Thoughts become things. This isn't just some hippie-dippy, crunchy-granola, new-age construct (and don't get me wrong, I live for all things hippie-dippy). This is scientifically validated fact, well established in the peer- reviewed literature.
Crohn's disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease, presents significant challenges for patients and clinicians alike, but recent research has turned attention to vitamin D as a potential solution
You may love a cup of warm green tea in the morning, but did you know it may also set you up for a calmer, less anxious mood throughout your day? Research shows your coffee substitute may be a mood-booster as well
Women are now almost twice as likely to be on antidepressants as men. Why?
If you know what depression feels like - the brain clouding, the flat moods, the tiredness - you're not alone. Over 300 million people around the world have depression. What can you do? Learn more
Massage is one of the best ways to pamper yourself, but did you know that a massage can be extremely toxic? Unless you know what questions to ask, your massage could include a significant dose of crude oil distillates and hormone-mimicking chemicals that are on the world watch-list of carcinogens, but are somehow still allowed into your personal care products
A modified excerpt from the book 'Climate - A New Story'
Not only is Functional Medicine here to stay, it is poised to be the centerpiece in one of the most significant shifts in the health and medical paradigm in the past one hundred years. For anyone who has been paying attention, there has been a virtual war going on between Conventional/Allopathic Medicine and Functional/Natural Medicine since the early 1900s. In fact, this virtual war often became a real war when the medical establishment would attack and try to discredit chiropractors, naturop
Thinking about skipping your workout because of a flat mood? If you're upset, depressed or anxious, a recent study indicates that's when you need exercise the most. It's so effective for mental health, it may even speed healing for psychiatric patients
Lavender has been used for medicinal purposes for over 2,500 years. Today lavender is the most popular essential oil in the world. Here are just 7 proven uses for this amazing oil
It has long been established that gut bacteria are largely connected to immune function and metabolic health. However, researchers have only scratched the surface when it comes to their role in thinking, boosting overall mood, and addressing depression and other mental health conditions. A trio of studies confirms the favorable action of probiotics in tackling the growing problem of depression and anxiety disorders
In research from Washington State University, cannabis led to reductions in compulsions by 60% and anxiety by 52%, with higher doses and greater CBD concentrations associated with greater benefits for obsessive-compulsive disorder
While powerful stimulant medications remain the standard treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the spice saffron has been found to offer comparable efficacy -- with the added benefit of better sleep
As the world grappled with the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a troubling question emerged: Were the reported mortality numbers truly reflective of the virus's impact, or were they inflated by a flawed reporting system?
Treatments for sufferers of schizophrenia have not advanced significantly in the last fifty years. But there is new cause for hope in the form of a plant-based treatment that can reset the brains of psychosis sufferers back to normal levels in a single dose
A new study published in the BMJ found that 55 of the 92 American doctors who determine what diagnoses and treatments are included in the APA's most recent edition of the DSM