Results for Red Meat

Frankenmeat: The Disturbing Reality of Lab-Grown Meat Production

As the demand for sustainable meat alternatives soars, companies like Upside Foods are gambling with consumer health by using potentially cancerous immortalized cells in their lab-grown products.

The Gates Foundation’s Ceres2030 Plan Pushes Agenda of Agribusiness

Originally published on

The Gates Foundation helps people in the South by spending money in the North, runs the joke. But is the Gates Foundation also a fauxlanthropy?

The Vegan Backfire: The Truth Behind The Antimeat Agenda

Originally published on

Our dinner table will be void of high-density, natural, animal-sourced foods within a decade or two. A deeper look behind the agenda explains why it's necessary to start planning for self-sustenance.

Tell Me What You Eat

Vitamin B12 Fights Nerve Pain and Defends Your Heart and Brain

Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin B12 could be an underlying cause of nerve pain and is associated with higher risks for heart disease and increased symptoms and severity of brain disorders? Foods rich in B12, like fish, meats and dairy, are a natural way to restore your health

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

When Harvard School of Public Health declared eating red meat is associated with higher death rates, a chill went through the Paleo community.

Their study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was reported with headlines like "Scientists Warn Red Meat Can Be Lethal."

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