Aluminum toxicity, a characteristically manmade problem, is now impossible to avoid, and has become a postmodern human rite of passage. Not only are we being exposed, daily, through environmental pollution in our water, soil and air, but many of our regulatory agencies consider it perfectly safe to intentionally consume or inject the stuff directly into our bodies
Following vaccine injections, a new neurological and immune-mediated condition is being observed that appears to result from exposure to their ingredients, including aluminum.
We are told it is safe to eat, wear and inject into our bodies to "improve immunity," but a growing body of research makes a convincing argument that it is causing cancer, and at levels up to 100,000s lower than found in consumer products.
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
There are far too many people from every walk of life who do not know what Codex is, where guidelines and standards are set for the World for what we will eat and drink. Even many health care professionals only have a hazy understanding how Codex affects our health! Too many people needlessly feel impotent to take their power back and create positive changes toward health and health freedom.
In today's world, aluminum is omnipresent, building up within our system from everyday products. Now, we are learning that aluminum toxicity can manifest itself in alarming ways.
The hazy, smoggy skies over Beijing during these March days are emblematic of the Codex meetings that the National Health Federation (NHF) has been attending for many days here in China.
Ten years ago, science assumed that immunity was in the body, not the brain, which was thought to have "immune privilege". Everything we once thought is true is now undergoing radical revision with profound implications to human health, particularly the role of vaccines.
In this first report from the Keele Conference on the biological effects of aluminum, we learn that the weakest among us, premature newborns and sickly elderly, are being poisoned with aluminum through their nutrition. The FDA’s aluminum limits are routinely ignored, while this problem, known for 30 years, continues unabated.
Recent decades have brought enormous increases in breast cancer. Could aluminum, a known human toxin that's the basis for antiperspirants, be the culprit?