Despite the increasing reports of people who report feeling symptoms of “electro-sensitivity” from cell phones, wifi routers, Bluetooth devices and other sources of microwave radiation, mainstream medicine continues to bury its head in the sand and ignore the issue
A modified excerpt from the book 'Climate - A New Story'
5G leads to a massive increase of mandatory exposure to wireless radiation
Alarmingly, the FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth, which will be beaming millimeter length microwaves across the earth
Most of us are too busy to notice. We have texting to do, and constant important information to exchange. But something invisible could be harming us. More people are experiencing headaches, tinnitus, brain fog, ear pressures, sleep disorders, neurological symptoms, cardiac, and cancer risks, plus more. There are even mysterious hums that people hear.
There are growing rumors about the connection between the 5G rollout and the development by the U.S. military of a non-lethal weaponization of that technology. Here are the facts...
Watching more than two hours of screens a day may harm the structural integrity of white matter in preschoolers' brains, with implications for language and literacy skills. Children under 2 years shouldn't use screens, but even those 2 and over may face lifelong consequences of too much screen time during childhood
What does the 5G network and a non-lethal weapon developed by the military have in common? Unfortunately, quite a lot
Imagine if you lived inside your microwave and could see the ubiquitous frequencies bombarding you several times per minute 24/7. You might be horrified. Some people are now claiming that they are getting sick from it. A condition referred to as 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity,' is a new form of environmental allergy. This sort of multi-frequency barrage of radiation to living beings, is unprecedented ...and rapidly increasing. Welcome, ‘smart’ grid.
City council chambers and local officials in the US are facing the outcry of residents frightened by the next generation 5G wireless communications which by all accounts, will be taking over neighborhoods soon
The first eight months of WWII with no fighting was called The Phoney War. Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war of another kind
Soon 5G will significantly increase our wireless RF radiation (radio frequency microwave) exposure 24/7/365 and enior telecom executives admit they have not done any safety testing on it
On Wednesday September 26, the FCC voted to grant itself more unconstitutional authoritarian powers to further their 5G agenda with an extremely heavy hand
Water is the only "substance" that can exist in a "fourth state" of matter. This fourth phase of water, also called "structured water", is the basis of biological life
According to the World Bank about three quarters of people on the planet now use a cell phone. So cell phones are a big deal now for pretty much everybody
Children are far more vulnerable to the damaging effects of electromagnetic fields than we are. Your child's brain absorbs two to three times as many EMFs as yours, and sources of exposure are everywhere. What can you do?
Today, many of us in the environmental movement consider the greatest danger to human health and the environment is going to be the full roll out of 5G technology
Public concern about our increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation is on the rise, but a shiny black rock called shungite may hold the solution
Our country, and world, face unprecedented challenges when it comes to health freedom; one in the form of mandatory vaccination and another in the form of universal wireless radiation exposure, involving increasingly complex and synergistically toxic electromagnetic frequencies
5G is also being touted as necessary to enable future technologies, there are significant health and environmental concerns relating to 5G radiation that are not being properly addressed
Radiofrequency (RF) radiation is recognized as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization, yet one study indicates that a popular Apple product is emitting much more of this radiation than the company previously disclosed. Reducing your exposure to this type of radiation (also known to lower sperm count and affect sleep and behavior) is more important than ever
The Rockefeller plan calls for COVID-19 testing and tracing of 1 million Americans per week to start, incrementally ramping it up to 3 million and then 30 million per week (the "1-3-30 plan") over the next six months until the entire population has been covered
Is the next generation of wireless the last? While industry says 5G is the promised land, concerned citizens say it's an impending global catastrophe
For years, scientists have warned about the dangers of enormous amounts of debris orbiting our planet. Now, telecommunications companies want to 20,000 more satellites to the growing orbit of junk