For over a decade, GreenMedInfo has championed the classification of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) as something other than cancer, standing firm against the tide of overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
A new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention indicates that women who are long-term users of statin drugs have between 83-143% increased risk of breast cancer.
A groundbreaking study published in The Lancet Oncology shows for the first time that many screen-detected invasive breast tumors spontaneously regress when undiagnosed and untreated
After decades of wrongful cancer diagnoses and treatments, and millions harmed, the National Cancer Institute and high gravitas journals like JAMA finally admit they were wrong all along.
The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors is an integrative, whole foods guide to rebuilding health after surviving breast cancer and reducing the chance of breast cancer recurrence. This guide helps readers get the nutrition they need in order to keep breast cancer at bay, with specific guidance for managing hormone levels with food. It also explains how nutritional deficiencies, environmental factors, blood sugar, inflammation levels and GI health all affect cancer’s ability to attack
A disturbing new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has brought mainstream attention to the fact that mammography screenings have caused millions of US women to suffer unnecessary surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation treatments over the past 30 years.
Did you know the vast majority of thyroid cancer diagnoses are FALSE? And yet, the vast majority goes ahead and gets 'treated' anyway, with total removal of the gland, radiation and life long hormone replacement.
The global juggernaut of unremitting and unapologetic breast cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment persists.
Millions equate a breast cancer diagnosis with a possible death sentence, doing anything from removing their breasts (and ovaries) with added radiation and chemotherapy treatments, when, in fact, the truth is much more forgiving.
Angelina Jolie has just announced she has removed her ovaries and fallopian tubes to "prevent cancer," following her decision last year to remove her breasts for the same reason. Is this medically justified, sane behavior?
The concept of a breast cancer that has no symptoms, which can not be diagnosed through manual palpation of the breast and does not become invasive in the vast majority of cases, might sound unbelievable to most women. However, there does exist a rather mysterious clinical anomaly known as Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), which is, in fact, one of the most commonly diagnosed and unnecessarily treated forms of "breast cancer" today.
A new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has found that more frequent mammography results in dramatically increased rates of false positives and unnecessary biopsies.
Despite what millions still believe, mammography does not "save lives." To the contrary, it increases total mortality.
Millions of women undergo them annually, but few are even remotely aware of just how many dangers they are exposing themselves to in the name of prevention, not the least of which are misdiagnosis, overdiagnosis and the promotion of breast cancer itself.
The American Cancer Society's rosy breast cancer statistics report mask a deadly reality: mammograms may be doing more harm than good.
Millions of asymptomatic women undergo breast screening annually because their doctors tell them to do so. Not only are these women's presumably healthy breasts being exposed to highly carcinogenic x-rays, but thousands have received a diagnosis of 'breast cancer' for entirely benign lesions that when left untreated would have caused no harm to them whatsoever.
The question of whether Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is being overtreated has gained momentum as new evidence points to the low risk of progression in many cases, particularly among older women. Aggressive treatments like mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy, which were once considered the gold standard, are now being re-examined, especially for elderly patients with limited life expectancy.
As we edge closer to Breast Cancer Awareness month, a timely new meta-analysis proves that the consumption of flaxseed prevents and kills breast cancer.
A new report claims that millions of lives have been saved in the past two decades due to 'early detection' of cancer and improved treatment, but is it true?
Anjelina Jolie has decided she should have her ovaries removed, following complete breast removal. But what is the rationale? The reality is that women are being abused and the medical establishment remains silent.
What if millions of medical diagnoses, procedures, and treatments were based, on at best, questionable scientific evidence, but still performed daily, the world over, in the name of saving patients lives or reducing their suffering? A new JAMA review indicates this may be exactly what is happening.
A new study finds vitamin D -- the 'sunlight vitamin' -- strikes to the very heart of breast cancer malignancy.
A growing body of research suggests that x-ray mammography is planting the seeds of radiation-induced cancer within the breasts of thousands of women who subject themselves to them, annually, without knowledge of their true health risks.
Mammography screening for breast cancer has significant drawbacks, and expected survival benefits have not materialized, so why are millions of women still doing it?