What if an edible oil from a common backyard vine could outperform leading medications for restoring hair growth without their risks? Meet the natural hair loss solution already growing in gardens worldwide.
Is there anything you can do to stop hair loss? Several simple hair-sparing strategies have proven effective, including correcting common vitamin deficiencies and avoiding toxic insults that can spoil your luxurious locks
Don't California my [Insert State Here]: The egregious injustice of SB276 and its trailer bill, which solidified sweeping vaccine legislation into law, was enacted under the false pretenses of fraudulent exemptions, targets medically fragile children, and will usher in an age of medical tyranny
The two FDA-approved medications for hair loss come with a risk of significant side effects. Ginseng provides a powerful natural alternative
Pine bark extract from the French maritime pine tree improves hair density and may reduce hair loss, offering hope to the millions of women affected by thinning hair
Have you ever looked down at your clothes and noticed the embarrassing, tell-tale signs of a flaking scalp? If so, you're not alone-dandruff affects one in five people in the United States. But it's important to understand the reason for those flakes: It could be a sign of normal dryness, a pesky fungal infection, or a serious autoimmune condition
From incurable to a cure for an autoimmune disease - why not make lifestyle changes today that can improve your life and vitality?
For millions of men, the promise of regaining a full head of hair with finasteride seemed like a dream come true. But a growing body of research suggests this supposed miracle cure may be more of a nightmare, with devastating sexual side effects that can persist long after stopping the drug. Disturbingly, many men report they were never warned about the true risks. Now, as more speak out about their life-altering symptoms, troubling questions arise about the safety of this widely prescribed medi
Could humble pumpkin seed oil really be just as effective as pharmaceuticals at restoring female pattern hair loss? See what the research has to say
A condition plaguing over 80 million men and women in the United States alone, hair loss a condition that not only indicates possible health issues but can also profoundly diminish quality of life
New research shows that treatment with this powerhouse combination restores euthyroid status in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. What’s more, you can easily obtain the therapeutic dosages from foods
There is simply no free lunch with medication treatment, and a risk/benefit analysis is very difficult to do if we don't know what environmental and genetic risks an individual is bringing to the table
Researchers from Korea compared lavender oil’s effects as a hair growth stimulant to the drug minoxidil (Rogaine)
Berries aren’t called superfoods for nothing. A review covering 336 scientific articles on these fruits has shown that berry consumption can go a long way in preventing and managing Type 2 diabetes and its complications