Did you know that a single culinary serving of spices in the form of curry can dilate your arteries, preventing the cardiovascular harms associated with eating common foods?
The more easily blood flows through your arteries and veins, the less your heart has to work. Now researchers have proven that less than a cup of wild blueberries can have an almost immediate and long lasting effect on how well your vascular system is circulating blood.
We all know that leafy green vegetables are good for us, but do you know why they're so good? There are plenty of reasons but, when it comes to heart health, the secret may be nitrates and chlorophyll
Chocolate is clearly one of the most enjoyed foods on the planet, and has one of the oldest documented histories of use going back to 1100 BC. And yet, many still harbor guilt about consuming it because they associate it with "candy," having never been exposed to the growing body of research indicating it may actually be closer to a "medicine."