Results for probiotics

10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt

10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt

Probiotics occur naturally in many foods. The most popular source in the Western diet is yogurt. Here are 10 proven ways yogurt can boost your health.  

The human gut contains several thousand strains of bacteria and every person has a different mix.  Some are beneficial, some are just there for the ride, and some can become problematic. When the balance between "good" and "not so good" bacteria is disrupted, lots of things can go wrong from the immune system, to digestion, to mental health.

18 Healthy Reasons to Sip Kombucha

18 Healthy Reasons to Sip Kombucha

Kombucha is the rage among health food lovers. Now researchers have gathered 75 studies attesting to its proven health properties

Fermented tea known as kombucha has been rapidly growing in popularity among health food lovers. But it's actually been around for thousands of years. It originated in China in the third century B.C. Then it made its way to Russia, India, and Japan where it became a staple among Samurai warriors. Today it is also popular in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Indonesia and many other cultures.

27 Probiotic Benefits for Children

27 Probiotic Benefits for Chiildren

Probiotic Benefits for Children

A Dozen Uses of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

A Dozen Uses Of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

Everybody now knows that probiotics are good for you. But here are twelve recently discovered benefits of probiotics that might really surprise you!

1. Happiness

Could Probiotics Be the Potent Antidepressant You've Been Looking For?

It has long been established that gut bacteria are largely connected to immune function and metabolic health. However, researchers have only scratched the surface when it comes to their role in thinking, boosting overall mood, and addressing depression and other mental health conditions. A trio of studies confirms the favorable action of probiotics in tackling the growing problem of depression and anxiety disorders.

Kimchi Packs Proven Health Benefits

Kimchi Packs Proven Health Benefits

Koreans have been enjoying salted and fermented vegetables known as kimchi for about 2000 years. It's typically served with steamed rice at every Korean meal. But this spicy dish is much more than a condiment 

Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 A New Frontier in Glutathione Therapy

Glutathione is essential to the functioning of each and every cell in the human body, but modern times have made it increasingly challenging for our stores to be maintained at optimal levels. Could a 'good bacteria' called Lactobacillus fermentum help support this increasingly prevalent deficiency? 

Prevent and Treat the Common Cold with Strain-Specific Probiotics

Rather than haphazardly buying probiotics off the shelf, customize your selection this cold and flu season with evidence-based strains proven to boost immunity.

Burgeoning technological innovations and scientific revelations have provided us with unparalleled insight into the inner workings of our universe, from the microcosmic realm of the microbiota to the macrocosmic landscape of planetary interactions and phenomena at the galactic scale. However, mankind has yet to conquer the common cold.

Probiotics and Mitochondria: Bacteria Are Not "Other"

Probiotics And Mitochondria: Bacteria Are Not "Other"

The close symbiotic relationship between our bodies and intestinal bacteria is so profound that some scientists have suggested we be viewed as "meta-organisms"

Indeed, without these friendly bacteria we could not perform critical life-sustaining functions, such as:

Probiotics: Essential Supplements or Waste of Money?

Probiotics: Essential Supplements Or Waste Of Money?

Looking at the abundance (and price tags) of probiotic supplements on the shelves in natural food stores these days, you'd assume there must me a mountain of evidence supporting the benefits of these products - right?

Not exactly. It's actually a complicated and somewhat confusing landscape.

That's not to say probiotics don't have beneficial effects. Rather, it's that we rather poorly understand the mechanisms by which these benefits are created - and when we do identify the mechanism, it's generally not what we would expect. 

The Gut, Microbes and Poop

The Gut, Microbes and Poop

Article Originally Published Here

There's a topic I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about. To the point that I think I may be obsessed. To put it into perspective, I live in Paris. Just wandering through the streets of the city in the Spring-time is a visceral experience worthy of song, poetry and, of course, blog posts. The other day, I was with my 12 year old son walking the dog, thinking about the way the gut and brain ARE. Not the way they communicate, but the way they are. The way we are.

Top 7 Ways to Keep Baby Safe

Top 7 Ways to Keep Baby Safe

Originally published on Fearless Parent, like us on Facebook

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