Results for prostate cancer

6 Hormone Balancing Powers Of Red Clover

6 Hormone Balancing Powers Of Red Clover

6 Hormone Balancing Powers Of Red Clover

Menopause can seem like torture. Women at midlife suffer with mood swings, stubborn weight gain, hot flashes, and low energy.  At the same time they can develop anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping. This natural remedy may provide a perfect solution...

The problem is hormones run amuck. 

Argan Oil: A Moisturizer So Pure You Could Drink It



Argania Spinosa - The botanical name of the Argan Tree which is endemic to Morocco.

Cancer as a Curable Metabolic Disease

This article is copyrighted by Jeffrey Dach MD, 2013
Republished with permission from

Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Does Cancer Screening Save Lives? A Closer Look at the Benefits and Costs of Screening

The prospect of developing cancer is a frightening one. Sadly, this fear is leading many to undergo dangerous and harmful cancer screenings that, ironically, can cause the very diseases patients hope to avoid

Humble Guava Leaf Harbors Hope Against Cancer's Scourge

Could the humble guava tree growing across the tropics harbor healing answers to cancers afflicting both wealthy and impoverished nations? Extensive research suggests so.

Is Cancer Just a Crapshoot?

Is Cancer Just a Crapshoot?

Written by Jon Barron or staff member at The Baseline of Health Foundation.

Millions Wrongly Treated for 'Cancer,' National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms

Millions Wrongly Treated for 'Cancer,' National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms

A devastating new report commissioned by the National Cancer Institute reveals that our 40-year long 'War on Cancer' has been waged against a vastly misunderstood 'enemy,' that in many cases represented no threat to human health whatsoever.

The Cannabis Solution For Cancer

Article Originally Published on

This quick overview of the science backs up the assertion that every cancer patient and every oncologist should put medical marijuana on their treatment maps

The Dark Side of Prostate Cancer Screening: An Epidemic of Overdiagnosis & Overtreatment

Imagine being told you have cancer, undergoing invasive treatments, and living with the side effects, only to later discover that your cancer would have never caused any symptoms or threatened your life. This is the reality for countless men diagnosed with prostate cancer, falling victim to the epidemic of overdiagnosis.

Introduction: Defining Overdiagnosis

Tomatoes Better Than a Pill for Heart Disease

Tomatoes Better Than A Pill For Heart Disease

Western medicine has trouble recognizing the health and healing power of whole foods. Instead scientists engage in an endless quest to identify, isolate and extract components from foods and deliver them by needle or pill. 

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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