Children 2 years old and under who take antibiotics are at a bigger risk for childhood-onset chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, obesity and ADHD, underscoring yet again the need for the prudent use of antibiotics, as they affect the gut microbiome early in life
While the mainstream media howls about Peter Thiel’s herpes vaccine investment, FDA-approved vaccine trials use poor black babies as test subjects, thumbprints for ‘consent’ and hide negative results
If what we're doing may contribute to the new normal of childhood chronic illness, then here are 7 bold and brave ways to keep baby safe.
GMO Free USA launches info-gathering survey following reports of consumers experiencing adverse health reactions after eating Impossible Burgers or other foods by Impossible Foods
When you visit a smoothie shop, juice bar, or similar healthy venues, you typically have a range of options to add to your drink to enhance the health benefits. A common one with centuries of traditional use as a health-boosting product is bee pollen
New research reveals how antibiotics in infancy may set the stage for a lifetime of allergies, offering fresh insights into prevention and treatment.
While vaccinations supposedly prevent childhood infectious disease, they do a far better job of causing many health issues increasingly prevalent in our society like autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies and cancer
For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases. That number has grown to 54% among the vaccine generation (those born after 1986) in lockstep with the expanding schedule
What if millions of people who thought they were lactose intolerant could enjoy dairy again? A groundbreaking study suggests that for many, the source of digestive distress may not be lactose at all, but a protein found in conventional milk.
There are a broad range of evidence-based natural allergy remedies available today. Pat Robinson, of Heal Thyself, has done a great job of summarizing a few of the many studies found on on the topic.
Your laundry detergent could be worsening your seasonal allergy symptoms or even promoting new ones. Recent concerning research in rodents suggests this household staple may foster the development of allergies
Are paleo recommendations to avoid grains and legumes due to anti-nutrient content predicated in science or founded in fear mongering? An evidence-based analysis of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lectins, phytates, and autoimmune disease
A recent study has uncovered the presence of PFAS "forever chemicals" in nearly half of popular facial tissue brands tested, raising alarming questions about the safety of these everyday products
The ultimate objective of vaccines is to cow the American people into submission
The FDA is investigating allergic reactions in "multiple states." The agency acknowledged the reactions may have been caused by PEG, a compound in the Pfizer vaccine that CHD previously told the FDA could put millions of people at risk
Allergies can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially when sufferers deal with year-round symptoms. Luckily, there are safe, natural alternatives to the harsh pharmaceutical options
The End the Vaccine Carveout Act would end the broad protection from liability for injuries resulting from vaccines listed on the CDC’s Childhood Immunization Schedule.
Is your baby's formula a nutritional lifeline or a chemical cocktail in disguise?
Are you aware that aspirin allergy may translate to food allergies? An aspirin a day may not keep the doctor away. Aspirin and salicylic acid allergy appears to be most common in HLA-II type individuals, which includes many non-celiac and celiac gluten sensitive persons.
Anecdotally doctors may believe that adverse reactions to vaccines are "rare." Scientifically, as this CDC research shows, reactions to vaccines are a top reason parents rush children to the ER
When seasonal allergies flare, do you reach for antihistamine drugs that can leave you edgy and dehydrated? If you'd like to explore natural options for your runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and post-nasal drip, these six foods, all rich in nutrients called flavonoids, may help you combat hay fever
A modified excerpt from the book 'Climate - A New Story'
An allergy is an exaggerated immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander.
The high-dose protocol of Robert F. Cathcart III, MD