vegetables in your organic garden, it's not long before you start receiving visitors. Meet the arthropods. Those freeloading vegetarians who come swinging their many limbs and whose intent it is to share the bounties of your hard labor.

Organic gardeners have a few options. Ignore them -- pray for some leftovers. Physically remove them, or, murder. If you choose the last option, why not try a lethal whiff or contact with some killer herbs and spices. 

Research into the effectiveness of plant essential oils as botanical pesticides continues and is being confirmed. Several products have been formulated and commercialized. 

Everything You Learned About the Cause of Polio is Wrong

Pesticides and Polio

Food Forensics Rockets to #1 Best Selling SCIENCE Book on Amazon

Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect you and your family from hidden dangers lurking in your food by reading "Food Forensics," currently the number one selling science book on

This article was originally published on and republished with permission. Original post here.

Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives

Originally published on

GMOs and Health: The Scientific Basis for Serious Concern and Immediate Action

GMOs and Health: The Scientific Basis for Serious Concern and Immediate Action


You might ask, "why all the fuss about agricultural genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?" After all, regulatory agencies have approved these technologies for widespread application and consumption, so they must be safe, right?  Well, the truth is that there is no agency and no industry that  works to protect our health.  At best, the EPA, USDA, and FDA attempt to respond to our disease after the cause is widespread.  At that point only risk reduction, rather than risk avoidance, can be achieved.  This has been the case historically with radium paint, tobacco, particulate air pollution, water pollution, asbestos, lead, food-borne

Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn of Dangers of RNAi Crops

Originally published on by Sayer Ji

Could the next breakthrough pesticide be rewriting our genes without us knowing?

Merge-Santo - New Threat to Food Sovereignty

Merge-Santo: New Threat to Food Sovereignty
Briefing Note

Monsanto Uses Codex to Hide GMOs from Consumers

This article was originally published by The National Health Federation (NHF).

“Dishonest” and “disgraceful” – Monsanto attempts to gain backdoor entry for GE foods

Monsanto's new GM tech to defeat corn rootworm “will work only briefly” – Scientific American

Monsanto’s new GM tech to defeat corn rootworm “will work only briefly” – Scientific American

Originally published on

Europe proves that crop diversity and rotation – not GM – are the ways to combat the pest

NEWS RELEASE: NHF to Take On Toxic Pesticides at Codex Committee in Beijing


Delegates at Codex Alimentarius From All Over the World, Industry, and INGOs like NHF

NHF to Take Toxic Pesticides at Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues in Beijing

NHF needs your support as we speak for consumers, manufacturers, health care professionals, and YOU.

200,000 deaths a year are correlated with pesticide exposure through a $40 billion a year pesticide industry.

Stress, Trauma, and Autoimmune Disease: It's Not All in Your Head

Conventional allopathic medicine can no longer ignore that the body and mind are inextricably intertwined. Research reveals the mosaic of autoimmune diseases linked to stress and natural solutions to restore immune homeostasis

The Evolutionary Origins of Stress

The Poison Business: The Monsanto Papers Reveal Media, Science, and Regulatory Collusion

The Poison Papers Expose Decades of Collusion between Industry and Regulators over Hazardous Pesticides & Chemicals

The Poison Papers Expose Decades of Collusion between Industry and Regulators over Hazardous Pesticides and Other Chemicals
Watchdog Groups Digitize and Release 20,000 Documents for Public Review
The Bioscience Resource Project and the Center for Media and Democracy today are releasing a trove of rediscovered and newly digitized chemical industry and regulatory agency documents stretching back to the 1920s.  The documents are available at 

Vegans, Ranchers and Regenerators Unite: Why Fake Meat and Eliminating Livestock are Really Bad Ideas

Originally published on

Why I Kicked My Keurig to the Curb

Originally published on

What busy person doesn't love the idea of having a personal cup of coffee instantly with the push of a button. Many people are delighted when the Keurig machines show up in the workplace or doctor's waiting room. I loved the idea. I bought one from Costco along with the handy unit to store those awkward K Cups. I, of course, insisted on the Newman's Organic K Cups for my coffee choice.

We stocked our hot beverage center with a variety of flavored K Cups.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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