Everyone needs a foundation, no matter what they are struggling with, and there are three steps to creating a healthier life recommended for everyone.
Dates, figs and prunes have several things in common. They are all fruits we often eat dried. They all likely originate in the Middle East or Mediterranean. And they all have surprising secret health benefits
Excess belly fat is not only uncomfortable -- it’s associated with heart disease, inflammation, insulin resistance and other chronic diseases. Adding this seed to your daily meals is a simple way to target abdominal obesity
Here are 20 health benefits you can expect from mint in its many different, wonderful forms, from peppermint to spearmint to wild mint
It may not be as popular worldwide as ginger, cinnamon and the other heavyweights of the spice world, but cardamom has earned a special place in diet and wellness for its wonderful benefits. In fact, this spice -- a staple in Indian cuisine -- is often regarded as the "queen of spices" where it's widely used. Here are five astounding benefits of cardamom for easily maintaining your health and well-being
Millions of doses of "acid blocking" proton pump inhibitor drugs are doled out every year, yet most doctors and their patients are completely oblivious to their unintended, adverse effects, which include increased risk for premature death.
While constipation can be caused by many things, there are natural alternatives to relieve this uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition
How crazy is it that Americans spend over $2 billion a year on laxatives to deal with constipation? Here is something else to ponder, studies designed to determine the percentage of adults suffering from chronic constipation put the number between 24% to almost 50%
Improve your gut function and give friendly bacteria a boost with gentle, effective psyllium husk
For decades, we've been bombarded with the message that cow's milk is a wholesome, healthy food essential for strong bones and a fit body. But what if this pervasive belief is not only misguided but actually dangerous? A growing body of research suggests that conventional cow's milk, far from being a health elixir, may be a toxic substance linked to a disturbing array of illnesses and disorders.
The science is growing behind the nutritional and health benefits of oligosaccharides
Researchers have observed that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a higher prevalence of gastrointestinal complaints than do children without autism, leading scientists to study the impact of gastrointestinal permeability on autism symptoms. A recent review of current evidence found that diet and antibiotic use may play large roles in the development of ASD in children
Kiwi is a wonder fruit for naturally tackling the tough, often painful, chronic constipation afflicting so many people worldwide
Cannabis may not be fully legal in the U.S., but thanks to new science on chronic pain from sickle cell disease, there is further proof of the prohibited plant's potent healing powers
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study finds flaxseed oil equally beneficial to fish oil supplementation in reducing myocardial disease risk in patients with Type 2 diabetes. This research is beneficial for those looking for plant-based supplements with benefits similar to the well-studied benefits of fish oil
What if the go-to laxative we give to constipated children was essentially repurposed antifreeze that could secretly sabotage their gut health when a natural, safer alternative like molasses may work even better?
Marvel over the humble cucumber with these 18 health benefits, which range from keeping your body cool and hydrated to helping prevent diseases such as diabetes
In a world where prescription pads often take precedence over shopping lists, a surprising revelation has emerged from the realm of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) research
Do you have histamine intolerance symptoms? The GAPS Protocol may be the detoxification, supplement and lifestyle program and diet you may need.
A recently published study in Nutrients reveals that taking glucosamine supplements may benefit gut health in multiple ways
More than just helping your skin recover from sunburn, aloe vera has a rich array of uses to improve your health and well-being. It can be ingested to fight inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome, or applied topically to fight eczema and other skin conditions. Here are compelling reasons to maintain your aloe vera plant at home -- or start growing one today
Our bodies are magnificent machines. When they're working properly, we feel invincible. When they're not working so well, we feel awful. But if we learn to read the signals that our magnificent bodies are giving us when something is awry, we can often take steps to avoid illness.
If you're struggling with heartburn, constipation or other uncomfortable symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), adding fiber to your diet, in the form of psyllium seed, may help
Ginger supplements may be the natural substance researchers have been searching for in the prevention and treatment of common inflammatory bowel diseases