How many and what kind of adverse events should they expect from experimental COVID-19 vaccines that are only being tested on healthy adults over a short period of time?
As nanoplastics silently infiltrate every aspect of our lives, it's time to confront the invisible threat lurking in our food, water, and air before it's too late.
'Fake news' permeates the not just the political landscape, but the medical landscape as well
For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases. That number has grown to 54% among the vaccine generation (those born after 1986) in lockstep with the expanding schedule
We need to start developing personal relationships with the legislators and officials we elect, including our county sheriff, who can intervene on our behalf to protect us from tyranny
Do we actually possess immunotherapies such as vaccines that carry no risk and only propel children towards improved well-being, less medical intervention and less suffering?
Discover how a simple sauna session can naturally boost growth hormone by 140%, enhance cardiovascular health, and reduce inflammation for a longer, healthier life.
Thanks to the Human Microbiome Project, we know that we are home to trillions of microbes, the largest number of which are found in our gut. And as in agriculture, diversity tends toward health
June 27, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. held a Health Policy Roundtable featuring a panel of health freedom advocates
Glutathione is essential to the functioning of each and every cell in the human body, but modern times have made it increasingly challenging for our stores to be maintained at optimal levels. Could a 'good bacteria' called Lactobacillus fermentum help support this increasingly prevalent deficiency?
— or a disaster for child health that may break the bank?
Polio Vaccination - Still Causing Polio After all These Years Whether in Pakistan, Africa or the U.S., it is time to stop equating public health with vaccination and time to admit that vaccination programs often leave new and worse problems in their wake
The sun has been a resource for Planet Earth since the beginning of time, and biological organisms evolved with a constant supply of energy they could count on every day with the rising sun
As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported a COVID-19 death toll of 161,392. Meanwhile, the more accurate fatality rate was a mere 9,684
A seven decade old cause of mysterious public ill health will eventually be solved with solutions which exist - today
The Common Denominator of All Disease; Part Deux...Is Chronic Disease Just Aging? Is there a difference between Aging and Chronic Disease?
The New Book, Nutrition and Integrative Medicine: A Primer for Clinicians, is an Indispensable Contribution to our Understanding of Nutritional and Integrative Medicine Therapies
Modern society has removed itself from the process of growing and cultivating its own food, but research has demonstrated that gardening has numerous physiological and psychological benefits. Read on for a list of highly nutritious vegetables that you can easily grow in your backyard or in containers on your porch
New research reveals how antibiotics in infancy may set the stage for a lifetime of allergies, offering fresh insights into prevention and treatment.
The task presented by the book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo is a fundamentally spiritual task: to know myself
And it all began over 70 years ago
That box of cookies or frozen microwaved meal may be convenient, but new research suggests it could also be slowly eroding your health
Psoriasis is a serious skin condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Thanks to a recent study, turmeric, a spice prized by sufferers of chronic joint aches and pains, may become the go-to natural way to treat this irritating skin condition without risks posed by anti-inflammatory drugs
Environmental contaminants are causing decreased sperm production among men, with couples having difficulty conceiving and children being born with numerous health concerns