Over 50 scientific references say this important issue shall not be censored any longer
It is hard to imagine how anyone still consumes Splenda (sucralose), considering how damning the accumulating body of scientific evidence is showing that it is a SERIOUS threat to both human and environmental health. A new study adds GENOTOXICITY to the list of this chemical's many serious mechanisms of harm.
Not only can essential oils heal your gut, but they also play a role in maintaining gut health!
Whether you suffer with a chronic illness, psychiatric disorder or psychological condition, the first thing to check is your belly. That's because “All diseases begin in the gut,” according to the GAPS Diet creator Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D.
Millions of Americans take over the counter painkillers like Advil or Aleve without realizing they can damage the gut, leading to leaky gut syndrome. Here's how you can heal it...
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops
Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the 'probiotic cure' – of a patient whose debilitating symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation
Rather than haphazardly buying probiotics off the shelf, customize your selection this cold and flu season with evidence-based strains proven to boost immunity
Health Begins In the Gut. From a clinical standpoint, insofar as functional medicine is concerned, whether you present with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus---the fundamental objective is the same: heal the gut.
A condition plaguing over 80 million men and women in the United States alone, hair loss a condition that not only indicates possible health issues but can also profoundly diminish quality of life
Do you have digestive problems? Don't wait for science to sort it out, do your own test on the GMO effects on your health
Do you know what's in a vaccine? Will the active, inert and hidden ingredients in a vaccine make you question if you want vaccines in your body?
Do probiotic supplements really work? What does the peer-reviewed research reveal?
Discover why your "healthy" salad might be fueling inflammation and pain - even if it's gluten-free.
Cross-talk between plant and animal cells may be accomplished via microRNA-carrying exosomes, gene-regulating elements contained in plants which reinforce that food is information and suggests an inextricable co-evolutionary relationship between these two disparate kingdoms
The food you eat directly affects your brain
Conventional allopathic medicine can no longer ignore that the body and mind are inextricably intertwined. Research reveals the mosaic of autoimmune diseases linked to stress and natural solutions to restore immune homeostasis
The following case study provides an in-depth analysis of patients who experienced psychiatric medication withdrawal and were treated with an effective lifestyle medicine protocol
From improved digestion and strengthened hair and nails to increased immunity and detoxification, bone broth does it all!
Not only does most store bought almond milk contain only 2% almonds, but some are harboring a scary ingredient. Is your almond milk causing inflammation and disease?
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people struggle with and don't even know it can lead to many other health conditions.
Already a culinary favorite, new research indicates that garlic is beginning to look like an excellent alternative to statin drugs.
With global rates of celiac disease (CD) accelerating, a new study reveals a link between this popular pain killer and intestinal damage consistent with those observed in CD.
If you know what depression feels like - the brain clouding, the flat moods, the tiredness - you're not alone. Over 300 million people around the world have depression. What can you do? Learn more