Results for yogurt

10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt

10 Proven Health Benefits of Yogurt

Probiotics occur naturally in many foods. The most popular source in the Western diet is yogurt. Here are 10 proven ways yogurt can boost your health.  

The human gut contains several thousand strains of bacteria and every person has a different mix.  Some are beneficial, some are just there for the ride, and some can become problematic. When the balance between "good" and "not so good" bacteria is disrupted, lots of things can go wrong from the immune system, to digestion, to mental health.

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yoplait Cherry Cheesecake Mousse Yogurt

Yoplait Thick & Creamy Cinnamon Roll Yogurt 

Yoplait Red Velvet Cupcake Yogurt

Great Value Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt

Dannon Toasted Coconut Vanilla Yogurt 

Don't kid yourself.

This is NOT healthy yogurt. This is artificially flavored dessert.

Many brands of yogurt in the grocery store are using highly processed ingredients:

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