A "glutenfree" label may not indicate a product free of gluten. Learn about questionable standards and gluten loads of glutenfree labeled products.
It may be shocking to learn that thirty percent of American babies are born via Cesarean delivery (CD). This statistic doesn’t mean that one-third of all pregnant women are having complications that lead them to require an emergency cesarean. Many women are opting to have an elective CD
A study published in the journal Pediatrics raises concern over the use of the term "natural" to describe breastfeeding, even though the weight of evidence (and common sense) indicates prioritizing breastfeeding over man-made formulas or vaccines is the best way to protect your child and the mother's health.
Now that celiac disease has been allowed official entry into the annals of established medical conditions, and gluten intolerance is no longer entirely a fringe medical concept, the time has come to draw attention to the powerful little chemical in wheat known as 'wheat germ agglutinin' (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat's pervasive, and difficult-to-diagnose, ill effects
Whereas conventional screenings for wheat allergies or celiac disease consider intolerance exceedingly rare, an accumulating body of clinical research now links wheat consumption with over 200 health problems. Could this be why millions of American consumers are now expressing their wholesale rejection of this "king of grains"?
We know that wheat harms the gut, which has been called "the second brain." So is it all that surprising to learn that it could have nerve and brain-damaging properties?
Gluten exposure in women wishing to have a baby has recently been confirmed to play a role in making this a distressing and expensive chapter in their lives.
Emerging research shows an unexpected link between gluten and thyroid autoimmunity - could diet modification help manage this chronic condition?
The myth that you need to have 'bad genes' to experience intestinal damage from consuming wheat was disproven years ago
The food you eat directly affects your brain
Can Wheat Make You Crazy?
The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike differentiates this food from all others presently enjoyed by humans. Yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price
Could common complaints of bloating, abdominal tenderness and indigestion following a meal, and even the increasingly prevalent complaint lazily labeled 'irritable bowel syndrome' by conventional medicine, be worsened -- even caused -- by consuming wheat?
Sayer Ji, the author of "The Dark Side of Wheat," discusses the emerging viewpoint that wheat represents a human species-specific intolerance that should be universally avoided.
Global awareness about Celiac disease (CD) is growing—unfortunately, along with some rather unhelpful perceptions. It doesn't help that "celiac disease" has become a generic blanket term not unlike how "Kleenex" today signifies no more than a box of tissue paper of any brand. So, in the public mind, "celiac disease" today stands for everything connected to a reaction to gluten.
Retinoic acid causes inflammation. In an odd twist, nature reverses the important anti-inflammatory and growth factor related role of vitamin A: its metabolite retinoic acid partners with interleukin-15 (IL-15) to produce inflammation in some HLA-DQ2/DQ8 gene carriers
Health Begins In the Gut. From a clinical standpoint, insofar as functional medicine is concerned, whether you present with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus---the fundamental objective is the same: heal the gut.
Many of us ate wheat and gluten-containing products from infanthood into adulthood, unaware of the many adverse health effects that came with this socially–sanctioned dietary practice, until our bodies forced us to fully appreciate the darker side of wheat.
Now, having thrust a baguette into the glutinous heart of the wheat monster, many of us have bodies that are still recovering from its ravages.
"Gluten Free": No it’s not a wellness fad. And its elimination may very well be the key to resolving what would otherwise be a chronic and disabling psychiatric condition.
A radical new perspective on wheat's harmful properties has been proposed, which instead of looking at it as just a wholesome food that some people have problem consuming, perhaps it should be considered a pathogen with similar mechanisms of harm to viruses or bacteria.
Children 2 years old and under who take antibiotics are at a bigger risk for childhood-onset chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, obesity and ADHD, underscoring yet again the need for the prudent use of antibiotics, as they affect the gut microbiome early in life
Here we present you with the evidence of the universal harm of gluten.
Current research indicates a clear relationship between a mother's sensitivity to gluten and the mental health of her child.
Grains are often called the "staff of life," having a sort of credibility that is biblical in proportion. So prevalent is the perception that grains make for "good food" that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - which is the United Nation's international agency for defeating hunger - uses a head of wheat as its emblem, with the Latin Fiat Panis or "Let There Be Bread" as its motto