Herbicides used in GM farming like Roundup have long been understood to be toxic, that much is true, but the ongoing debate rages over to what degree they are toxic. Shocking research indicates that the so-called "inert" ingredients in these glyphosate formulations are actually highly toxic, and amplify the toxicity of the active ingredient.
What do GMOs and vaccines have in common? You may be surprised to learn how many overlapping issues they share, and why both technologies should be scrutinized far more closely.
A new study reveals that Roundup herbicide enhances the growth of aflatoxin-producing fungi, lending an explanation for the alarming increase in fungal toxins recently discovered in U.S corn, and revealing another way in which GM farming is seriously undermining food quality.
Children with autism have a peculiar digestive system disorder, as was recently eloquently described by Dr. Arthur Krigsman at the AutismOne conference. How might glyphosate (Roundup) cause this?
If Monsanto's Roundup herbicide were actually 'safer than table salt' as they once advertised, the consumption of GM food wouldn't be nearly as controversial. The truth, however, is that virtually all GM food today contains residues of this toxic chemical, which disproves that GM and non-GM foods are 'substantially equivalent," which is the primary doctrinal justification behind why GM foods are not properly safety tested and millions in this country eating them...
Two studies published in the past six months reveal a disturbing finding: glyphosate-based herbicide formulations such as Roundup® suppress the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and lead to the overgrowth of harmful ones.
In the latest PR scandal to engulf Bayer, journalists at Le Monde reported May 9 that they obtained a “Monsanto File” created by the public relations firm FleishmanHillard listing a “multitude of information” about 200 journalists, politicians, scientists and others deemed likely to influence the debate on glyphosate in France.
BREAKING: Sri Lanka bans Roundup herbicide after it is linked to a deadly epidemic of kidney disease, and US statistics showing a similar link between herbicide use and acute and chronic kidney conditions.
Today a jury in Oakland, California awarded more than $2 billion to a couple who charged that Bayer AG's glyphosate-based Roundup weed killer caused their cancer. How will Bayer continue to sustain such punishment without filing bankruptcy?
Do you have digestive problems? Don't wait for science to sort it out, do your own test on the GMO effects on your health
New research released ahead of print and published in the journal Archives of Toxicology indicates that Roundup, the most common formulation of glyphosate, which is the largest selling herbicide in the world, is not only more toxic than its constituent ingredients, but is capable of damaging DNA within a human cell line when diluted down to 45,000% lower concentrations than presently used in GMO agriculture applications.
An alarming new study finds that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller, is estrogenic and drives breast cancer cell proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range. Does this help explain the massive mammary tumors that the only long term animal feeding study on Roundup and GM corn ever performed recently found?
This and future generations at risk for alarming rise in serious disease due to use of glyphosate (aka Roundup herbicide). Countries around the world are recognizing the danger, while here in America the use of this chemical continues.
A new study reveals the multi-dimensional problem of Roundup 'weedkiller' to human health, proving that your blood is not 'Roundup Ready.'
How much longer will we deny the growing body of research linking Roundup to infertility before calling this chemical a contraceptive?
Systematically bypassing public awareness and approval, GMOs have invaded a much wider market than the food industry. Dubious industrial uses surpass even the wildest imagination and show that our daily lives are far more contaminated by GMOs that we thought.