Results for Red Wine

Alzheimer's Breakthrough: The Top Natural Substances You Need to Know About

Imagine a world where the answer to Alzheimer's disease doesn't lie in the next pharmaceutical breakthrough but in the healing power of nature and lifestyle changes already within our reach.

Eat More Yellow Veggies, Coffee to Zap Inflammation, Heart Disease Risk

Findings highlight the pro- or anti-inflammatory potential of the food you eat, particularly in promoting or fighting cardiovascular disease and stroke. Yellow vegetables, green leafy vegetables, coffee, tea and even red wine appear particularly beneficial

Certain diets have been shown to increase inflammation in your body, which then sets the stage for heart disease and stroke later in life. Yet there are also diets that can save the day, including those rich in yellow vegetables, red wine and coffee, according to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in November 2020.[i]

Eat These Foods To Protect Against Ovarian Cancer

Eat These Foods To Protect Against Ovarian Cancer

These foods can make the difference in who becomes a victim to ovarian cancer, the most lethal gynecological cancer known.

Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological cancer in the world.  About 20,000 women in the U.S. each year are diagnosed with the disease [many of which, however, may be overdiagnosed].  Unlike some other cancers, researchers haven't been able to identify many risk factors for ovarian cancer that a woman can control. 

Eating Chocolate Could Slash High Blood Pressure Risk

There's a growing list of research touting chocolate's antioxidant content, favorable action against disease-inducing oxidative stress and overall health benefits. One study highlights chocolate's potential to reduce the risk for high blood pressure, which can be good news amid near-epidemic levels of this condition worldwide

Study Type : Animal Study
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Substances : Red Wine

French “Paradox” Solved: It’s Not The Red Wine


In 1993 French researcher Serge Renaud coined the phrase "the French paradox."  He was referring to the mysterious heart health enjoyed by the French despite their high saturated fat diet.  Ever since then, people all over the world have been guzzling red wine and popping resveratrol pills in an effort to duplicate the effect.

Some 20 years later, researchers are now suggesting that rather than red wine, the secret to the French paradox may be the protective effect of their aged cheeses.

Green Tea Compound Reduces Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Green Tea Compound Reduces Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Green tea may well be the healthiest drink on the planet.  For many, the tea and its extracts hold great promise as potential treatments for cancer. But scientists had never identified how green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Now researchers from Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center have figured out how green tea works. 

In a study published online by the journal Metabolomics[i] they explain how an active constituent in green tea changes the metabolism of cancer cells. 

Study Type : Human Study
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Substances : Red Wine

Red Wine: Superfood or Poison?

Red Wine: Superfood or Poison?

Red wine is more than one of life's big pleasures. It's a bona fide heart healthy, cancer-fighting, anti-aging super-drink. Or is it poison?

A new University of Washington (UW) study found arsenic in American red wines. They tested 65 popular, inexpensive wines from California, Washington, New York, and Oregon. The results showed all but one had arsenic levels exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency's limits on arsenic in drinking water.[i]

Resveratrol Shows Beneficial Effects in Ulcerative Colitis

Originally published on


Resveratrol’s Antiaging, Brain-Boosting Potential

A natural polyphenol, resveratrol has the potential to bring you longevity and protection against brain diseases. Why not try this age-defying compound?

Unlocking Longevity: Polyphenols' Role in Profound Reductions in Mortality Risk

Imagine reducing your risk of early death by over a third just by what you eat. Unveil the power of polyphenols in this insightful exploration

The connection between diet, lifestyle, and longevity has been a subject of extensive research. Recent insights have emerged from a re-analysis of the PREDIMED trial, focusing on polyphenol intake and its association with mortality risk. This article delves into these findings, elucidating the implications of high polyphenol consumption on reducing mortality risks and the underlying mechanisms that may contribute to this effect.

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